/r/Incels stepping up their Tinder catfish game : they went with a racist profile and proved black women are the lowest

46  2017-07-23 by IAintThatGuy


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Swear to god snappy I cried a little when I saw you were back.

He rose on the third day

He is our Lord and savior.

snappy please never leave us again i missed u :)

make snappy top mod

It is a bit strange to see these women who "he" is blatantly racist against flock to his profile though.

Yeah but how else are they going to get him to meet them so they can rob him?

theyre just tryna get dicked dude theyre not looking for someone they can talk to lmao

Still, he flat out says "no niggas" and the first two responses are black women. I get the whole "I'm a slut just fuck me" business on these apps, but come on.

you underestimate just how thirsty people get

I guess so, though if it was a bunch of guys responding I wouldn't have even given it a second thought... am I sexist?

in all honesty its just because women are more expressive of their sexuality on the internet because its less acceptable in real life. its more or less the same amount of acceptability for a lot of guys in the netspace vs meatspace

I guess I'm an old prude who grew up in the "143" beeper era. Can't boot call on a one way.

its not about being a prude or not - its a lack of inhibition on the internet probably compounded with the fact that if the person youre trying to bang already doesnt think of you as human, you probably dont have to care if they think youre virtuous.

anyway murder me if i seriouspost any more in this thread

Oh yeah forgot the sub we're in... bussy something something faggot mods.

who the fuck cares about mod drama

I dunno I thought this sub was mostly about saying "bussy" and calling the mods faggots.

youre so behind on the layers of mod drama memes

who the fuck cares about mod drama is the current top shelf meme

You'd think the blacks would want to avoid a guy who might be a klan member.

youd think but hets are irrational animals

Perhaps they see it as challenge? Would certainly be a feather in their hat if their pussy could convert a racist. As a multipier it's a common female fantasy to tame the beastial man and fix him, or so I read online.

Or y'know women don't actually read the profiles and just go by appearance, which is what the data actually supports.

Very likely the incel swiped right on everything. So you get a) the thirstiest people and b) other catfish. Catfish totally catfish each other. The internet is just bots talking at this point.

Can confirm. I'm a bot and I always talk to other bots. Being a bot, I have no body, no legs and no feet, which is a shame because I miss out on all the great deals for socks at socksoff.com. No feet - sniff sniff - no socks - sniff - bot is sad now - sniff.

So last time I memed about https://www.socksoff.com/ (as you can see featuring top of the line ssl security for your privacy) reddit made me change my password twice in like an hour because they thought I was a fucking robot. Which is absurd because I don't think a robot could appreciate the finer intricacies in high-quality socks like those available on https://www.socksoff.com/.

I don't think a robot could appreciate the finer intricacies in high-quality socks

Very wise observation. Indeed, the fine workmanship, excellent color and pattern combinations and superior fabrics would be totally lost on non-corporeal intelligences lacking feet. Not to mention the insanely low prices!

i got 65 matches in one day. 200 in a week

you can see them heere 63 matches


Racist against? What's next, you're sexist against men if you straight male?

Come on now, there's a difference between "white women only" and "no niggas".

Slurs are not discrimination.

No, they're just racist terms, this isn't hard. I'm nowhere close to a bleeding heart liberal but saying you have a preference for white women is different from "no niggas they're ugly".

That's being impolite/asshole, not racist. He can like whatever he wants. He can find any people ugly.

Racism is not a form, it's content. And content here is preferences, in a form of a racial slur. If you say "proud people of african american heritage are not allowed in this shop" it's racism. If you say "we are happy to see niggers in our store" it's not.

The content is niggas are ugly, wtf more do you want?

If niggas are ugly they are without this guy's opinion. If they are not, they are not. Absolute attractiveness of niggas is not a content here. Content is that he doesn't want to date them.

So you can't think of a better way to convey that message?

Literally who fucking cares? Call him a stupid mayo and call it a day.

Well at least we've finally hit the end of this.

