Horrible parenting advice in /r/relationships : OP has several daughters who are underage whores, posters advise her to hide everything from their dad

57  2017-07-23 by IAintThatGuy



I have a daughter, Lucy (14F). I have three other children (18F, 17M, 7F). Lucy has a boyfriend (16M).

I only found out that she had a boyfriend a few days ago. I heard her crying in her room and came to ask her what was wrong. At first, she refused to tell me, but after a few mins, she told me she was scared she's pregnant. I was really shocked because I didn't even know she had a boyfriend. And I was shocked that she was having sex at her age... I was really shocked. She told me she was dating her boyfriend for the past 2 years, and after a bit of questioning from my side, I found out they'd been sexually active for the past year, which means she started having sex at the age of 13!

I bought her a pregnancy test the next morning and luckilly, it was negative. She got her period that night, so no pregnancy.

I asked her tons of questions about her relationship, and I told her she was way too young for having sex, but then she started fighting with me and told me she's completely ready for sex because she loves her boyfriend, and that "having sex at her age is very normal, it's not 19th century anymore". I tried my best to discuss birth control with her, but she wouldn't listen and she said they were using condoms, but the condom broke, and said 'she knew all that stuff'.

So, my main concerm is - how could I have let this happen? Where did I fail as a mother? I had a great relationship with Lucy and she knew she could tell me everything. I don't yell at my children and I try to calmly communicate with them. With my older daughter, she told me all about her first kiss and stuff (she was 15) and she lost her virginity at 17 - still young, but within a range of normal. I lost mine when I was 17 too. My son also told me about his first gf (though he was rather shy about it, but he still told me) when he was 16, and he's still with her btw. Not sure if he is sexually active, but I guess he is.

I can't talk to their father about this. He doesn't allow the children to have SOs before the age of 16. He is a strict father. He doesn't yell or beat the kids of course, but he is a real authority figure to them. I know that if I tell him about Lucy, she's going to get grounded for a long time and I fear that it might only make the things worse. He's also probably going to find Lucy's boyfriend and scare him, which will make Lucy resent him... and she is a bit rebellious kid, so it could cause a lot of trouble.

I don't know where I failed. What have I done bad? She could have easily ended up pregnant. I feel so bad now. Is grounding her for this even an option? I mean, what's done is done, right? Is there anything I could say to her which could make her stop being sexually active for at least another two years, or is it too late now? How do I not make the same mistake with my youngest daughter? I am in a chaos now. Btw Lucy is otherwise a good kid - she has good grades, plays sports, is nice to everyone in her school, etc.

Tl;dr - My 14yo daughter has a 2-year-long relationship and has been sexually active for the past year. Where did I fail as a mother? This is not normal.

It's funny to see you virgins triggered by girls having sex. Explains why everyone was so mean to me when I was a teenager. Everyone else can tell you're brain damaged.

Explains why everyone was so mean to me when I was a teenager.

Maybe because you slept with their parents?

It's hard to read through this much autism.

To be fair, in most of our families, raping one's sister was looked down upon. Now I'm not judging your degenerate inbred family for being fucked up, I'm just saying that you should blame your parents for yourself having a double-digit IQ.

To be fair, in most of our families, raping one's sister

Off to r/politics with you.

Yes if you have sister rape fantasies you might be brain damages.

she's going to get grounded for a long time and I fear that it might only make the things worse. He's also probably going to find Lucy's boyfriend and scare him, which will make Lucy resent him... and she is a bit rebellious kid, so it could cause a lot of trouble.

That's a potential reason to keep it hidden from him, though obviously arguable.

Where she failed? Being shocked and flabbergasted at the concept of sex at 13, not starting sex ed earlier - just as chase Republican education leads to more teen pregnancies as everyone knows.

That's a potential reason to keep it hidden from him, though obviously arguable.

Then the mom can complain that the father wasn't involved in the education of the children...

Then the mom can complain that the father wasn't involved in the education of the children...


I've seen it done. Mom wants to be best friends with the kids, so she tells nothing to the dad. Who then discovers 5 years later his daughter was a whore all along (when she turns pregnant on heroin or some shit), then he blows up, and he's the asshole.

Meanwhile the kid never gets called out on her bullshit because mom thinks it's more important to hide it from dad than to keep her daughter from becoming a whore.

Depending on how he blows up, and whether him being an asshole was the reason they kept it from him in the first place.

it's more important to hide it from dad than to keep her daughter from becoming a whore.

False dic-hootermy.

17 is "young"?

Wtf maybe we are living in the 19th century.

