World's Proudest Boy & Dumbest Lawyer Jason L. Van Dyke absolutely ruins himself against lawblogger Popehat.

123  2017-07-22 by none_to_remain

Jason L. Van Dyke is a now-unemployed Texas lawyer, a Stormfronter, and very Prideful of his Boyhood. He sends many bombastic legal and physical threats to Popehat's internet acquaintance and then Popehat himself. He or his associates paid ten bucks apiece to send anonymous letters filled with glitter to Popehat et al. noting that an attack on the Pride of any of the Boys is an attack on all of them. Someone from Jason's former law firm made a comment to Popehat's first post about what a badass Mr. Van Dyke is. Jason L. now no longer works at that law firm. Jason L. Van posted pics of a bar complaint he proposed to mail in against Popehat (with glitter?). Then he deleted his Twitter like a tough motherfucker.

As of the most recent update, L. Van Dyke e-mailed Popehat great pasta material on his plans to devote possibly decades of his life to Pridefully staring at a picture of Popehat while trying to earn substantial amounts of money to ruin Popehat in some unspecified fashion. This is possibly still live drama!

Screencap of some threats that started this episode here.

Popehat article demolishing this individual's reputation.

2nd Popehat article regarding sockpuppeting of the other article's comments and more threats.

Screencaps from a bit before Mr. Dyke deleted his Twitter.


Out of the loop here apparently. What's a Popehat and what's a Proud Boy?


Proud Boys are the official Gavin McGuiness fan club (a single member is called a Proud Boy). Popehat is a famous blogger.

Popehat is a blog that pops up whenever I Google for legal advice. The results are never helpful, but always entertaining.

Maybe you should have someone on retainer if you find yourself frequently googling legal advice

Or stop murdering people.

mrs van dyke has added another level to being "triggered"

This is /u/snallygaster level fun! Good work!

From the Popehat article:

Blustery douches have an unmistakable tone, like a moral lisp.


Added to my list of people to keep tabs on

Popehat used to be a group blog w/ multiple contributors. One of them ("Clark"?) was a conservative-leaning Gamergate sympathizer. Which led Ken (who now runs the blog mostly solo w/ contributions from amusingly foul-mouthed first-amendment litigator Marc Randazza) basically to ask him to leave . . . that was a year or two ago.

Since then, Clark(?) and Ken have been feuding on Twitter about how definitive Ken's "suggestion" that Clark(?) leave really was. Bottom line: it's a spat too autistic even for /r/drama.

Though I definitely get Ken's POV that the blog was linked to his actual legal practice (the one that puts a roof over his family's head) and therefore probably shouldn't engage in random dramafests-of-choice. Which doesn't exactly explain why he's getting into it with this latter-day Anthony Martin Trigona (my personal favorite vexatious litigant), but whatever.

/u/popehat, does that about sum it up?

"Keep going, I'm almost there."

Where does gavin mcinnes come into this story?

of course they're losers

if they weren't, they wouldn't have to fall back on being white to justify their use of oxygen

The name Proud Boys was inspired by Aladdin. Oh no, not the movie, but the Broadway show.

Gavin is a classic case of throwing away good opportunities, like VICE.

Gavin McInnes threw away potentially millions at VICE and now runs a larping milita that shouts 4chan memes in public areas. The only way he isn't the biggest failure on earth is if he isn't being genuine and Proud Boys is a means to fleece dipshits of money.

The guy is bat shit crazy, the guy shouldn't be allowed to own guns let alone vote.

As an avid reader of Popehat, I can tell you this: your second question answered your first. For further details, google "Popehat Prenda", start the beginning, and enjoy.

Yeah, it was really dumb. Someone asked a question (probably 1st amendment stuff since that's Ken's thing) and Ken was like "Oh, I wrote a blog post a while back about this exact issue! It answers your question perfectly, here's a link to it!". Then he got banned for "self-promotion".

You're a lawyer?


I wonder what reality looks like from the perspective of someone like this. there must be mental illness

Could you not pull Jews into this? We did nothing.

That's good pasta.

lol "hi I'm a well established expert that's been working with and writing about this complex subject for many years." "What, bannnnnnn"

Reminds me of when Jimmy Wales was banned for posting a Wikipedia link.