Woman wants to keep a pregnancy, her husband wants her to abort. The best minds of TwoX tries to figure out how come he seems pissed off.

44  2017-07-10 by IAintThatGuy


Jews did this


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Fucking Jews impregnating wives!

Stop kinkshaming (((me)))!

"Oops, forgot to take my birth control for a few months but it's still your fault!"

Everyone one of those mongo TwoXers deserves a postterm abortion.

You have a strange understanding of the word "forgot".

"Forgot " in this context means - discussed with spouse, decided to stop taking bc, mutually start trying for baby in the near future and bought back-up birth control that spouse then refused to use.


You forgot "and then had sex with him anyway"

It takes two to make a baby with congenital low IQ

They discussed it and tracked her cycle and condoms were bought but he didn't want to use them 'cause muh penis feelz

I hope she has quadruplets

DH decided he didn't want to wear the condoms.

You're stretching here.

unlike those condoms tbh

Legal abortion, please.

Or just throw her down the stairs. Even if that means a few years in jail. Because that dude is gonna regret having a kid with her for a lot longer than that.

Or just get a baseball bat and hit her when she's asleep. Then just pass it off as a vivid nightmare

Ah, the Pistorious method of birth control.

I feel like she isn't telling them the whole story. I think it's time for an alternate abortion. Maybe she falls down the stairs, or a couple crushed up morning after pills are in her food.

That's what I said earlier : even if that dude was convicted for it, still better than a lifetime sentence having a child with her.

Did you miss the part where the husband said he wanted her to abort so he could hold off for a few months?

So what? If a woman wanted an abortion for the same reason, it would be her reproductive right.

ok I'll just let you jerk yourself raw in peace

I get how the husband is being an asshole to her though. Like he could make up his mind. Seems like those two idiots are going to be unhappy no matter what. I'm team abortion + divorce because they shouldn't reproduce together.

I agree, if it being a few months early is too big a deal, he shouldn't have kids at all. He doesn't want them it seems and the wife is gonna hate him and herself and she aborts and they will inevitably get divorced.

/u/sporksmakemyday by agreement of /r/drama : flush that baby, and dump your husband.

Please. There is literally nothing this woman could say or do that would make you judge her for it. And there is literally nothing a man could say or do that would absolve him from guilt in your eyes.

You're just bigots over there. And like most bigots I've known, you've convinced yourselves that you're the oppressed ones.

Sorry I couldn't hear you I was too busy judging penises and persons with penises

You mean people


but you mentioned the only two types of people, it seemed redundant

You're just bigots over there. And like most bigots I've known, you've convinced yourselves that you're the oppressed ones.

t. mensrights and KiA user

KiA user

What does that even mean?

Keep it Anakin

It means he drives one of these

t. mensrights and KiA user

/r/indieheads user.

Yeah. There.

I'm upvoting. I need to hear that he is being irrational. I need to know that I'm not silly for wanting to keep this child.

"Lonely harpies. Please confirm what I'm already thinking."

At least she's transparent.

Honestly, this attitude is why nearly everything done by, or for, women just completely sucks.

They refuse to accept criticism--not just of themselves, but of any other woman, ever, under any circumstances. They are unwilling to portray female characters in unflattering ways, or to have bad things happen to them. They are unwilling to even chastise women who start sucking dick in public or walking around with their genitals exposed.

Honestly, how is any man supposed to respect a bunch of prickly little children who won't accept responsibility for anything they do, or allow anyone else to lay blame when a woman does wrong.

Could you imagine if men just decided to pretend that no man would ever rape, steal or murder? Because women have pretty much already decided that other women will never do bad things.

dude what

A girl didn't text him back

you sound like an incel but you're right, women are like jews and protect their own right or wrong

Yeah not like those pesky blacks who shoot up their own neighborhoods and deal crack to their local youth


I believe you meant to say "Jews of Color"

Could you imagine if men just decided to pretend that no man would ever rape, steal or murder?

You mean like how every rape case discussed on reddit has about 5000 dudes all like "Well hang on, let's not be hasty here, maybe she drugged herself, tied herself up, and this poor gentleman just tripped and fell cock-first into her."

