Photo submitted on r/pics of "man comforting his son before being deported to Mexico after 16 years in the US". You know how this goes.

115  2017-07-23 by Matues49


Cool story bro.

[No real links]()

Just filling in for snapshillbot

I don't think your racist, I just think you lack human compassion. Much like the Americans who refused to accept Jewish refugees during the second world war.

Yes Mexico and Dachau are roughly equivalent.

I heard Dachau is not that bad, lots of swimming pools and showers, doesn't look that bad on the brochure they gave me.

Not to mention the heating system.

You know the concentration camp inmates got paid wages for their labour, they had theatres and cinemas, and even brothels? Yeah, I wonder why that wasn't shown in Schindler's List...

I can't tell if you're being ironic or if you're actually retarded

Yeah except the 'good' things were only accessible by the Kapo. Brothels couldn't be usable because your average prisoner was starving his ass off.

I mean, Europe should take in Mexicans to make up for WWII if Hitler is at it again.

Pics and news regularly get paid for upvoted content reach the front page. This was one of those.

Something like this happened locally. Guy has lived here for 10+ years. Owned one of the better steakhouses in town. Went to Mexico to visit family and was denied reentry.

Best part was his wife was a Trump supporters. She was even quoted in the local news saying she only thought they'd kick out the bad guys.

Well, shit, let's open the borders then. You've convinced me.

This but unironically

Go back to the Reichaliphate, scum.

Well, shit, let's open the borders then. You've convinced me

Bad hombres are pretty much the only reason why the right is becoming popular again and Trump won etc. - people care about borders primarily because of bad hombres; cheap illegal workers, freeloaders or whatever are WAY down on the concern list.

The wife was wrong to think Trump was the great good guy to solve all the problems morally, simple.

American voters care about borders because the left is trying to diminish our nation and turn it into a Maoist hellhole.

Mexican illegal immigrants are, unfortunately, being used by the left as pawns in this scheme. Mexican people are great people, but they should not be a larger part of the American population than people from any other immigrant origin.

American voters care about borders because the left is trying to diminish our nation and turn it into a Maoist hellhole.


Mexican illegal immigrants are, unfortunately, being used by the left as pawns in this scheme. Mexican people are great people, but they should not be a larger part of the American population than people from any other immigrant origin.

Not getting into the melting pot vs. ethnostate thing here, but I'm against autistic law enforcement in general.

Some laws exist that are either of questionable reasonability in the first place (in which case reasonable enforcers tend to be less enthuasiastic about prioritizing them), or only serve to prevent some long-term, large-scale consequences as opposed to any real harm in the here and now.

Having stringent crackdowns based on that type of legislation, doesn't make much sense - and only makes people question that law in the first place. People are fine enough with a questionable set of laws that's enforced in a lax fashion by reasonable enforcement... forces - the minute they go autistic on it, people might wake up and demand more reasonable protocols being added to the law, i.e. when to make exceptions for functional working dads living in the country for 10 years.

Maybe a good thing in the long run - as long as the laws actually get improved, which won't necessarily happen.

Not getting into the melting pot vs. ethnostate thing here, but I'm against autistic law enforcement in general.

A bold stance.

Bolder than your mom?

imagine being this retarded

anyway visit southern california sometime. hard to hate illegal immigrants much when you've tried their tacos

Imagine preferring shitty SoCal peasant tacos over TEX-MEX.

hey hey tex-mex is fukkin amazing

its just a different cuisine from the type of food you buy from someone who barely speaks enough english to take your order tho

He can put the tacos through a slot in the wall.

but then you have to go all the way to the border and like bribe the guards to look away and shit

im tellin ya, taco trucks singlehandedly justify illegal immigration

But we already have plenty of Mexicans.

I want more Rwandan food trucks and also the Rwandan babes working the food trucks should be demure but topless.

ok but hear me out tho

is there such a thing as too many taco trucks?

Well, yeah, if the whole parking lot is filled with nothing but taco trucks then you are in fucking Mexico.

I'm an American immigrant who lives in the Philippines, I pay out my ass here for Visa's and other fees. If I didn't obey the law my ass would be out of here in two seconds and no one would feel sorry for me. That's the way it is. You can't enjoy the benefits of going to a different country and not expect to follow the law.

Can I take a pic of you and post it on Reddit? I need karma

So you are stealing american jobs then? You have to go too.

No dummy I'm American who moved to the Philippines

Corrected. You have to go either way.

Immigrants steal jobs.

