it ain't over muthafucka: /r/the_Donald uncovers the promised pizzagate evidence

92  2017-07-25 by grungebot5000


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yeah you go girl

Yea fuck those babies snappy!


Wait, Is "hot dogs" boys and "pizza" girls? This whole exchange is fucking creepy. That's the general consensus. There's a couple other coded words in podestas emails too talking about walnut sauce, another with cheese pizza.

Holy fucking shit

This is what they actually believe


Imaging being this r>>>Wait, Is "hot dogs" boys and "pizza" girls? This whole exchange is fucking creepy.

That's the general consensus. There's a couple other coded words in podestas emails too talking about walnut sauce, another with cheese pizza.

Imagine being this retarded.

/u/masterlawlz get in here and provide some context for us


Don't let the flame die out

Imagine having an army of autists dissecting your pizza toppings.

Imagine being this REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEtarded.


It's a bunch of fucking retards thinking they are "exposing the deep state" by believing a bunch of troll propaganda spread by 4chan.

by believing a bunch of troll propaganda spread by 4chan.

To be fair to them, the symbols document is legitimate and wherever the clinton foundation goes there's a lot of... problems

Problems like a massive drops in AIDs and famine.

The clintons got you to leave africa?

I do whatever they pay me to do. $HILL LIFE!

Your bucci must be pretty tight to be this butthurt

It's bussy you poser. Get your syntax right.

When did BoiPucci change to bussy?

It evolved naturally.


This fucking guy


Clinton can get fucked with a rusty sword.

As a long time poster in r/conspiracy I can tell you there's a lot of bullshit pushed by 4chan onto Reddit just for the Keks!

Gotta use your noggin and think a little about what is plausible, possible, and probable then make an informed decision based on facts.

As a long time poster in r/conspiracy I can tell you there's a lot of bullshit pushed by 4chan onto Reddit just for the Keks!

Oh i'm not denying that.

But there are legitimate sources that say there's some suspicious shit with regards to the clinton foundation. At the very least a large scale fraud scheme.

I'm not shilling for Hillary dude. I don't doubt her foundation or her affiliated PACs and even her political party have done shady/illegal shit to keep her rich and in "power", but this pizzagate shit is 100% fabricated bullshit.

Did she help destabilize other nations and fuck with our election system? Yes, and there is hard proof of that.

There is not one credible tangible piece of proof to prove pizzagate but lame ass info graphics with Microsoft paint red arrows and circles.

Making pizzagate infographics is like scrapbooking for retards.

I'm not shilling for Hillary dude.

Not saying you are fam, sorry if you thought so. I'm just saying there's legit reasons to think conspiratorially whenever the clintons are involved, so its not like they're terribly off base

There is not one credible tangible piece of proof to prove pizzagate but lame ass info graphics with Microsoft paint red arrows and circles.

This is so true it hurts. But its fuckin funny

Of course there's suspicious shit. They're crooks. He was the governor of Arkansas. But don't tell met that they're global master criminals like Carmen Sandiego. As Freud once said, "Sometimes a tard is... just a tard."

But don't tell met that they're global master criminals like Carmen Sandiego. As Freud once said, "Sometimes a tard is... just a tard."


I think it's more along the lines of a "compartmentalization" issue. So persons A B C and D all know each other/work together. Well, A does something fucked up, but BC and D don't know what he did, but they cover for their buddy because they have no reason to doubt him. C is the biggest defender of A, because turns out C did some fucked up stuff that A covered for, but B and D don't know about. However, B has info on A doing fucked up shit, not knowing A was doing fucked up stuff to cover for C. So now, B is feeling out C and D about A and C starts gunning after B in the background, but B doesn't know because B has no reason to suspect C as he only has info on A. During all this, D is just playing it straight and trying to put out fires and may eventually get shitcanned instead of A or C, while B might get killed off if he doesn't agree to cool it.

Now extrapolate this into multiple agencies in multiple countries each with their own shell corporations and battlefronts and all of a sudden you might find your agents hired some guys to help traffic children in afghanistan so they'll give you intel you need about a terror cell in iraq

Holy fucking shit you're retarded.

Thanks fam

Yeah no problem


The education talk got too much


Listen here gumshoe, NOONE can compete with Carmen Sandiego. She is a MASTER criminal that I have devoted my life to trying to capture, and putting her name in the same sentence as any American politician.