When you're describing rape cases that boil down to regret as the woman being drugged and tied up, then it's little wonder that people stop believing them.

Yep, good thing men never stick together.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean in this context.

men never stick together.

it's like water and oil fam. they dont stick together

Are you fucking serious?

he likes sticky men

Men sticking together is noble and good.

This feels hyperbolic.

Turn your computer off and go outside

Tone down on browsing /r/MensRights

I mean the husband is the retarded one in this scenario.. if you're having a kid the fuck does it matter if it comes a few months early

no it seems more like the husband was hoping they'd do it a little later, maybe a little later, oops maybe never.

That's why you use a condom. And get a secret vasectomy.

Oops, now you're infertile!

They'd been married all of a month and were just about to buy a house, that's a shit-awful time to have a kid; they're basically going to be incurring the two largest expenses of their lives at the same time one of them is going to be out of work. Not only is it a stupid idea, not being able to put things off for a few months would be a gigantic red flag as to her ability to plan and work for the future. Hubby is rightfully shitting bricks over this situation and the idiot he married.

Tbf, him going in unprotected was also dumb as hell, so they're probably made for each other until the inevitable divorce.

Gas the breeders

b-b-but i thought it was just a bunch of cells

oh suddenly it becomes a child when the woman wants to keep it

It still is just a bunch of cells but she wants to let it develop into a child. This shouldn't be as hard of a concept for you to grasp as it seems to be.

This shouldn't be as hard of a concept for you to grasp as it seems to be.

Take your own advice, cupcake.

'Consistency' shouldn't be a hard thing to grasp, nor should 'Other people are real and have feelings independent of my own'. And yet, you people fail that one time and time again.

How is this inconsistent with early abortion? It's just potential for life, your feelings won't change that.

Why can't she wait a few months and let the next clump of cells develop into a child?

Why can't her husband be less of a babby?

Why can't she?

Problem is she too much babby formed

Through the power of what a woman's imagination (which other women will take for an objective truth), anything can become :

*mansplaining *rape *harassment *a child

Why is mansplaining on this list?

Shanley isn't really representative of anyone who hasn't had a railroad spike forced into and then removed from their frontal lobe by a hobo on meth

It's a parasite remember!

It's called pro-choice for a reason dingus. That's literally the whole point.

I will now, against my better judgement, try to reason with someone on the internet before your very eyes!

You cannot simultaneously argue for and against two mutually exclusive concepts and expect anyone to take you seriously. "It's not a baby unless it's convenient for me to say it is" isn't a point, it's an unabashed double standard. Either a month old fetus is a baby or it's not. It can't be both.

I think the position of most pro-choicers is pretty clear... They maintain it should be the mother's choice, up to a certain point(which for most countries seems to be the end of the first trimester) And people who don't want to get an abortion but are still pro-choice aren't contradicting themselves. This isn't some gotcha moment man, pro-choice people can very easily hold in their minds that a bundle of cells isn't a human being but that obviously given some time to develop in a womb, will become one in a matter of months.

We're not arguing that cells becoming a child in the future is stupid, because it's not. We're arguing that a single person using "a month old fetus is just cells" to convince someone to get an abortion and "a month old fetus is a baby" to convince someone not to get an abortion is stupid. And that's exactly what we're seeing in that thread. Their definition of what is or is not a human changes based on how convenient it is for them.

I see. I wasn't referring to specific individuals. I was speaking generally. Yes obviously someone using both arguments simultaneously would be moronic. My bad.

This woman has all the right to keep her child. I know everyone hates TwoX, but they're in the right here.

She totally has the right. The part that is dumb is that she wants her husband to magically be ok with it, and she turns to the echo chamber to hear that it's totally fine to do what she's doing against his wishes.

She wants to have her cake and eat it too because she clearly expects some magic formula to make her husband submit. She's probably going to go through with it and later either complain her marriage isn't going well, or that the husband left.

If abortion wasn't legal this wouldn't be a problem. Just saying.

I agree. That dude wouldn't have played fast and loose with condoms.

This woman has all the right to keep her child. I know people don't like TwoX, but they're in the right here.