Imagine being a family man. The one who works a often not-well-paid job (or more than one) for the best part of his day because the whole family is on his shoulders. The one who has basically forsaken his own self, what he desires, his hobbies, just for the well being of his offsprings and his spouse. The one who would deprive himself of bread and starve just to give it out to the others if it was necessary. The one who gets anxious everytime he receives a bill because he's worried that it could cost him more than usual for whatever reason. He does not want anything in return. His prole is, at the end of the day, what he is investing in. Their well being, he's betting on their success and his doing anything he can no matter the cost.

Now fast forward to an evening, a random one. Your daughter smiles maliciously, stands up and proudly announces:

"Daddy, I'm 14, I've been fucking like a rabbit for years and I'm jeopardizing the entire family with the risk of an undesired teen pregnancy because LMAO ECSDE ECSDE it's normal, all my peers are fucking, so deal with it ECSDE ECSDE also be aware that our current position in the space-time axial dimension is not the Victorian Age also mommy knew that I'm a disgusting whore and decided to keep it hidden because some 19 yo fucktard on the internet suggested her not to tell you shit because she thinks his father doesn't need to know that while he's trying all his best I'm using the byproduct of his sweat to have my genitals worshipped by basically the first guy who told me I'm cute, because I love him and of course every teen love ends with a marriage with him earning six figures".

Now, /u/motherof4iam, you might ask: "Tell me, /u/aggressiveshitpost, what would be the best course of action in dealing with my daughter?". STOP. BEING. YOUR. DAUGHTER'S. BEST. FRIEND. You're a parent. Not his friend and you'll never be. Ground her shit up to oblivion and straighten her up before she fucks up your entire family, because teen pregnancy is real and it IS a problem. At 13-14 years old she IS NOT to fuck around, because not matter what, she's not mature enough to understand what she's doing. YOU ARE, or at least should be. Bring the fucking iron fist goddammit.

I think my favorite part is that it really is some 19 year old thinking she's mentally equipped to give parenting advice to a mother twice her age because she's a sexually active teenager.

I was giving the mother advice from the child's point of view, as I was in the same position at that age.

I sometimes give advice to expecting mothers since I was once a toddler. I didn't lose my V-card until I turned 4 though as I was a late bloomer.

You're very immature.

Do you know where you are?

You're in the jungle baby!

It wasn't good advice, a pregnancy scare while below 18 years of age is cause for alarm.

I understand that? I don't think I said anything about that. If kids are gonna have sex they're gonna have sex. They could have the greatest upbringing ever and will still do what they want to do.

I never and sex at 14 and none of the people I know did either. Most had sexual experiences at 18 to 20. Her husband needs to know so they can tackle this head on together. I was barely cognizant to breathe much less manage birth control. I am sorry but, I don't think your advice is sound.

I think my favorite part is that it really is some 19 year old thinking she's mentally equipped to give parenting advice to a mother twice her age because she's a sexually active teenager.

Edit: If OP of that thread reads this, here is good advice: Get father involved since he actually seems like he has an idea of how he wants to raise a child. You aren't being a good parent, you are just being a friendly pushover. Get a backbone as well so your husband isn't raising these children himself.

"OP" already retracted her view and said that it was merely something that worked in her family.

The mom acted like a overwhelmed victorian with her "omg what do so she has sex omg", the OP gave flawed liberal advice, and between those 2 and the arch-tradcon "ground her, dae family values" comments here, it seems like everyone's retarded.

everyone's retarded


Yep checks out

What if I'm also retarded.

Then this is really definitely super duper for sure Reddit.com

Telling her not to have sex is guaranteed to make her have even more

Lock her in the basement.

Fritzl case

The Fritzl case emerged in April 2008 when a woman named Elisabeth Fritzl (born 6 April 1966) told police in the town of Amstetten, Austria, that she had been held captive for 24 years behind eight locked doors in a concealed corridor part of the basement area of the large family house by her father, Josef Fritzl (born 9 April 1935), and that Fritzl had physically assaulted, sexually abused, and raped her numerous times during her imprisonment. The abuse by her father resulted in the birth of seven children; four of whom joined their mother in captivity (one dying just days after birth), while the other three were brought up by Fritzl and his wife, Rosemarie, having been reported as foundlings.

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This is why we can't have nice things.

don't tell her not to have sex. tell her to have sex responsibly. and actually teach her what it means. also be overprotective because teenagers are dumb.

We need to bring back shotgun weddings TBQH.

