Lowly redditor doesn't know the what constitutes facism, proud anti-fa swoop in to enlighten the masses that communism is nothing like facism.

33  2017-07-22 by kingsage18


I wish ppeople would stop calling any and all authoritarian moves fascism. Benito would slap your shit, what do you mean you're not even nationalizing key industries and combining then into state-controlled companies?

This isn't communism because the ruling government isn't communist, and this can be both a dictatorship and fascist, that's the point of fascism.

This isn't communism because it isn't communism

I'm thinking more of the Mussolini revival.

I'm not sure I could give a solid description of what fascism is, but I can tell you it isn't a random bunch of emotions or "always male".

They support themselves as a strong central power, they are globalists which is just an expanded form of nationalist.

LMAO, yeah dude, if you think Trump reflects the values of this nation you're smoking crack.

Or, you know, actual experts.


My understanding is Fascism is

when The government is Totalitarian,


Extremely Nationalistic,

Violently suppresses opposition and criticism,

Promotes a feature of their favored group to promote them over other people


the government controls corporations and commerce?