The admins have spoken. The mods have spoken. Let the users decide. Strawpoll on the ousting of /u/AnnArchist + rate your mods

37  2017-07-19 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

I was going to add a "Who are these people and why should I care?"-option, but I was afraid we'd not get a single vote to answer the question.

I also think that with these new revelations putting the mods in a very different light, it might be fun to see how the lowly proles actually view their betters. What are your thoughts on the people without which "There really is no sub"?

I'll start to get the ball rolling :)

God-tier/Near irreplaceable: /u/Snallygaster, I don't think I have to say much here, we all know why. She is an active participant and posts good content. Never totally embarrassing herself like some other mods is a plus too.

I also have to put my countryman and fellow edgelord /u/xNotch here. Not only has he created more drama than any of us ever will, but in addition to being an meme mod he actually delivers whenever he decides to chip in. His autism simulator Minecraft will also ensure that we'll have a new generation of idiots to replenish the ranks when we die off.

Mods I like: /u/Serialflamingo - Seriously, we can't have a drama sub without a gay boi. Posts decent content and it's fun to see him in a slapfight.

/u/justcool393 - Seems like the mod most active when it comes to actually doing moderation and communicating with the userbase. Writes pretty funny comments and, in contrast to other mods, showcases some level of self-awareness.

/u/Phedre - Always stickies her(?) own shit, but most of the time it's good shit so I don't mind terribly. She's(?) got the powermod sickness pretty bad, but I've never seen her do anything that made me reeee.

/u/AnnArchist - I think it's fun, fresh and important to have a top mod who isn't part of the 'chosen few' with what is most likely the most pathetic Discord group ever. To anyone begging for modstatus, remember that participating in that is a requirement. He's also done some beautiful takedowns when defending himself and explained his reasoning well. Keep.

Mods I love to hate (keep them): /u/Zachums - I hate dogowners on the internet, so there's that. Most of his activity here is shitting up the threads with off-topic discussions with the cool kids from the off-site platforms. I also don't think he's funny but hey, that's subjective, actually it makes it a fun surprise when he manages to post something good. Whenever I criticize him to his face he's taken it well and humbled me in the process.

/u/riemann1413 - The ugly duckling of the sub. Like Zachums he prefers to stay off-topic or talk about himself a lot of the time, but it's always good fun to see him be btfo'd by everyone. He's been growing on me ever since I started to view him from the underdog perspective. I cheer whenever he manages to peg someone back. The place would be less fun without him, he makes the rest of us look better.

/u/HAHApointsatyou Not quite as bad as the two aforementioned, but shares their cringey metavibe. I wouldn't miss him(?) if he stopped posting, but I like that I don't like other regulars because drama cannabalizing itself is the best

/u/UncleSamuel - Only because he signs his own comments on a platform that already displays your username. That's even more retarded than tripfagging, pisses me off to no end. In modmail even, where everyone involved already know who you are. What the hell is wrong with you?

Oh man, now I got bored. The drugs wore off. Wtf am I doing here exactly? I'll just shove the rest in two categories.

Literally who? pizzarollers, TitanT, DominusLutrae

The rest I recognize, but they didn't give off a strong enough impression I guess... or to put it in the words of Rumi gahe khandam, gahe giriyam - Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry (when I read their content, that is).

Edit: Wow, seeing the length of this thing I feel ashamed for posting it. Tempted to delete even. I'll keep it up in case you want to heckle me, because I deserve it.