GTA Modder nitwit can't handle pressure, deletes entire online presence

24  2017-07-23 by dirtyspah


Jesus Christ this guy takes GTA modding way too seriously.

He (kinda) lashes out at the wrong people, too.

Should have lashed out at that NOskillx. Put that asshole in his place. Saying that to Silent (another modder) doesn't really improve the situation.

Guy's probably going crazy.

If I had someone like noskill dedicating their life to a mod I made, I'd likely ragequit modding too. Holy fucking shit that guy has zero life and is annoying as fuck.

You're not kidding. "Fix this, fix that, oh and can someone replicate this extreme edge case? Thx."

I'm amazed he hasn't been shooed away by everyone telling him to buzz off already.

What fucking kills me is the dude then starts bug fixing after the guy quit, like why in the ever loving fuck didn't you just actually help instead of being a busybody and just pointing shit out 24/7.

It didn't even seem like he did any real bug fixing, either, considering that he just put a Band-Aid over the issues. (Ex: Police sirens glitch out? Turn 'em off. Mission too hard? Make the vehicle's tires bulletproof.)