my left-radical-center-neo-liberalism of the last decade has been one big lie. friends god help me i am back on my anarcho-communism

10  2017-07-21 by EvanHarper

i have been living a lie and i'm so sorry

it all unraveled after i read a book by an extremely credible academic who is coincidentally also an anarchist activist. (i admit he was unjustly forced to publish it in the "popular" press because of the well-known rightist bias in his field, cultural anthropology, but it is extremely credible.)

it turns out that according to this guy, there was a tribe on an island somewhere that lived in little hamlets of like 5-10 extended families each. they all believed in exactly the same religious and moral system and had an extremely rich and intricate economy based on subsistence farming. amazingly they made it all work without having, like, laws and governments and shit. they didn't put up with none of that. so i thought, what the fuck are we doing with laws and governments and shit in America. we're like way more advanced socio-economically privileged by the spoils of colonial exploitation than they are so obviously if they could make it work we have no excuse.

ban laws and governments and property and shit. just let people work it out for themselves. free leonard peltier and the cuban five ps i'm in an extremely good graduate economics program