The part that makes it funny is when these arguments go the opposite way in trollx or twox it isnt a child anymore, but a bunch of cells. Its only a baby when the man dosent want it.

I mean, if you believe a woman's life is disproportionately affected more by pregnancy than a man's life, then it makes sense.

That depends entirely on who's working 40 life-shortening hours a week for the next 18 years to pay for the result of said pregnancy


You right, you right, but the dude is still hilarious in this. He wanted a kid a month from now, not right now! Sounds like a freak.

Your mistake is believing she's telling the truth. They're probably much further off from a house than she's telling TooManyChromosomes.

"I didn't want a kid this week, I wanted it next week. Abort! "

Nobody has the right to burden a man with a child.

This sounds real nice, but how does it play out? The implication is that the man has the unilateral decision over whether his partner has an abortion, no?

Yes. Islam will fix this.

You're being weird.

No. Both decide if they want the baby. If the man doesn't want the baby he gives ways parental rights. If the woman doesn't want the baby, abortion or adoption.

Whereas now, beyond implication, is the fact that the woman is granted the unilateral decision for reproduction. That doesn't sound very fair, either.

Even if we did have a system of legal paternal surrender, this case would get laughed out of the fucking courtroom (assuming OP isn't lying): planned to have a kid after buying house, in middle of buying house, wife goes off birth control, tracks ovulation, he refuses to use condoms.

Why are you seriousposting in /r/drama?

Oh, my mistake. This guy is a dumbfuck retard and you are an incel pleb.


If I were a judge I'd legally require them both to get sterilized and the baby to be abandoned deep in the jungle to emerge more powerful than any regular human

I love how it becomes a kid and not just a bunch of meaningless cells only when the argument is this way. Lol

Im all for abortion, have at it. However, you cant pull the scientific rationalist act and the "its my babbbbby" act at the same time.

That's women logic, it comes with the vagina.

Abortion does have some physical consequences, one of which being you can't get pregnant for a little while, but discussion about that is strangely missing

Abortion does have some physical consequences, one of which being you can't get pregnant for a little while, but discussion about that is strangely missing

You know, considering that fact it does make you wonder what human evolution will look like if we manage to survive another hundred thousand years.

Probably a population that is mostly men and like 10% women because abortion treatments over thousands of years have caused evolutionary infertility. The only women that will be left are the descendants of Mormons, Islamists, Roman Catholics, and different gradiations of red n3ck bible thumpers.

I mean, in cases of botched abortions, sometimes it results in infertility for life. I don't know how to respond to the rest because you've just kind of thrown shit at the wall to see what could possibly stick

I mean, in cases of botched abortions, sometimes it results in infertility for life.

I think this goes further to my point.

I don't know how to respond to the rest because you've just kind of thrown shit at the wall to see what could possibly stick

You arent very good at just getting high and bullshitting, are you?

You can't pass down infertility.

You arent getting what I am talking about buddy, follow me along here and lets spitball. I am talking about the change to our evolutionary path that human women mostly all taking chemical birth control and getting chemical abortions could have over thousands of years.

If the only women that are breeding a lot are ones that dont go on birth control, then it stands to reason by evolutionary science, that the only women who are going to be successful mates in the far future are those that arent descended from woman who get abortions and are habitual birth control users from the age of 16. Now. That being said, the haibitual use of strong hormone affecting drugs also over the course of thousands of years is its own story.

This just makes sense.

If you're infertile you can't have kids

Fertile parents can pass down genes that make their children infertile just like parents with sight can have blind children.

We're talking about infertility in people who get botched abortions, right? That's like saying you can genetically pass on having your nuts ripped out

We're talking about infertility in people who get botched abortions, right?

Noooo im talking about the infertility of family lines over thousands of years that where females of said lines consistently alter their fdrtility with chemical abortion and birth control etc.

I am just bullshitting.

That's like saying you can genetically pass on having your nuts ripped out

Oh, I agree.

What other fantasies do you make up to dull the pain of your life devoid of human touch?

But it wouldn't make sense that that affects the sex ratio (which you implied it does, there being only 10% women in your hypothetical society)

A percentage of botched circumcisions result in the lost of the penis, but it's still socially acceptable to perform them without consent. Both abortions and circumcision are about the convenience of others, not the ones having the operation performed upon them. I don't see why it should be treated any differently.

