Sperg flips his shit over some preserved heads

17  2017-07-10 by Popecockandballs


Now with added cancer!


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Well as a Maori and a Kiwi, That's amazingly offensive. Who's going to show some KKK lynchings next, maybe some cross burnings?


I agree. Dear Gsbiz, how can your people be barbaric fat retards who sell off heads they themselves cut off? Honestly, it's about time someone looks at you kiore eating fucks with a critical eye.

Purchasing and selling the corpse of your enemy is a war crime. He was an officer of the queen and should have been held to a higher standard still.

... higher standard than those Maori barbarians, like, of them collecting and selling heads of their enemies is fully expected, what you gonna do, but an Englishman we should hold to a higher standard and condemn his stooping almost to the level of the savages. Am I reading this correctly?

I'm beginning to suspect that /u/gsbiz is not a Maori herself but a racist white trole taking this opportunity to shit on them.

I live for the drama, give me all your props.

I'll sell you my props for your ancestors head in a fucking box.

Were your people really so bereft of goods to trade that they used their heads as currency?


Yep, during the land wars the British "confiscated" extremely large tracts of land from the Maori people. This left the people the inability to grow food on their land and they were starving. Selling everything you have for whatever you can get is the start of war. The result was the New Zealand wars.

Still, savages

Rational people don't collect heads under any circumstances.

I understand selling the PlayStation, selling your Mercedes and slumming it in a Honda or whatever, maybe even forgoing weekly salon appointments, but all of those things are normal, every day items a person of any worth would own. They wouldn't have a couple of heads to get rid of.

when times get rough I consider selling all the decapitated heads I have in my closet

well when you put it that way I feel bad for those poor noble savages having to sell their head collections.

Why not have a positive attitude and say "look, we're so good at preserving heads that even white people want to collect them"?

Or, we know what's important and what's not and would sell those decorative mummified heads of our enemies in a pinch for a bunch of rifles to then kill the very people we sold those heads to. There's a silver lining to every cloud!