The drama over Kat Von D disqualifying a contest winner because she's a Trump supporter steps up a notch as T_D finds out she was an actual full blown Nazi

63  2017-07-24 by [deleted]



Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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did i do it right /r/drama you repetitive hacks

needs more bussy

way more

user reports:
1: This, but while also blaming the mods

I hate the mods so much.

Take it to /r/circlebroke


That's a good one.

im referring to any backpack I ever own as "the ol' jewbag" from now on

Call your wallet your "jewbag"

Perfect nickname for (((my))) testicles.

I personally wonder if the globalist elite are Nazi sympathizers/Odessa agents. The open disdain for non whites(blacks too stupid to get ID one example) The final act Hitler desired was destroying Germany for failing him in the war. His generals lied to him about this. Merkel is accomplishing this as we speak. The depiction of whites as weak/stupid/evil is pop culture standard. Just a thought that's been in my mind, also how many thousands of Nazis were given US government jobs post WW2, operation Paperclip, MKUltra....probably I'm wrong but I still wonder.

Wow, I never thought of it that way

...because you're not a retard?

I wouldn't say that now

but he posts on /r/drama

We're autists, not retards, you retard.

porque no los dos?

big if true

It always has to devolve into MKUltra.

Pull that shit up Jamie.

rly makes u think


Have you thought about having a hemispherectomy and entering the flabby piece of grey matter into the Olympics because that is the most outstanding display of mental gymnastics I have ever seen.


The final act Hitler desired was destroying Germany for failing him in the war


I think this is the plot to a Shin Megami Tensei game...

I assume he's talking about the Nero Decree.

The way he phrased it was as if it were Hitler taking revenge on the German people rather than a strategic decision, though.

This is your brain on Infowars.

The final act Hitler desired was destroying Germany for failing him in the war.

This man should be killed before he breeds tbh

Hold on now, skeeter, we could just sterilize him.

If Perez Hilton reports on it, it must be true.

Mighty fine deflection had OP not provided a bunch of media sources and photos.

Lmao. I want it to be as true as anyone else, but the "sources" were all gossip rags.

There are pictures, plus it cost Jesse James his marriage. So yeah that's pretty good evidence.

I want it to be as true as anyone else

You are ignoring someone dressed as a literal Nazi to whine about sourcing in /r/Drama

someone dressed as a literal Nazi

That wasn't Kat Von D, you git.

That's the funniest part. Some people are so easily misled, it's like they enjoy it.

Dude, I would be fucking amazed if 1% of people actually followed links on reddit. The dude in T_D said "she wore Nazi clothing" and these fucking halfwits took him at his word instead of reading the story and seeing it was a different girl, lmao.

Just fucking kill me.

All of his sources were gossip rags. But sure, if multiple gossip rags repeat each other, it must be true. Lmao.

Sounds to me like she's a typical leftist woman who holds no real convictions of her own, we should find other examples of famous leftists whose opinions change directions like a leaf blowing in the wind. Show them just how hypocritical their celebs really are.

Hmm πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”really makes u think

leave daddy alone reeee


The demonization of politicians changing their minds based on new evidence and societal changes is about the worst thing about American politics.

based on new evidence and societal changes

Implying that's what happened with Trump

Oh im referring to the first bit and not the part about the orange retard

But DVT is not a politician.

Also, I admit I know shit about her, but preeeeetty sure anyone who's doing nazi shit while in the ballpark of dating Marilyn Manson isn't doing it earnestly. That guy aped fascist imagery all the god damned time ironically in the late 90s/early 00s.

Deep vein thrombosis can not run for office.

JFC I'm a retard.

So Dita Von Teese and Kat von D are different people, apparently.

They're both equally useless so it's understandable to confuse them

Any story about a Trump supporter being treated unfairly by her liberal coastal superiors warms my heart.

But seriously, what did Kat Von D expect? Only a Trumpanzee would willingly stay in fucking Wichita if they had the ability to move somewhere else.

Only a Trump supporter would willingly stay in fucking Wichita if they had the ability to move somewhere else.



"Only a Trump supporter would willingly stay"

consults list of retardedly expensive places he will never afford a home

"... anywhere except West Hollywood or Park Slope!"

Lmao, I love how they cite fuckin gossip rags and believe them to be true without question. These fuckers are extremely dumb or just bad liars.

These fuckers are extremely dumb or just bad liars.

Well, yeah they're mongoloid trumpets

Uhhh the Jesse James Nazi fetish thing was pretty well covered and cost him his marriage to Sandra Bullock.

A signed note in her handwriting is pretty good evidence, too.

A signed note in her handwriting is also pretty good evidence

Not when it comes from TMZ.

TMZ breaks news all the time. They pay losers $$ to rat out "celebrities".

Weren't they first on Michael Jackson?

They've also reported on plenty of fake shit. They don't care, they're not news.

I understand the appeal of stuff like the mp40, mg42, Tiger tank, me262, or Bismarck, but I don't understand genuinely idolizing Hitler himself or the salute.

Agreed, Hitler's only charm lies in upsetting normies.

He doesn't get at the real erotic truth behind the Nazis, which is best exhibited by Ilsa the She-Wolf of the SS or Aryanne.

I want to know why you have those links practically macroed at this point, but then again, I'm likely better off not knowing.

i mean they're posting in t_d so...

This, but unironically and referencing articles and r/politics.

Gee, an over-inked skank who is only famous for being an over-inked skank is a shitshow of drama, who could have imagined?

Looks like Zyklon's back on the menu, boys!

Yeah /u/NotAllMenAreLikeThat , Kat was none of those. Those pictures are literally of someone else and Jessie James being Jesse James. Fucking Sandra Bullock even dated that whacko -- She is married to Deadmau5 and a fucking vegan you god damn moron. Is this how you guys justify supporting Trump? Just making random fake shit up to jerk off too in your little fantasy everything is great and perfect land? Holy shit you are a walking reason for abortions.

You have to leap pretty far to think that tree hugger is a nazi you stupid Trump cum dumpster.

it can't be her because she's a vegan and no-one who is vegan could possibly be a Nazi! also those objective photos of her confirmed in multiple sources are fake because!

SJW logic.

She really isn't a Nazi and the are confirmed fake because it LITERALLY is a different human being in it you fucking stupid unswallowed cum load.

How are you this fucking stupid? The dude's own link says it's a different person.