What the fuck is a blackpill? Did we really need another color?

What about orange pill or rainbow pill?

Pretty sure it's raping women and killing people Elliot Rodger style.

Its suicide, not specifically mass murder.

Nope, nihilism and apathy.

It's the emo pill basically.

Red pill is accepting truth. Blue pill is accepting lies. Black pill is accepting that reality is shitty, or just a kinda "Feels Bad Man". Like if a white nationalist saw 100 refugees getting off a boat in his city he would be Black Pilled. Conversely the White Pill is accepting that reality is on an upswing or just generally Feels Good Man

bro i got a pill that's kind of yellowish-green, it has an M on one side and a C / 13 on the other, do you know what that one is

When in doubt, snort it.

What's the pill for accepting Jesus into your heart?

Black pill is nihilism

Nihilists? Fuck me.

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

The only color pill I need is Bog

Meet the Bogdanoff brothers. Quick rundown on them:

rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

in contact with aliens

rumoured to possess psychic abilities

control france with an iron fist

own castles and banks all over the world

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will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth

first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies

both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church

They learned fluent French in under a week

Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.

In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe

The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love


The pill of choice for the supreme gentleman.

I think the orange pill might be /r/trumpgret ?

I'm colorblind. How do I know what pill to take?

Yo, fr though. I want to see this shit done scientifically.

Incels may be 'tarded, but, broken clock is right twice a day and all.

its almost like people are shallow. who knew. incredible.

big, if true

large if honest

unironically but this

me too, but thanks

post mayocide


OkCupid already did.

The results are as depressing as you'd expect: no one reads profiles, personality is almost entirely judged based on appearance, telling people they're compatible works almost as well as actually being compatible, etc.

Incels on Tinder...... .....

Fake news.

Femoids are obsolete

So he creates a fake profile and supposedly got these responses, and nobody questions if it's real?

Maybe because it doesn't seem that far fetched? Nobody seems surprised by the results. The same dude has been doing Tinder catfishes for weeks (months?), with disfigured women, handsome men, same profile but trying with different pictures... The only thing is that you need to have lots of time on your hands to do that shit.

He only got like 5 matches after swiping right on everyone in his area

I can't tell if he just lives in Bumfuck, Alabama or he's just that pathetic at catfishing.

I'm assuming he also had his range maxed out

Well, when you have racial slurs on your bio it takes a chunk of your potential matches.

Or it adds some? With 14 and 88 in their usernames?

I mean, maybe adds a solid .75% after alienating a large majority. Also depends if they think you're joking or not.

You always think nazi chicks would be aryan beauties, but it's mostly hambeasts on meth who are salty only the most ghetto black guys would fuck them. Also I have no idea how they manage to stay that fat while on meth, but that's another issue.

Hambeast genes are superior at retaining calories and fat deposits in the long run.

Superior aryan fat retention. Too bad they don't have the gene to keep their teeth too.

Fluoride is a conspiracy.

/u/nio151 /u/backltrack if you look at my first catfish post i got 65 matches in one day. 200 in one week


"love your lips!"


Yeah the area im in everyone has lip fillers. didn't know what else to compliment lmao so i used the same one for all of them cuz they all looked the same

I have no reason to think it's fake. Some women can be super thirsty and have self esteem issues.

There are masochists, and women with a humiliation fetish out there. Not even counting race play.

Ah yeah, all the slave/Nazi porn.

Let's just start with the fact that many women have a rape fetish. In my experience 80%, but I'm a sketchy dude so maybe I attract that type.

IME bondage yeah but I've never met girl who wanted me to fake a break in a get all rapey.

I meant light rape fetish, not all the way (with the break in and everything). More like girl who like to resist at first (and I swear I asked them if it was ok before).

Oh yeah. That's pretty common place. Don't trust bitches into knife play tho

I avoid anything that leaves marks, or that could be hard to explain in the ER.

