How is it...

9  2017-07-24 by [deleted]



You have the most active submission history for a two day old account! You have been working hard.

How do you know of me? Who's alt account are you?

My account is 2 1/2 years old.

I'm a goat herder from Nepal. Business is booming and I have a lot of free time because it's goat milking season and after that it's goat shearing season.

Also, cite the permalink that my account is active two days old. Cite the permalink that you have only been on Reddit 4 1/2 years. Substantiate your claims, fucker face.

You didn't answer my question. Why should I answer yours?

You misquoted me. My account is 2 1/2 years old. I do not have an alt.

I do not have an alt.

We all know that's bullshit girl. Just admit it.

If you made her admit any of her bullshit is made up in her head, it would give her no reason to exist. Her life IS her delusion.

That's only a smattering of her insanity. Imagine her at a library furiously typing that out while screaming randomly cause "they" are "lasering" her "left nipple and anus"

I did answer you. I told you I'm a Nepalese goat herder. Now you can answer mine. Why have you been on Reddit, to quote you, "15 1/2 years." And why do you have so many alts. Substantiate with permalink a that you don't have alts.

How's that wireless connection up there in the Himalayas?

Hey /u/microwavedindividual, it looks like you didn't answer me . I guess you know you're wrong.

Cite the permalinks!

You have hyper-autism. It is the bastard child of ADHD and Assburgers. And with your OCD about acquiring karma, you have the trifecta of retardation, the elusive edgelord-neckbeard variant, referred to colloquially as 'Lord Edgebeard of Neck' truly an accomplishment worthy of a participation trophy or something. Your life is complete. Keep yourself safe.

Another alt, eh /u/microwavedindividual?

Why are so many retards making self posts lately?

Make a self post and ask.

Careful. You might bust her insane, delusional fantasy that she's so important the CIA would kill her...for the past 3 years. Then she would have absolutely nothing else to do than, you know, concoct another major delusion and evade treating her debilitating degrading mental illness.

Watch out guys. Now she's harassing me via PM's because I talked shit on this thread, demanding I stop cyberstalking and bullying" her and threatening to add my username to her "brigadeers wiki" in her delusional little fantasy.

I prefer that you upload a screenshot of my request for you to cease cyberstalking and bullying me than to summarize my request in your own words.

You've really lost it, haven't you?

Are you truly this insane or are you just the biggest disinformation troll in history?

You may have lost your account if the admins ban you for harassment. I warned you. You continued to bully.

No one is banning me, in fact they'll probably ban you for being a whiny bitch who won't SHUT THE FUCK UP.