I am retired at 30 BTW, I dont have to work me and my wife moved here after we sold our business and I'm retired. I'm putting money into their local economy. I moved because its so fucking cheap here. I got a 5 bedroom house on a beach for $20,000, crimes low (Duturte dont fuck around) and he food is good as hell.

I'm putting money into their local economy.

Fucking worthless first worlders. That your entire claim and then you treat the population of your host countries like trash. Well fella, these illegals are putting money into the US economy, billions of dollars, in fact, so please, suck my Slav dick, mmmmkay?

First off I'm following the immigration laws here, paying taxes, and visa fees. My wife is Filipino who was born there but moved to the US young. My parents are dead she has lots of family here so why wouldnt we move here? Plus my daughter was born here.

No American except retards thinks all immigration is bad, they just dont like illegal immigration. You can't take advantage of its high wages and services (schools, etc) without paying taxes or immigration fees. That's stealing.

First off I'm following the immigration laws here, paying taxes, and visa fees.

That is not what I meant. Please fix your reading comprehension, mate.

You can't take advantage of its high wages and services (schools, etc) without paying taxes or immigration fees. That's stealing

Many of illegals do pay taxes. In fact, my friend, there's this thing called VAT, which is basically a mandatory indirect tax on the populace.

There is several ways to get legal then, there is immigrant advocacy groups that will help work with people. This guy had 16 years and had at least one child. He should have have thought about the ramification is. Plus there's a bunch of sanctuary cities. He was trying to game the system and got caught. Sucks for Jim and his family but its his own fault.

How exactly do you know that he was trying to game the system? Are you his case officer? How do you know that he wasn't a law-abiding citizen (besides violating the immigration law, of course)?

He got his citizenship legally and through hardwork.

Who says that he wasn't working hard? I'm not a SJW but you're xenophobe alright. If he's brown, he must be trying to game the system, right?

He did it the right way.

He did it because he was lucky. True, many people are lazy but many people may also be trapped by circumstances.

As I said, a worthless first-worlder, an entitled motherfucker who thinks that he's a God among men but turns out he's just a half-blood that got lucky through no actions but luck.

I'm brown so that argument doesn't make sense. He's also not law abiding if he's an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT. There's several ways to stay there are amnesty programs after 7 years, employee sponsorships, and other ways to legal stay. He was lazy and look where I got him. I'm not saying I dont feel sorry for him and his family but he brought it on himself. Also 100% of my success was through hard work. I grew up poor in Detroit and LA, studied my ass of in school go my degree started my own business that went no where for a few years and had to eat rice and hot dogs nearly every night. Then I gradually grew my business and got to a point where I could enjoy my life.

Also 100% of my success was through hard work. I grew up poor in Detroit and LA, studied my ass of in school got my degree, started my own business that went no where for a few years and had to eat rice and hot dogs nearly every night. Then I gradually grew my business and eventually got to a point where I could enjoy my life.

Sure, I believe you. It's the Internet after all. Every body could be Leo Tolstoy here, for all I know.

I dont care if you believe me, I dont even know what you are arguing. That because I'm American I shouldnt be able to immigrate because this dickhole can't? There's 400 million Indians who earn less than $500 a year, should they all come to America because they are poor? Then America ceases to be America and becomes a third world shithole too. We should only take the best immigrants. This guy had time to pay if he couldn't then he wasn't doing so hot here either so no big loss. I'm an immigrant that benefits my host country.

I'm an immigrant that benefits my host country.

Every time someone says it I smell a distinct air of snobbery. Shame on you.

Call it whatever you want but its true,l. this guy wasn't, otherwise he would have found a way to stay and become legal. Im a smoker when (not if) I die of cancer its my own fault, people can still feel sorry for me while acknowledging I brought it on myself. That's how I feel about the dude in the picture.

comparing an absolutely voluntary choice, when nobody forces you with circumstances that may be necessitated by the need to survive and thrive

being this motherfucking retarded.

Иди нахуй, товарищ.

Yeah ignoring immigration laws for 16 years is a voluntary choice and isn't it being retarded especially when you have kid(s?) that depend on you. Obviously if he couldn't pay for immigration fees after 16 years maybe he couldn't hack it in America and its time to go back.

Do you know absolutely everything about his case?

No VAT in America, you dirty foreigner.

SST, okay.

Your bussiness before you sold it reduced the profits of local bussinesses. You see the problem, isn't it? You may be giving money now but you harmed the economy before reducing other people's wages.

Also, if adding money to the economy was enough, no country would be as restrictive to low skill immigrants.

Immigration should be more strict to protect local bussinesses and workers.

How did I harm the local economy before? I had a small fabrication business where I made props for movies where I had 15 employees who AFAIK still have their jobs.

