Who Is Delia Cly?

97  2017-07-23 by snallygaster

Unfortunately most of the drama is completely wiped off the internet because there's no fun allowed on Websleuths, but it's a pretty entertaining story. For those who aren't in the know, Websleuths is a forum where bored old biddies (and a handful of actually useful people) go to gossip about true crime. While these armchair detectives have actually solved a few cold cases, and there's a guy there who makes the best digital john/jane doe reconstructions to date, the majority of users there are completely useless and easy to whip into a hysteria, to the point where some have been served with restraining orders for harassing ''''''suspects''''''''. This makes the forum a fertile ground for trolls and attention-seekers.

When Delia Cly told the forum her amazing tale, users naturally rushed in to help. A number of threads were dedicated to her case, but since they've been deleted, only a couple of summaries of the drama remain. Here's one:

PFM. Delia (Davis) Cly was her real name but she made up the most amazing story and out of our nature to want to help people, we believed her. Davis was her maiden name.

Long story as short as possible...Delia Davis married Rex Cly when she was 14 yrs old, making her Delia Cly. She claimed to recall being part of a family before coming to live with the Davis family. She said her real name was probably Samantha. (We started calling her Sam on the threads). We also immediately referred her to LE but she said they wouldn't believe her.

She told a horrific tale of a couple named Jessie Ray & Abbie Davis abducting her at approx 5 yrs old from an apple orchard in Yakima WA. They were seasonal orchard workers & had several kids including a daughter named Delia. "Sam" claimed her real family owned the orchard and the Davis's 5 yr old daughter, Delia drowned in the canal that ran through the orchard so for retaliation, spite or whatever reason, the Davis's abducted her to take the place of their Delia. They even made her say repeatedly that her name was Delia until she began to accept that as her name.

She told of terrible abuse such as Jessie Ray cutting off a dog's head and throwing it under the bed where she was hiding to prevent him from sexually or physically abusing her.

We had no reason to think anybody would make up such a twisted story. The name of the orchard was a real orchard, She gave real street names and landmarks. We researched and found the Davis's were in fact a real family and began picking their lives apart. Sam started emailing me acting as though I was the only person she felt she could talk to. I believe she did the same to others.

ThinkingofLaura jumped on the bandwagon and began writing these long mushy posts to Sam right around the time the rest of us started getting suspicious of the story. She became "Sam's" self-appointed spokesperson and had pretty ugly disagreements with me and a couple other posters. If we challenged something "Sam" said, Sam didn't answer, ThinkingofLaura did. It was almost as though ToL was really Sam, saying the things that Sam didn't have the guts to say.

In the end, Sam emailed me and made me swear not to tell but she said her niece found a box with newsclippings of a girl drowning in a canal and one of a girl being abducted. The box supposedly had a lock of hair and the names of the kids handwritten on the inside of the lid. Delia and Jesse Jr's names were crossed out. Jesse Jr died in a car accident years prior, That was verified.

So they were the two "dead" kids names. I sternly told her via email and online the same thing I told Kelly London...***** or get off the pot!! If she had that evidence she needed to contact the FBI. I gave her the # to call. At the same time she said the results of a DNA test she had done with her cousin confirmed that she was NOT a Davis as she had suspected. Daga and a couple other members asked her to post the results of the DNA test and all hell broke loose.

She said she never asked for our help and made a few more defensive remarks before canceling her WS membership. ThinkingofLaura did too. I think. Feeling like fools, some of wanted to find out the real story and identity of this woman. A member contacted her ex-husband who said she was a habitual liar and she had done this type of thing before. Pics of her and the other Davis kids showed they were definitely related. It was determined that she was in fact Delia Davis (Cly) and the Davis family was her biological family. What would make a woman spin a web of lies like that is beyond me. Especially to put her family in such a negative light.

BTW, I received a PM from Kelly London... She said she was offended by Tybee's post and has canceled her WS membership.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I was so direct in that post. Kelly London didn't want help, she wanted attention.

And here's some more information about the "case" from when the hysteria was still going strong. Crazy stuff.


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Clearly there's too much work put in this post for us at r/drama to care, I applaud your efforts, but low-effort crap is way more popular, brother.

Much love


I read all of snallys posts with this playing in the background.

Being serious here, snally when is TLC gonna pay you to reboot this series, I know you do a spot on impression of Robert Stack.

It's already returned. Well, kind of.