I love how /u/motherof4iam is all like "lmao, did i fail as a parent? xD". Yes, yes you did. Your daughter's a whore at 14, I don't know how you could possibly fail worse as a parent, unless she was also doing cocaine and shooting people.

Your daughter's a whore at 14, I don't know how you could possibly fail worse as a parent, unless she was also doing cocaine and shooting people.

Doing cocaine (((unless successfully avoiding addiction problems))), shooting people, being reckless and uninformed with the whore thing, and fucking up in other ways, would mean failed parenting - merely whoring around doesn't.

However, the mom being as shocked and unprepared and asking reddit for help, does imply a failure.

Is it any wonder why kids or doing this when you have teen magazines promoting anal sex

Oh, we all know (((who))) is behind it alright...

Rhymes with blueish?

Yeah, the fucking Flemish, not really humans either.

This dude right here is woke AF fam. Expose the Flemish menace.

teen magazines promoting anal sex

This is a great idea though.

Wtf does ECSDE mean



"Daddy, I'm 14, I've been fucking like a rabbit for years and I'm jeopardizing the entire family with the risk of an undesired teen pregnancy

Abortions exist - not pleasant, but ok.

also mommy knew that I'm a disgusting whore

hot whore

because teen pregnancy is real and it IS a problem.

As I said - abortions.

At 13-14 years old she IS NOT to fuck around, because no matter what, she's not mature enough to understand what she's doing.

What do you mean "no matter what"? What if she's mature enough, is she still not mature enough no matter how mature she is?

She's trash. What do you usually do with trash? Out on the street!

It's a waste. Then she'll be whoring herself all the same. I say keep her hooking, but at least make sure you make money from it.

Dude don't throw your trash in the street what the fuck. This isn't India we have city services to properly dispose of waste

Has the world gone crazy? When I was in high school everyone only dated people in their grades. One girl in grade 10 dated a grade 12 and people talked about that until her dad made them break up. A 16 year old dating a 14 year old is a straight up predator that can't get any other 16 year old to like them.

Yeah that was my experience too. It was strange if a senior and a freshman dated and of course people would talk. Plus I think a lot of people forget how many people didn't do shit in high school. Everyone's awkward and going through puberty, not that many people were banging.

Still 14 is a bit young. I wonder how she's getting away with it if she can't drive?

14 is young, but just acceptable. at the end of the day, you can't forbid those who do it, because then they'll do it in secret and things will get worse. At that point you just have to hope that you did your job as a parent and gave good sexual education with regards to STDs and contraceptives.

Wtf are you talking about? Ban them and then become a helicopter parent so they don't that shit again

Or that.

Take the bus to his house? Take the bike to his house?

You can meet people without a car, and not everyone's parents cares if their kids bangs.

Senior - freshman coupling is 18 and 14. 16 and 14 is not that weird.

I actually hope this mom doesnt listen to these dumbasses and gets her daughter some help.

Idk what they're saying when everyone around them had sex. No they aren't. Everyone is awkward as fuck here. There's like that one druggie crowd that has sex and are delinquents but most girls I know right now are studying for college. I don't think some of them even have boyfriends because the AP exams are too stressful to have some shitty guy asking for sex.

Teen pregnancy rates are down anyway and so is casual sex, I hope it stays that way, but I think these people are just exaggerating the casual sex part.

All the people around me are worried about college because of how expensive it keeps getting and the competition is rising. Most students care about their future.

Exhaust your kids with sports and academics. Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

Trained brains and trained bodies only pour fire into the devilry.

I actually hope this mom doesnt listen to these dumbasses and gets her daughter some help.

Idk what they're saying when everyone around them had sex. No they aren't. Everyone is awkward as fuck here. There's like that one druggie crowd that has sex and are delinquents but most girls I know right now are studying for college. I don't think some of them even have boyfriends because the AP exams are too stressful to have some shitty guy asking for sex

^ = retardation

Not everyone is a horny little shit. Maybe when they turn like 16 and have been dating for a while but maybe I just go to a school of nerds.

Who has time to have sex every weekend when their family is poor as fuck? They're out busy working part time jobs and studying. Maybe its just the spoiled mayos tbh

Not everyone is a horny little shit. Maybe when they turn like 16 and have been dating for a while but maybe I just go to a school of nerds.


Who has time to have sex every weekend when their family is poor as fuck? They're out busy working part time jobs and studying. Maybe its just the spoiled mayos tbh

Sex fuels high energy.

Jesus christ teenagers are pussies these days.

Why snitch, tho?

Lol, I remember getting shit for dating some girl who was 3 months younger than me because she was in the year below.

