/r/Niceguys finds their hero

2  2017-07-24 by wisty


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I don't think this place sub is a "hateful-ass place" at all really. That's not what the sub is about. It's more about calling out delusional losers on their pathetic bullshit. Because the people that most of the posts in this sub are about deserve every single bit of "hate" they are getting. They are crybaby self absorbed losers who really don't have anything to offer. That's why they make those pathetic posts on social media or whatever. They bitch and moan about how "nice" they are even though nobody likes them. Yet they are unwilling to change themselves at all.

/u/rocklobster3 just own it and enjoy being mean.

Did you find this on r/niceguys or r/drama?


its not any of that, its probably because you are ugly

Removed? Maybe the mods realized how hateful their user base is.