Carmen Sandiego STOLE the name of one of our most vanilla cities and she is off somewhere in the world with it! What could a politician possibly do that is worse than that?! No!

If only all of those aspiring gumshoes over at conspiracy could see the light, be woke enough to see the blight that that beautiful Mulatto goddess in the red jacket has brought upon us.

Never never blame malice when it could be explained with stupidity.

Lol, you realize the Clinton Foundation is one of the most highly rated charities in the world, right?

2013 - rating "A"' '89% of funding went to charity programs'

2012 - rating "A+" '90% of funding went to charity programs';orgid=16680

Overall Score: 95/100

Financial 98/100

Accountability & Transparency 93/100

Literally the only person I know of that was proven to be running a fraud charity is Donald Trump himself.

on multiple fronts:

Or how he used charity money to fund a well known smear artist:

how is correct the record up and running this long after the election.


>posts on /r/politics and /r/neoliberal

hmm color me suprised.

posts on /r/drama

ANY INFORMATION THAT MAKES TRUMP LOOK BAD IS FAKE REEEEEEEE! How about you do some fucking research for once?

As a long time poster in r/conspiracy

Off yourself you waste of oxygen

Flavor Aid

Flavor Aid is a non-carbonated soft drink beverage made by The Jel Sert Company in West Chicago, Illinois. It was introduced in 1929. It is sold throughout the United States as an unsweetened, powdered concentrate drink mix, similar to Kool-Aid brand drink mix.

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it's hilarious until some nutjob shoots up a restaurant because of this bullshit

Now it's really hilarious.

American culture is so bizarre with their anime neonazis rambling about the jews in the news, Kekistan, pepes and cheese pizza. Not even the other nazis like them and they would be the first to be gassed.

American culture is so bizarre with their anime neonazis rambling about the jews in the news, Kekistan, pepes and cheese pizza. Not even the other nazis like them and they would be the first to be gassed.

That's the beauty of free speech

It's actually what the Chinese government points to to argue against freedom of speech. And democracy.

If they believe anything can be coded words, I really do hope they come up with an even more insane conspiracy. I mean, when you assume hot dogs are little kids, anything is now possible.

<<<((( ""sauce"")))>>>

The stupidity of internet trump supporters never ceases to amaze me

The best theory they can come up with revolves around changing names of common foods with the subjects of their pedophilia fantasies.

Those ARE secret pedo terms recognized by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, you realize that, right?

Like, not a LARP.

"Those ARE secret pedo terms recognized by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, you realize that, right? Like, not a LARP." - professional larper

calling me a larper is giving me entirely too much credit

you dipshit

Literally old as shit


Does anyone think Hot Dogs/Pizza refers to food?

holy shit, /u/Darkheartisland is really through the looking glass

/u/Darkheartisland you're going to get your coat taken away if you say hilldog and obummer are anything less than satanic blood drinking pedophiles

It's Actually Against White House Policy to Bring in Outside Food

TIL The White House operates on the same principle as the local bowling alley.

Not surprising in the least

I hear Congress has a 2 drink minimum too.

I thought more like 2 line minimum

did someone say TWO DRINKS?

Obama: Sorry kids, we can't order delivery. No outside food allowed in our house. I wish there was someone in power who could maybe change that policy, but the chef is a real dick and just won't allow or.

Look, bob, I get it, but I'm really feeling Papa John's. Please? C'mon, just once."

"Fuck off Barry, you know the rules."


You understand that theres a security risk here right? Same reason why USSS confiscates consumable gifts.

meanwhile r/conspiracy is a bastion of sanity

Tfw /r/conspiracy with its lizard jews calls you out on your crackpot theory

I know when I'm being scammed and large portion of PG feels like a scam. Anyone got links to the original investigation without all the partisan garbage?

u were so close little buddy

Wasn't that old as shit? I remember that being a "story" when it happened.

TD likes bringing up old shit on a slow day

Especially on a day where trump makes an ass of himself

All day errr day

You should see the 4chan anon post about the Hawaiian property with a ton of weird shit. Like WiFi being emitted underground and a bunch of barrels with chemicals known to liquefy bones. The theory is that after the children age or become a liability they go to this facility to turn into liquid.

just stahp guys

Niggerpenis bringing an air of rationality up in here

Hawaiian property

You know who (((else))) is from Hawaii?

