[ANNOUNCEMENT] [REQUIRED READING] Following the recent kerfuffle, this subreddit is now under my control.

75  2017-07-19 by DarqWolff

For context

A few days ago I noticed I had been removed and re-added as a moderator here. I replied with a question mark, to no response. I only learned of what's happened after someone pinged me in the thread linked above.

Having missed whatever went down, I maintain a pure enough heart to manage this community in good faith. I have not read about what happened, as I wish to maintain my innocence.

Effective immediately, I'm taking over here.

I've discussed this at length with /u/sodypop (simulated by my friend), and I've verified complete support for a seamless transition of power. I'd like to thank the previous top mods for their cooperation in this turmoil.

My first order of business as your new Overseer will be a trust-building exercise. I'd like all other moderators to remove yourselves. I will re-add you. This will strengthen our leader-follower bond.

Second, some new rules around here. From now on the following users:

Are BANNED from making low-effort comments. This will be difficult to enforce, so other mods, collab with me on a methodology. I'd suggest we simply remove all their comments except the 10% highest-rated. Over time, their brains may adapt to the changed quality standards, and we might be able to relax the rule as they start posting only their best.

Finally, this CSS is in desperate need of a revamping. I'd like someone to slap a "new and improved!" over that big ole /r/Drama logo at the top. We will be holding a contest to see who can come up with the best DarqWolff-themed CSS template, as a temporary change to celebrate the new leadership of the subreddit.

That is all. Carry on!