America isn't restrictive of low skill immigrants (UK is and others in the EU and Australia), you just have to go through a process. There is several ways to immigrate legally in the US.

The last point is funny because I came to a country where tourism is a huge part of their economy and has a huge ex pat community. They welcome foreigners because it takes in foreign money.

America is restrictive because immigration costs are high enough low skill workers won't migrate legally. And there are quotas. And that's good.

Also, if being liked by the population was enough, then it wouldn't be a problem in, let's say, San Francisco. But it harms wages even if some locals like it.

Some Philippines may like you, but you harm local bussinesses profits (or you harmed, you are giving your stolen profit now that you retired).

Do you think it's fair? Philippines should care about their people first. That includes bussinesses.

Your argument doesn't make sense because the US by far has the mist immigrants in the world at just over 37,000,000 https://e obviously its easier than you are making it seem.

I still don't see in anyway I'm harming the economy here. All I am doing is putting money into a country not taking it out. How is the money I earned through opening my own business from scratch and growing it immensely for 7 years and finally cashing our my own hard work stealing?

They do care about their people my wife and daughter are duel citizens and have a right to live here. They are welcoming if outside money because it is a rather poor country and foreign money coming in helps it. Also as a foreigner I can't own land or a house(its in my wife's name), so I can't as a foreigner stockpile property and ruin the market(see Chinese in Vancouver buying up all the land).

What matters is immigration per capita, not net immigration.

Eiher way, those are too much and I guess it includes illegal immigration too. It should be way less.

And as I said, you stole profit from local bussinesses as a foreigner. That you are giving it back and some locals lile you doesn't make it any less wrong.

If Philippines preserves those immigration laws it will get flooded by foreigners and it will stop being Philippines.

Your arguments are completely incoherent. What business am I stealing from? I dont do business here I spend money on me and my family not take in money from Philippines. The Philippines is a lot more restrictive and harder to permentaly immigrate to than the US. Many want them to be more open because its essentially a third world country in many parts. Foreign investment isn't a bad thing for the developing world.

US is too soft on immigration. Not even Trump is hard enough (he is not deporting as many people as promised), just a few people here and there.

Also, you could have spent your money on the US rather than other countries. That's the problem with globalism, you harmed your native country and you harmed local bussinesses in Philippines too.

The harm you do is reducing profits for local bussinesses (more bussinesses less, money, of course). Foreign money disincentivizes local money, as foreign workers undercut local workers.

It's not hard to understand.

I didn't harm anyone, in fact I am providing a better life for my wife and daughter because they can be around her family. I just have a few cousins left that's it. i was the only child,parents, and grandparents are dead.

Also my money goes way further here so I can give them a better quality of life for them then I can in America with the same money, plus it's safer. I honestly only give a shit about them. Unlike the dude that got deported I'm always thinking of my family and 100% wont do anything to fuck that up.

Do you think you are so different from that guy?

You steal profits all the same. If you got deported I wouldn't feel any less sad.

The guy was thinking about his family too. Imagine what kind of economic conditions makes someone travel knowing this can happen. You are not so different.

Yes, because I took all the steps to do it the right way and never jeopardize my family's well being by trying to be "under the table", your whole " stealing profits " thing you keep saying makes no fucking sense at all.

I'm not trying to go to a country to become well off, I already was well off and came to another one to retire, relax, and spend time around my wife's family for my daughters sake while soaking in a different culture. I have nothing against immigrating everyone for the most part came from immigrants in America. the guy but he fucked up by not getting legal. Our situations are not at all the same.

So you believe you are superior to him because you are richer and you can pay your way into a country then?

I'd deport you even harder in that case.

No, I'm just smarter because I followed the rules, what's so hard about this?

The rules are mostly there to make it hard to immigrate. Fees, paperwork, quotas, all because immigration is a problem.

The only difference between you and him is that you had more money to deal with all that. But output wise it's the same; both of you harm the places where you migrated. Increased competition = reduced wages.

Just because you feel entitled to migration because of your legal bribery designed by lazy ass politicians, it doesn't make you any less bad.

There's no parallel between us at all. I dont feel entitled to anything, I'm just dealing with the way things work in the world. My wife wanted to go back home and I had nothing keeping me in the US. If he married an American he could have stayed.

I dont see how I'm competing with Filipino's I'm literally not taking anything away from them but i am adding to the economy. Like I said I feel sorry for the dude but he fucked up by not becoming legal. Not a total loss for him his son is now a US citizen(I'm assuming he was born there), so in effect he got away with for a long ass time and ensured his son has a chance at the American dream.

