A woke man tells it like it is in r/PurplePillDebate: feminists are literally like nazis

16  2017-07-23 by moudougou


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I'm not familiar with this sub, but it seems like it's full of psycho:

How many kids do you have?

None at the moment, but this is due to the eugenics movement that women in the US have instituted against my kind.

I am not taking this lightly and have very elaborate plans for fixing this little snafu. I will absolutely be having children, despite my genetics.

In line with their eugenics movement, they will take the top men as breeders

Does it come with a dental plan?


Lisa needs braces

Can't sleep clown will eat me


Do you attribute your lack of success with women to being a manlet or to having a shitty personality? Question two, is your personality shitty because you're a manlet or because you have everything that you think that women want and yet they still don't want you?

First, I'm very honored that I got linked from another forum! That's a first.

Second, I've been talking with a poster and she got me looking into aspergers. I might actually be an aspie, which would explain many of my problems.

I've been told my whole life that I can't really see things from other people's point of view and that I tend to be very insensitive and overly blunt.

I have learned to mask much of that behavior (subconsciously). Very interesting!

Reddit rocks!

But, yeah, I don't think being a manlet helps. I know another guy that is far worse than I am, aspergers-wise, but he's VERY good-looking. He gets a ton of women, but they all cheat on him eventually (one cheated with his father). Pretty crazy stuff!

I like this kid.

Thanks! I like you too!

I've been talking with a poster and she got me looking into aspergers. I might actually be an aspie, which would explain many of my problems.

I've been told my whole life that I can't really see things from other people's point of view and that I tend to be very insensitive and overly blunt.

You're an inspiration for all r/drama users

Thanks! My mom always told me I'd do something important one day!

You could, one day, save us from the feminists milking men on mars.

Well fuck, here you come serious posting and being reasonable. Real talk though, I look like Roy Orbison and make 42k but have no problems with women so it genuinely may be aspergers on your part that is keeping you from making healthy connections with people. Or you're a creep with no sense of personal consequences.

Possibly a creep, but I haven't been arrested yet. So there's a success! :P

you almost fooled me, for a second I thought you were a normal guy. Then I remembered your unironic beliefs on men being heavily persecuted

ime height has little to do with it. appearances definitely, but height doesn't necessarily factor. my sister was loyal to a 5'4" Italian weirdo who she only broke up with because he demanded an open relationship (so he could fuck this other girl) that she didn't want. her other boyfriends were 5'5" 5'2" and 6'3". the first two were insensitive shitheads from high school who dumped her and the third one was 24 and a community college dropout who encouraged her not to go to apply to college. im sure if you or your friend improved your social skills beyond that of a teenager you'd probably be fine. go to some autism social mixer or something.

How did they get so butthurt over Nexium?

To be fair the Second wave feminists have already got a string of manifestos and ideas based around just this. From the SCUM manifesto to Greers writings and Dworkins too....I mean, he's not wrong, and at least two of the ones I mention are held in high regard by a large part of feminism, ignoring all the bad of them, the literal call for genocides. I even saw the SCUM manifesto in a museum of gay history in a room about how amazing feminists have been to us (bullshit) completely presented uncritically, not even a mention that that manifesto literally calls for the death of all gay men for being fake and useless men.

So yeah feminism is a lot like nazis just more acceptable in public it would seem

man you're absolutely right. i can't believe the suffragettes want to get votes for women honestly :/ like have you read some of the things they've written? it pretty much states that men should be in the kitchen, not women. what's next? negroes voting? i heard some women think black men should vote and frankly that's fucked up. So yeah women's suffrage is a lot like the assassination of archduke Ferdinand just more acceptable in public it would seem

^ totally exactly what I said...even though I didn't mention the assassination or suffragettes (but a group after them). But sure let's ignore feminists calling for the genocide of gay men because that makes you look like a better person right?

Though even your sarcasm misses the mark. They didn't want a class of people they considered uneducated and likely to vote against their middle class interest to have a vote. That goes for lower class white women to.

But sure shove words in my mouth because your triggered that feminists have beat the worst picture their detractors can say because they've said it first. It's not like I said this without pointing out the people who said this stupidity 50 fucking years ago snowflake.

God seems some people are to fucking sensitive over two sides of a coin being retards, they really want to live in denial to that one side has been practicing retards for far longer.

so you're some kind of anti-feminist marxist?

I'm Schrodinger activists, both a Nazi and a SJW at the same time.

Also, pointing out the lunacy and bigotry of second wave feminists /= anti-feminist. Just don't believe in denial of the bad and immunity to criticism.

I thought "So yeah feminism is a lot like nazis" was kind of an anti-feminist statement, but maybe it was intended as a compliment.

castrate yourself btw

That's just how deep the culturally ingraned naziphobia runs.

if you think I'm going to read that wall of text you're mistaken

To be fair you didn't read the first thing you replied to, just invented what you wanted to, so you can keep living in denial.

i can't read

The SCUM manifesto is hilarious, I didn't know this text. Valerie Solanas is my new hero. You should cut your balls btw

She almost killed Andy Warhol too. I bet if she got away with it we would be praising her name to this day tbh.

I praise her name now. She was nuts, but she was funny.

It's a shame she didn't succeed, imagine how quickly that would have killed feminism in the 70s if she did.

reality of the lunatics of feminism triggering you babe?


I can see why your confused, upset that feminists already beat this guy to your punch line, making your mocking of him a bit impotent.

i don't understand a thing

Thanks for the link everyone! This is an honor! :-D

Can I ask why it's so important for you to have kids?

I just really want to be a father.

You don't know me and I probably seem pretty crazy on here, but I work with children and I'm very good with them (I didn't think I would be until I started working in this job). I think I would be a good dad.

A good dad who would make sure his kids understand feminists literally want to kill men, of course. Seems like you are definitely mentally sound and ready to raise children mhmm


I'm confused - are we talking about feminists, or loud mouth armchair activists who don't give a damn about women's rights and equality; post rants on social media; whine on shitty "feminist websites" and create "protests" which achieve absolutely nothing?


The .... must mean that my semi - serious, semi - shitpost rant failed again?...Damn I need a sensei to help me achieve r/drama level.

You'll come along, man, as long as the subreddit doesn't implode over dipshit mod drama. But what are the odds of that?

Last time when people unironically asked this question american presidental election happened.

Keep trying, brother. You're really quite bad at this.


Careful there, you wouldn't want to work yourself into a shoot, eh?

areful there, you wouldn't want to work yourself into a shoot, eh?

See, I don't even know where you're going with this.

You never where a mark of The Hulkster, I see, dude, brother, jack.

Nah. Normal men will just go all ISIS on American women.

That was the weirdest thing I've read all day. Good find OP

This is the problem with women these days. My whole purpose for finding a woman is to replace my mother once she's gone and also to be a good mother to my children. What is their purpose if they can't do these things?

It's like Buster Bluth spent too much time on reddit.