Kraut, an anti-sjw youtuber, has a pasta-worthy meltdown on twitter after being accused of getting some dumb cunt fired

24  2017-07-25 by animutrashcan


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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You, who have manufactured outrage over this, are a bunch of pathetic whimpering little shits! Do you really have so little to add to the conversation that you have to pretend that someone has no personal responsibility for her actions and to pin it on someone who critiqued her views? Are your arguments so pathetically weak that you have to devolve into drama shit flinging? You are a joke, a massive fucking joke, and yes I am looking at you over there Edgy Sphinx, Cedarwood and Blonde! Especially, Cedarwood and Edgy, you two?! You, after complaining about moral grandstanding? Complaining that people opposed to you do too much drama and no substantive debate over issues? And what do you do after these complaints? You go looking for shit to fling like the shit flinging mental midget monkeys you actually are! Pathetic!

Tweets with screencaps to follow!

I can't believe I just typed that all out just for r/drama. This is actually depressing.

I'm OotL here. Who got fired?

@rageafterstorm. an alt-right bimbo or something. She deleted her twitter after posting this piece of retardation

I saw that tweet, but never saw the firing drama after.

Did kraut send that to her employer or something? How did he get tagged with the blame?

Apparently a few weeks ago he was tweeting at her employer about the racist videos she was making. He also deleted these tweets and no one screencapped them. This post is basically about him defending himself from butthurt alt-righters accusing his tweets of being the thing that led to the firing, or at least, being some form of "tattling"

he was tweeting at her employer about the racist videos she was making

Idiot. The anti-sjw's are always foaming at the mouth about this when SJWs do this.

There's literally no reason to do that unless the person in question is operating in an official capacity under their employer when making the comment(s) in question.

Or unless you really dislike them. Then it's reasonable

I support it whenever anyone has to face the consequences for the shit they say online, nazi or commie.

Yeah it's one thing to get doxxed when you're writing anonymously with a username but when you're dumb enough to talk about your nazi shit when speaking as yourself on a public forum with your real face that's you doing shit in public and it's no one else's fault when your boss or whoever sees it

Yeah it's one thing to get doxxed when you're writing anonymously

Thats when its the best!! When some fake fucking coward gets his mask ripped off and has the crushing realization that it wasnt a mask at all and now it's his face for the rest is his life is fucking orgasmic.

I will never forgive CNN for not publishing that loser's name.

The only doxxing I dont support is when its done just so spergs can harrass someone.


Aspergers is Uncontrollable.

an alt-right bimbo or something.

Is she hot?

See for yourself. I'd seig heil her all damn day.

You can do better man, hold yourself to a higher standard of anti-sjw bimbos

Christ I just want to pound her until she only says stupid shit in Slovenian

Barbs is a great THOT but I have to say, after spending an hour watching her archived videos (losing a lot of brain cells), Rage is far superior. As a true misoqynist, I judge women by how much i want to blow a load on their face and by that measure, Rage wins by far.

Bro if you're judging those two purely by aesthetic value and your choice isn't obviously 150% Barb then you're clearly too into bussy.

That nazi chick looks, and sounds, like everybody's friend's annoying little sister who works at the seasonal Halloween store and makes a point to say she only digs guys with eyebrow piercings.

THOT = That Hoe Over There.

Also I'm with /u/animutrashcan, Rage is way hotter than Barb.

Y'all mother fuckers need jesus

autist terminology

tfw you're so out of touch with real culture that you think "thot" was invented by pasty whiteys.

Isn't she Chris Ray Gun's ex?

Isn't she Chris Ray Gun's ex?

I think so.

Need to find the drama from that break-up stat.

I'd don't think there is any. It was never public, people only know by context clues

We have the hottest bimbos.

Yeah not alot of lookers there either, it doesn't change my point that the alt-right is hilariously unfuckable.

alt-right isn't who's going to kick your ass.

I'm literally shaking right now


Just like Nov 8.

I was fucking with you

Did you think I was serious posting?


The hottest anti sjw bimbo is def laci green

No fat chicks.


Better, but still only like a 7.

There must be hotter alt-right chicks than this.

She's made videos quite vehemently denying being alt-right

She reminds me of someone going undercover in the aut-right for sociology thesis.

Is she hot?

Cut, but not really hot, no. Not unless you're really into nerdy girls with no chin.

That's me.

Ah yes, their famous song "Crawling in the oven." Classic.

I have helped spread the pasta.

@rageafterstorm. an alt-right bimbo or something. She deleted her twitter after posting this piece of retardation

That German. I'd let her gas me anyday, holy shit. Gotta work on the eyebrows though.

She should have been fired for using yellow font on a white background

The video that has a whole bunch of heil hitler's as an intro? Who could have guessed honestly.

I'd fuck the Nazi out of her

I'd fuck a new tiny Nazi into her.

that bitches neck is longer than US 20, wtf is wrong with your standards?

I'd wreck her poophole for sure.

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Race IS Real (Mirror) +1 - See for yourself. I'd seig heil her all damn day.
WHY FEMINISM STILL EXISTS +1 - You can do better man, hold yourself to a higher standard of anti-sjw bimbos Christ I just want to pound her until she only says stupid shit in Slovenian
My Stance On Religion - RageAfterStorm Mirror +1 - Barbs is a great THOT but I have to say, after spending an hour watching her archived videos (losing a lot of brain cells), Rage is far superior. As a true misoqynist, I judge women by how much i want to blow a load on their face and by that measure,...

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