Don't fucking lie to us. It was a dude and we know it

Lmao, she actually looked kinda like a dude, she was bigger than me (at least during my twink phase).

Can confirm she had a gussy tho.

Has the world gone crazy?

Welcome to feminist post-modernism. It's totally fine for a girl to have sex and abortions when she's still a teen, and if you disagree you're a patriarchal misogynist shitlord!

A boring tradcon isn't the best critic of feminist post-modernism though - same the other way around.

14 is too young, it's weird. But my girlfriend throughout high school and the beginning of college was the year below me, I was 17 she was 16 when we started dating, and that's not weird at all

One girl in grade 10 dated a grade 12 and people talked about that until her dad made them break up. A 16 year old dating a 14 year old is a straight up predator that can't get any other 16 year old to like them.

Great if satire, retarded if serious - of course the reason why it's particularly great as a satire is because this sub is full of retards whose views actually do go in that direction.

I do agree with not telling him if he might hunt the kid down. Because then one of two things happens 1) he injures the kids and ends up in jail; real life is not TV, you will go to prison for a LONG time if you hurt a kid, whether he 'hurts your little girl' or not. or 2) the other kids parents kill him for trying to hurt their kid.

OP presents a compelling case for Honor Killings

I'd say corrective rape, but it's only because my people use every part of the teenage girl.

Faggots? What do you do, style their hair and dress them?

Hair for wigs. Body fat for soap. Teeth for jewellry. Skin for lampshades. Meat for food. Bones for fertilizer. Guts for dog food. Skulls for decoration.

It's more about eugenics than honor though at that point.

OP presents a compelling case for Honor Killings

Hi, Linda!

/r/relationships fucking HATES men. I cannot overstate that.

Everything acccording to them is always the man's fault. They hate their fathers, they hate their ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands. Their hatred for men drives their lives and now they are nothing but lingering spirits of bitterness that live off the misery of those foolish enough to wander in that sub, and then they try to spread their misery by giving the worst relationship advice imaginable.

I can't imagine what kind of overweight legbeard crones inhabit that sub.

I just sort by controversial and grab the popcorn.

Is it any wonder white guys are leaving white women in droves. /u/mendax__ I wonder how long before you end up as a single mom with multiple children from multiple fathers? Maybe you get lucky find some sap and convince him into being a cuck while he watches and you get rammed by other dudes or some home boy

Plus the coloreds could fuck all the daughters and the mom in a row, to make the dad happier.

God sake

I'm not white. And I've been with the same person for two years. And before that I was with the person I lost my virginity too until 17. I was a dumb ass kid who wanted to grow up to quick. I use protection, I'm on the depo, I'm not an idiot. Yes I gave the wrong shitty ass advice. My parent were great parents individually, not so great together. They kept a lot from each other.

Hi there. I lost my temper and I am sorry. I don't agree with the advice and after reading what you said further I can see you probably had a tough time growing up. Shit posting is not going to make a difference in anyone's life, and so I have deleted my post. I encourage you to learn and question everything, even yourself. I wish you well.

/r/relationships is absolutely the worst sub. Their advice is always like "grrrrrl brake up wit dah boi! He trash. Cash me ousside, how bow dah!"

Their advice is always like "grrrrrl brake up wit dah boi! He trash. Cash me ousside, how bow dah!"

Their advice is about turning your kids into that.

I agree that a 13/14 year old isn't mature enough to be having sex. But goddam some of you people are triggered as fuck. It's like listening to a room full of maiden great-aunts.

Silence pedo

The answer is easy.

Mail her ass to a religious school in Alaska. A convent is best of course

Dunno, Alaska is full of lonely creepy dudes, who have money to burn. Even if she doesn't end up murdered, she'll be pregnant and married before 6 months.

Not if it's a seal convent in Aleutian Islands

What's the fucking problem anyway?

Not everyone dreams of being on "16 and pregnant".

What't the big deal with having a kid that soon anyway? It's not like she will starve to death, she got a big family that can support her.

That's how you start the cycle of poverty and retardation.

If she was retarded before pregnancy it doesn't matter. In her position, she can get a normal life even with a child.

Also if you look at internet - half of people are retared anyway.

I don't know if parents having to deal with a baby while their 14yo is still home is great. Then she has no incentive not to have 4 kids from 6 different guys before she's 20. And still home.

slippery sloping there?

Making assumptions. That a girl who gets pregnant at 14 doesn't have her shit together, and is not up to a great start in life.

From the story it was just a broken condom. No one can get their shit so together they won't have a chance of that.

Don't care, she's a witch, burn her.