A thread in which the left fights each other over literally everything, take a shot every time a different political Ideology is mentioned

0  2017-07-10 by WeWuzKANG5



lol Bernie people all think he was cheated. So cute

What's even cuter is they think socialism is going to happen

Coin tosses and closed primaries, seems legit fam.

Basically he lost because Hillary got that question leaked to her about the Flint water thing for the debate they were having in Michigan. Rigged af.

This, but unironically.

Barney sandals whoukd have givwen me the free money!! - Every retard in that sub.

Man I'm so glad Bernie sanders has never had a significant impact on national policy and most likely never will.

r/shitpoliticssays is that way ~~>

Sorry, seemed dramatic enough to me.

I checked a couple of the links and didn't see much tbh

Got it, my bad.

no worries, it just gets old, ya know?

Oh I get it, I'll try and find non-politics stuff, juicer anyways.


the fewer political posts in r/drama the better imo