Not Barack Obama, because he's a Nigerian/Kenyan/African double agent. Any day now, he's going to take your guns and put everyone in FEMA trailers.

Oh no, a router in a basement and barrels of pool chemicals!

with chemicals known to liquefy bones

holy shit is this how you make boneless pizza

Never forget (((Democrat))) Andrew Jackson served a huge wheel of (((cheese))) at the White House. This has been going on for centuries.



I'll be honest the way they speak in those emails is just bizarre

Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...

What makes this bizarre

Only pedos talk about sharing pizza DUHH

Terminal autism.

if youre a shutin whose only knowledge of human interaction are from movies and tv where the characters all speak in explicit terms and spell everything out to each other for the benefit of the audience, any private communication between close friends or colleagues is going to look like some kind of lizard rape code.

I know this is hard to understand for someone who has never held a job, but this is the same shitty office humor you see all over the world.

That just seems like standard terrible office humor.

as dem staffers are strictly forbidden from telling shitty jokes, I think you're onto something here.

the question is, how many times can you divide a bussy for it to still be usable?


Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...

Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire.'

Could just, you know, be total sarcasm, which is pretty evident if you read the rest of the e-mail.

How is that remotely bizarre?

I just.. I.. can we have a moment of silence? I feel we need to hang our heads in shame.

Better yet, they should just hang themselves

Why would someone from a city known for their hot dogs and pizza bring in hot dogs and pizza for 1000s of people? To fuck children. Too bad for /r/the_donald it was the children that are regulars at the ones from Chicago instead of that random ass one where John Podesta and Hillary Clinton actually fuck children.

Join me at /r/pizzagategategate

You know its probably a given theres a pedophile ring around somewhere in the government but why the fuck did they make it revolve around fucking pizza

Because all conspiracies are like in Scooby Doo. They always leave little clues to what they're doing around. Remember when the CIA would drug people with LSD and dropped little hints around?

"I would have got away with it, if it wasn't for you diddling kids".

  • John Pedesta to Hillary Clinton. Probably.

I am very willing to believe there are pedophile rings in Washington D.C. and that there are child fuckers in our government.

I have a much harder time believing they used their official DNC email accounts to organize child sex parties using weird food code words.

Because they are fucking stupid. An elite pedo ring is likely to avoid talking about raping children in emails, or making little remarks and hoodwinks about it in public.

But these fuck wits need something to hold onto in their meaningless lives, so they pretend statues of owls or triangles are signs of satanic child rape syndicates.

The only valid part I see is when they discuss Jeffery Epstein, who I believe got like a month for raping a child. He's insanely rich, and theres been rumors of him having a weird sex slave ring way before this pizzagate shit started.

I don't actually think any of them care for evidence or how bad pedophiles are or "saving children" when their beloved leader was accused of raping a teenage girl. At least that almost went to court.

And Epstein and Trump have a history.

[srs] i mean i would put money on there being multiple people in the gov't who are involved in pedo rings, but not fucking high-profile politicians. those guys barely have time to buy coke

65k could buy you ... over 9000 Pizzas!

With pepperoni or extra cheese?

Calm down, Oprah.

Does hotdogs (penis shape) mean penis and does pizza ("V" shape) me vagina? --- I never heard the food reference explained. I guess waitresses means the one supplying the hotdogs and pizza.


I guess waitresses means the one supplying the hotdogs and pizza.

real detective work

i like how the first time they discussed this (see Other Discussions), they all thought it meant gay adult hookers

I don't know. It's obviously 4Chan Propaganda but it makes a more interesting world. And it's being used to smear Democrats so I support it.

Or, you know, you could try to go after them with facts.

Don't you think doing this hurts your camp more because it makes you look ultra autistic?

Not really. I think it just brings in more people who are Conspiracy Theorist who don't vote. Also I think it's fun.


"You should see the 4chan anon post about the Hawaiian property with a ton of weird shit. Like WiFi being emitted underground and a bunch of barrels with chemicals known to liquefy bones. The theory is that after the children age or become a liability they go to this facility to turn into liquid. We're not only dealing with potential molesters, but potential murderers as well."

Honestly, I'd believe that the Earth is Flat over this