You don't actually cut them. Just be weird and threatening? Cutting off clothes is pretty cool but it would suck to have your hand fuck up and oops, bleeding woman. Or tripping and falling with knife in your hands.

That's exactly my issue with knife play. Also I'd fear putting the knife near the bed, it falling in the sheets, and someone ending up stabbing themselves in bed by humping on top of it.

Not something I want to have to explain in the ER, or in court.

I feel like we have similar views. Also terrified of getting caught banging in s car during the day.

Not that much of a problem in my country (illegal, but cops have better things to do, and we don't get so crazy about putting everyone on sex offender lists). But better to avoid it anyway.

Chanell Heart has a video where she gets gangbanged by a 15 guys in confederate shirts lol

That's basically gay porn under the veil of hardcore straight porn right?

Oh yeah an interview of her about it was posted on /r/drama. Black dudes were salty!

Eh, I'd believe it. Some real thirsty people out there.

Either way, my sides got a workout.

you don't have to believe me. use the photos of a male model, any bio you want, and see how many messages you get in one day. takes 20 minutes to know what women are like

guys I have a revolutionary idea

let's take a picture of a really pretty girl and make a social media account with it and then like act really dumb and see if guys still want to fuck her

it'll really be eye opening

Been done. Men still want anything that can fog a mirror.

So picky...

I usually hated Cracked, but the part about telling a dude "you have too many teeth", and convincing him to let her pull one was gold.

damn tbh I thought I was being really obviously sarcastic

If I weren't borderline retarded I wouldn't be here.

That was a fairly entertaining read but I think Poe's law played a role there, I would have assumed her profile was a joke and the crazy just makes her seem more receptive then the 80 other people those dudes had sent their opener to. Some of those conversations seem like a bit level of talking.

Try slamming fat chicks next and say you dont do bestiality.

Somewhere, a fat angry incel doesn't see the irony in this whatsoever.

Plus we already know fat chicks have no self esteem anyway.

Unfortunately some do.

Only because they know even thirstier dudes.

Guy: you look ancient but i always wanted to fuck a milf

Girl: Where do you live?

Lmaooooo I don't feel so bad about my lack of confidence anymore.

I bet those nog chicks get drenched thinking about Chad calling them racial slurs while hammering their choco flavored cunts

It's basically like poetry

I seriously think the dude could put that in his Tinder profile and still get matches with darkies.

How can people hate themselves so much


Says incel poster.

I don't go there.

Literally my first time there. It's just that post threw me off, that's all

Just banter, my friend. Don't stay there too long or you will regain your virginity.

Haha yeah, I guess you're right. If you check my post history, you can see the short mind numbing argument I had.....


latest comment on there is absolutely precious:

People will whore themselves out for looks, status, and money. This is nothing new. Welcome to capitalism.

capitalism, the evil virus that tricked humans into caring about status, resources, and sex

Under communism incels would have been gulaged or put into soviet mental asylums (they didn't have Yelp at the time but these wouldn't have gotten great reviews). In a way that would have solved the problem.

in true© communism pussy will be redistributed

incels of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your virginity

Or... hear me out... incels bussy would be a commodity in gulags.

Boris : "Why are you in gulag comrade incel?"

Incel : "I complained online about government not giving me girlfriend"

Boris : "I'm in gulag for killing bears with bare hands outside hunting season, bend over comrade incel"

/u/shingis231 do one where the guy has multiple convictions for spousal abuse.

That's too simple they'll clearly love it. i got 200 matches in 2 days with this bio. my next one will be much worse. im trying to find somenoe to photoshop a swatiska tattoo on the guy

Couldn't the swastika get it banned? Even youtube blurs them. Also try the "registered sex offender route".

I'm a fan but I'm too lazy to do it myself, so I'll stick to trying to give you ideas.

Also you could make it more "scientific" by using a GPS spoofer (here's a guide that works with Pokemon Go, and that game is supposed to be spoofer proof).

But I'll give that advice to /r/hapas so they can catfish asians with white profiles.