Game of throne's fans destitute when George "Any month now" Martin announces a possible release date

21  2017-07-23 by ProphetRith


Guise: It's never getting written.

Suck it up and pay for that HBO Go subscription. I hear it comes with 50% off socks.

Destitute. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

🤔 I jokingly referred to the books as a necessity, keep yourself safe please.

Maybe it was supposed to be despondent?

If you want nerd drama, there's a really shitty trailer out for the new Star Trek show. Somebody more energetic than me should post it.

Lmao at nerds being really buttblasted about ~~missing deadlines~ and whatever, the guy is rich af now and doesn't owe the fans a word. I hope he takes the rest of the series into the grave with him for maximum nerd buttfrustration.

Honestly him and Gabe Newell have completely given up on there franchises and don't give a shit anymore.

The more time that goes by, the more they (rightly) see releasing new stuff as a negative. No matter what, people will rip on the last two books whenever they come out. And if HL3 was ever made, nothing short of a revolutionary game that made everything else obsolete would satisfy fans. So there they both go, back to enjoying the fruits of their successes rather than enduring the bitching that would follow any new releases.

GRRM has HBO giving his fans some closure, and Gabe has modders keeping HL alive. They don't need to put anything out, their legacies are assured.

GRRM seems to not entirely like the increasing changes in the show and probably wouldn't mind showing people "the real version" at least with TWOW (cool title, too).

This one's gonna come out - the 7th you can be cynical about.

Fatso will never finish it....if he does - Littlefinger should be at the top in the epilogue.

I've always thought Littlefinger will get to park his ass on the throne for about a minute, and then will get melted along with the throne when Daenerys takes King's Landing.

This is the first time I'm feeling that same sentiment. What the fuck do you do all day George?

eat presumably


IDk, the last time I was on Livejournal was to read the fake Saddam diary.

Famous people do get that people who don't agree with them buy movie tickets, too, right?