How is this related? Go join one of the 1,000,000 anti-circumcision circlejerks already in promise



You were only pretending to be retarded.

seriousposting about circumcision

When a foreskin gains consciousness and grows up to compose a symphony you might have a point.



Awww, now. All I really wanted is a little gif of a dick conducting an orchestra.

Both abortions and circumcision are about the convenience of others,

Lol, no. Thats a retarded comparison and you should feel bad about it.

You don't know how evolution works. Its ok most don't.

It won't take 100k years really. Prior to the last 50 years, even women without strong maternal instincts had "oops" kids, and usually after that those instincts kicked in. They weren't at a major disadvantage evolutionary.

Now that those women can "opt out" they will quickly be removed from the gene pool, leaving only women stronger maternal instincts both genetic and culture. There won't ever be a 90% male thing since it doesn't produce any long term evolutionary advantage. Infertility is only selected for in species where everyone is very closely related, like a bee hive, where the workers are basically genetic slaves but due to their relatedness as all sisters its genetically viable.

The more you know

You don't know how evolution works. Its ok most don't.

Fair. Go on.

It won't take 100k years really. Prior to the last 50 years, even women without strong maternal instincts had "oops" kids, and usually after that those instincts kicked in. They weren't at a major disadvantage evolutionary.

Now that those women can "opt out" they will quickly be removed from the gene pool, leaving only women stronger maternal instincts both genetic and culture. There won't ever be a 90% male thing since it doesn't produce any long term evolutionary advantage. Infertility is only selected for in species where everyone is very closely related, like a bee hive, where the workers are basically genetic slaves but due to their relatedness as all sisters its genetically viable.

The more you know

This is a A-👌 post.

Yeah, only the pregnant woman gets to secide if its a potential kid or a cancerous tumor Not that hard to figure out you incel.

Wow they had a plan and couldn't follow it and now this timeless argument happens once again. Mistakes were made on both sides and I agree when they suggested couple's counseling. Hoping for an update.

Mistakes were made on both sides and I agree when they suggested couple's counseling. Hoping for an update.

That doesn't sound like very good drama tbh

I think they should abort because the dad is clearly of inferior genetic stock.

> have discussion with wife about going off birth control

> refuse to use condoms


Yup that's why retards can't legally consent to sex.

Not to mention she said she was monitoring her fertility as birth control as well. That works 0% of the time.

Sounds like she raped and took advantage of a differently abled vulnerable person.

It's sad, because either way this marriage is doomed. If she aborts, she's going to end up resenting him for it. If she doesn't, he's going to hate her.

I'm pretty sure they marriage was shit way before that. It's just that now she'll have to admit it.

I don't think you people know anything about fertility. It takes years on average for people in their 30s to succeed in getting pregnant. It makes total sense to me that in the time leading up to when they want to begin the process of attempting to conceive that she would go off her birth control and had the husband really been gung-ho about waiting a whopping two months he could have put a rubber on it.

Humans aren't machines, there's no guarantee whatsoever that just because they were easily able to conceive the first time, that all subsequent pregnancies will go similarly. She could abort this one and then not be able to re-conceive for years.

whatever, both of these people seem retarded as fuck I don't know why I'm defending them

Isn't it infuriating, when every side of the story is retarded, you can't really pick one, and then you know there's probably who's going to grow up in the middle of all that.

I just don't understand how like, when she bought him the condoms and he turned them down, did she not say anything like, 'ok well don't be mad if I get pregnant early then?' Or were they really too stupid to understand sperm + egg = maybe a baby or two

Let's be real : they sounds dumb as fuck. And the nail in the coffin is when her reaction is like "lets ask TwoX what they think", instead of fucking making up her mind on her own like an adult who's gonna have to care for a child.

I really hope she gets and abortion that leaves her sterile, she's going to fuck up a kid someday (maybe that one, or if it's aborted the next).

all I could see in that wall of text was 'i want' over and over again

/r/lordperiwinkle show us on the doll where the bad man touched you. Holy shit lady, you're one angry piece of work.