Unsolved Mysteries

Unsolved Mysteries is an American television program, hosted by Robert Stack from 1987 to 2002 and later by Dennis Farina starting in 2008. The show was broadcast first as specials in 1987, then as a regular series on NBC (1988–1997), CBS (1997–1999), Lifetime (2001–2002), and Spike (2008–2010). Lifetime once again airs the revived version of the series, but only in reruns.

Cosgrove-Meurer Productions maintains a website for the show, featuring popular accounts and ongoing cold cases (murder or missing persons), with a link to an online form should a viewer have information on an unsolved crime.

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It's just not the same without the baritone voice of Mr Stack😭

Really though, I just want my cake and eat it too. I don't think I'd be able to watch it with out making constant comparisons to the old one. I wouldn't be able to let the show come to its own, I'd get salty after some absurd flaw or perceived fuck-up just because it wasn't just like the original. I'm fussy as shit.

It's just not the same without the baritone voice of Mr Stack😭

Really though, I just want my cake and eat it too. I don't think I'd be able to watch it with out making constant comparisons to the old one. I wouldn't be able to let the show come to its own, I'd get salty after some absurd flaw or perceived fuck-up just because it wasn't just like the original. I'm fussy as shit.

Yeah, that's why I haven't bothered with it either, especially because of the new formatting. There are other good true crime shows anyway. No good spoopy paranormal ones tho

Hey Snally, i wanna ask, what's the creepiest internet history thing you come across? Like real creepy ass reading, that unsolved mysterious theme song made me wonder.

Not internet history, but this is my favorite spoopy story from the internet, but I'll have to think about creepy stuff that isn't just a story. Probably the thousands of pedo chats, but that's not very interesting. Maybe some of the online killers, but they aren't creepy either, just deranged. hmmm

That's fucking bananas, but it sounds big. Something that could be verifiable via Google is true, or ar least part of it.

I like the naïveté expressed by the people in this sort of recaps, like, "what would make a woman spin a web of lies like that is beyond me", lol.

We had no reason to think anybody would make up such a twisted story.

im almost envious of this sort of innocence

I'm not going to read this but I appreciate you trying this hard on this sub.

thanks 4 recognizing the hustle fam

She told of terrible abuse such as Jessie Ray cutting off a dog's head and throwing it under the bed where she was hiding to prevent him from sexually or physically abusing her.

i've read this like 17 times and it still doesn't make sense

She was hiding under the bed to prevent him from sexually or physically abusing her and Jessie Ray cut off a dog's head and threw it under the bed.

Classic Jessie Rae

oh shit, i feel retarded

is it just me or is that sentence structured really poorly

is it just me

Probably not

The structure is fine, it's just a little run-on.

Could do with comma somewhere. Maybe after "hiding". I think that would make it easier to read.

It's needlessly ambiguous. You either write it 'she was hiding under a bed to prevent him abusing her and he then threw a dead dog under it', or if you're married to the previous sentence structure you write it 'such as Jessie Ray cutting off a dog's head and throwing it under the bed, where she was hiding to prevent him from sexually or physically abusing her.'

Basically you have to separate the clauses.

It still doesn't really make sense. I imagine it would take a really long time to cut off a dogs head.

shes obviously fucked up enough that she feels the need to spin intricate lies like this, at least

My kind of lady

everyone knows crazy chicks who lie compulsively are the best at sex tho

This is scientifically true


That's what she said. :(

It was like a minute read tho?

Hey Snally, no joke, have youbever thought about digging really deep, like REALLY deep into an online culture and writing a book about it. I bet you in the future internet historian is gonna be an actual thing. If you wrote "the history of 4chan" or something like that i buy it.

We all tell her to write a book, but she's just so damn distracted by her Heathcliffposting or whatever that I'm starting to believe we'll never get a snally part IRL.

/u/snallygaster ya hear that: write a book and some of us will buy it. Even if it's a shitty Amazon eBook, we don't care.

u/snallygaster Can you pls do more on habitual liars? Definitely one of the most fascinating things I've read about and experienced. I probably suck at piecing together a coherent narrative but I may give it a shot one day.

I've written on a couple already, but I could write on more. Lord knows they aren't uncommon.

Interesting and creative ones are uncommon :(

Snally bringing us vintage drama

Like, I love me some true crime but the online groups are just too much. I'm in one on Facebook to keep up to date with my shows but the drama is just too much.

Websleuths is a megatoxic community. The shit they were pulling in the Delphi murders case is horrific. Those morons flooded the tip lines with hundreds of worthless tips, they wasted so much time. When certain behaviors were banned many of them moved on to a group on Facebook where they continue to speculate and encourage witch hunts against anyone they feel may be involved with the case.

This lady writes like she has dementia.