"It's the law" is one of the stupidest excuses in the book and being unquestioning of the status quo saying "it's the way thing work in the world" is lazy. Current immigration laws are too lax in all the world, just because you are fine with them, it doesn't make them any good.

You are nothing more than someone feeling entitled to open borders while decrying it for other people that have less money than you and that benefit in the same way. You shouldn't have been able to migrate from the US, you should have stayed and used to money in your own country, putting it first.

I'm wasting my time with you if you cannot see that, I don't think I'll keep arguing it with you.

Good because I get the last word and you started picking this fight. How about this. I dont give a shit about what some asshole on the internet thinks. I'm taking care of my family and giving them the best life I can while totally respecting and assimilating into the culture i entered while bringing good money.

Post bussy.

I invite you to r/subredditdrama where we are having a similar discussion

I've heard of sex tourism, but damn bro you went full sex immigrant. Wow.

Was already married so no didn't come here for that troll.

You sound fun.

Well maybe calling someone a sex immigrant isn't the best way to give a head nod you know.

I'm sorry that you would take offense to that implication Mr. Honk4Tits.

I'm an American immigrant who lives in the Philippines

hahahahahahaha why would you do that

You can't enjoy the benefits of going to a different country

like suspension of due process for the death penalty and free ISIS beheadings?

and no one would feel sorry for me

no shit? I don't even know where to begin here

Finally, he is able to go home.

Country that harbours people like Beiber, Piers Morgan and Deepak Chopra really shouldn't be setting any standards for immigration. Also, nuke it.

16 years is more than enough time to become a citizen.

Yeah, he must not have applied for citizenship. Kind of dumb on his part.

Not for an illegal. There's no path for them.

man /r/pics is even worse about agendaposting than OP

It says that at the gateway to ellis island. These guys snuck through the back door.

America had virtually no immigration laws back then iirc, it wasn't until the 1880's when they were introduced and the laws basically stated "don't be bat shit, don't be sick and don't be a fucking thief."

If we're going to do things because every other first world country does it, I guess we can nationalize our healthcare too.

Yeah we need to change the rules to kick out all the mayos

The best kind of Neutral.

I support legalizing illegal immigrants as long as they're pressed into working in giant governmental marijuana plantations for 10 years

Your move, Mexico.

That wasn't my point. I could care less about marijuana than I do your butt crack hairs

every other first world country is also objectively monstrous though, so im not really sure what your point is

>taking itself seriously
lol look at those nerds

We should instate a law that rewards not getting caught long enough with citizenship.

Good enough for an Ancap.

Few countries deport someone who has been living in that country for tens of years.

Without Snappy's charisma, we aren't as riled up as we normally are. r/Drama energy levels are declining.


plight of an invader.

Just like health care really.

why do people think theyre just allowed to live in whatever country they want and anything else is oppression

honestly dont get it

You don't necessarily get led in handcuffs, but you do have a guard accompany you.

I'm pro close borders and pro cannabis. I'm also basically as far left as you can get on the political spectrum.

Politics aren't black or white.

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seeing a family torn apart after someone is deported

This always gets me. Why isn't the kid sent back with him? Someone has to take care of the kid.

didn't pass an English literacy test

Hell, you don't even need to speak a word in English to be an immigrant. Something's surely amiss.

this but unironically, unironically

any country that takes itself seriously

good to know we can stop then

"he's nit 'being deported,' he's merely subject to an ordered deportation! those morons"

but then the logical autistic side of me says well they are staying in the country illegally, they didn't file the proper paperwork, get a background/health check, didn't pass an English literacy test and the process for that system (which is intact for a reason) was just completely ignored.


Maybe some families should be made exceptions? But then what does that demonstrate to the families who followed the proper process, paid their fees and passed their checks... It's a bit of a slap in their face.

Who the fuck cares about "a bit of a slap" in the face? I'm sure it's a bigger slap in someone else's face when they get deported.

What's the reason to deport him, after he already got here and no problems have arisen? Deport the bad hombres who would've failed the test - if he's good enough, have him pass a test that allows him to stay.

This whole "no they came illegally so they must out, even though they can then later enter legally again I'll speed up the process I promise" is pure OCD autism.

Everyone will want to become the exception to the law.

Prevent the bad hombres from becoming the exception, main problem solved already.

i mean, if he's here and he's not causing any problems I don't see any real reason why he shouldn't be allowed to stay

like is the only argument for it the idea that this will encourage other mexicans to move here and contribute to the economy for 16 years without causing problems because I'm not really understanding the panic around that