Filkers (basically singing nerds) debate American politics in the direct aftermath of 9/11. If you're too young to remember all the Bush/Gore hullabaloo, this is it.

30  2017-07-10 by snallygaster


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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This is how we had to argue back before we had autists on reddit/twitter/tumblr to tell us what to believe and give us talking points to use.

Feels weird looking back on it, doesn't it?

Life is more convenient now, but I still have some nostalgia for the days when you had to pull poorly-informed arguments out of your own ass.

You could still get them from Rush Limbaugh's ass!

Are we trolling Usenet for drama now?

That's basically snally's job.


Are you new here?


Filkers. I don't think its as much of a thing these days, but think of it as an amateur version of Weird Al. Nerds make up their own nerdy lyrics to existing songs. And then perform them, preferably in public at a convention.

I used to have some filk on VHS - "Nagisa Bonita" is the only one I remember, because it was the only one that made me lol. It was set to "La Isla Bonita" by Madonna, but it was about Iczer-One. It went something like "Nagisa, o-ne-ga-ii, won't you be my battery, fight Neos Gold [something something], Nagisa Bonita!"

but can't remember what I are yesterday


If we're counting bussy, sure.

Well you know what they say you ARE what you EAT

Yeah, but I was comparing the word to people who eat cum from cunts and assholes.