Teehee, you thought I was 500 lbs, I'm actually 497 kiddo <3

93  2017-07-26 by CuriousKrow


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He's quoting this comment of mine.

I love how: 1. Boogie measures from his heaviest, not from a time period like I did. 2. He acts like any of what I said was false.

I'm surprised my shit posting has such reach though.

  1. He browses /r/drama or has a tracker to see when his name is mentioned.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3. Check it out! It's an ugly workaround, but still...

3. Behold the master race.

4. This looks like the real thing in the app, but not in the browser unfortunately.

We should mod him, it would be good to have someone bringing down the average weight of our mod team.

He's admitted to browsing 4chan's /fit/ about three times a week. And he has a history of popping up when people talk about him.

I used to casually watch my 600 lb life and three people really stuck out to me.

One was this older white woman, early 50's who had an epiphany one day. She started doing things like drinking water and walking to the mailbox to start exercising but she really did want to lose weight. After surgery she kept up the exercising and managed to keep losing weight. I really remember one scene where she started crying in a grocery store because a couple dicks were making fun of her for being fat. It upset her because she knew she was fat, she hated that she was fat but she was trying to improve.

The second was this older black guy whose backstory I forget but I do remember how absolutely militant he was about losing weight. After his surgery he followed his diet plan religiously, to the point where he called the dietician to see if it was okay to eat some plain popcorn one night with his family. Dude lose a lot of weight and I hope achieved his goal.

The third was a young white woman who made a ton of excuses for her weight. After her surgery she never even tried her diet plan because she always found an excuse. First was a wedding, which is fair, but every day there was some reason she 'couldn't' do the diet. I think in the end she actually gained weight.

Ever since the. I've seen those people I've never been an asshole to a fat person unless they deserved it. I really don't want to be like those two jackasses in a grocery store making an old lady cry simply because she's fat. Sure I'll call bullshit like that young girl in the show was doing but there's no reason to be a dick to a fat person simply because they're fat. Especially when they're walking, or at the gym.

I've seen two recent episodes due to some suggestions. One was the two parter with the guy from youtube who bragged about people paying for his piss bottle. He was a piece of shit. But worse was James. Not only was James perhaps the most disgusting creature on the planet, but from what I understood his daughter dropped out of high school to clean his piss. I think at one point his girlfriend admitted they'd probably be better if he just passed.

lol did u really just come here to get validation? Where's the fucking drama?

/u/uberwolf0 you should have gained weight instead, and gone on "my 600lb life".

He's appeared on Supersize vs. Superskinny as a guest speaker. It's a british show that pairs obese people with anorexics to try and fix both of their issues with food.

Here is the clip.

Funny thing is, in this clip he claims to be 39(he's 43 now) and 37.5 stone (525 lbs). So much close to my claim of 6 lbs in 4 years than his of 100 lbs.

In all seriousness I wish the dude would prove me wrong. I wish boogie would leave me btfo. If someone with that much reach became a normal size and maybe even fit, hopefully it will inspire more people to do the same.

I truly believe that obesity will be what brings about the downfall of western society.

Fuck I missed this episode (love the show).

pairs obese people with anorexics to try and fix both of their issues with food

This seems like a horrible idea. Like, "let's give the anas some thinspiration"

Totally. If I saw Boogie in the flesh I'd probably be put right off my appetite

Honestly, just videos put me off. Not in a "ew that person looks disgusting and grosses me out" way, but a "cool if with the pizzas and eat more veggies" kinda way.





Goddamn Genetic Freak.


I'll say this about Steiner, he's not hiding it. "I'll get tested along with Triple H" was ballsy. I haven't followed it in a while, but I just saw Jinder Mahal and it's enraging knowing they'll shitcan midcard guys and jobbers but someone does it blatantly and he becomes champion.

Aye but they've got this huge India push going just now so he's at the top for a bit. Mental how he went from a no hoper to smackdown champ.

I'm not mad at him for doing it but WWE for having such a joke of a wellness policy. Either have it or don't, don't let guys like Jinder, HHH, and Brock pass by while firing guys I'm guessing who are doing it more responsibly. I heard Evan Bourne got busted for it and The Rock's still making appearances. Christ. I remember JR publicly criticizing DH Smith over it. These guys are trying to build a career and it seems like random guys are handicapped over it.

As for Jinder, I like his look and I like his cobra clutch slam. It sounds like he's not getting a lot of heat though.

Usually people plateau when they're 90% to their goal because they're so happy with their progress and their TDEE is so much lower.

This dude is plateauing at 500 pounds...

That's not a plateau my dude, that's getting off the ride before it starts.

I don't know how it's even possible to plateau when your TDEE is around 4000 calories. You'd have to eat a huge amount consistently to not lose weight.

On my 600 lb life Dr Now said when people are that size they're not really maintaining they're in a constant state of gain/lose. I know when my eating habits are extra fucked I'll lose and gain the same 5 lbs over and over.

But it works out to the same thing though.

I think he said he's aiming for 800cal a day, in which case no wonder he's not sticking to it and going straight to binging. A 1800cal meal plan would have a better chance of satisfying him and leaving room to a few "treats" here and there, and he'd still lose weight rapidly.

If he went for a smaller deficit, he might actually have a chance of sticking to it, especially in the long term.

800cal? That's purposefully too small. He knows people will think that's ridiculous so when he doesn't lose they'll say it's because his diet plan was impossible to stick to. He should start with 2000 and move around more since he burns an insane amount of calories just moving his body around. Looks like he's got his bases covered for when he inevitably fails.

I saw a meal plan he posted (I think on twitter, on mobile rn) and it sounded absolutely miserable. No wonder he can't stick to it.

Yeah 2000 would be good. Hell, anything less than 3000 would be good if he could stick to it, and he'd still lose at least 1kg a week.

What was it? Like 3 lbs of raw carrots and a wheat bun?

Protein shakes and soup iirc.

A raw carrot and a whole wheat roll actually what I've had today so far haha. Not bad, believe it or not.

Oh my high school had whole wheat rolls and they were so good. Much better than the white bread rolls imo. What brand do you have?

Just U.K supermarket bakery ones (usually Sainsburys or M&S). But today I actually had a Lidl protein roll (over 40% protein). Found it pretty odd, but definitely filling and I think it would be nice with a cheese filling.

He could eat 2500 a day and still lose over a pound every 3 days...


I suspect you might be crediting the 500lb guy with a little too much knowledge about fitness and nutrition.

I'm sure he knows to eat at a deficit to lose weight. The 800cal is ridiculous and obviously something he can use to point at when he fails. I call shenanigans.

There are a lot of fat people who think that you have to suffer like you're on The Biggest Loser to lose weight. Show probably did more bad than good, especially now that people are pointing to the fact that everyone rebounds after that ridiculous show to "prove" that long term weight loss is impossible.

True. It's not easy to change your eating habits and relationship with food, but it's not impossible. You've got to change your whole lifestyle.

Honestly he doesn't even need to exercise. He burns more than enough just from passive body functions to lose weight at that size so long as he's eating a reasonable amount.

It takes a ton of calories just to sustain 500lbs of tissue sitting in a chair.

Is he a video game guy on YouTube? I'm not sure who he is but he could Def sit on ass all day doing nothing and lose a considerable amount. Exercise might even be too much on his heart at his current weight.

800? He's insane.

The doctor on 600lb life usually puts people on 1200-1400 calorie diets. I did a 1500-1600 for a few months and it was brutal.

It does depend on height, like my maintaince is about 1400 as a short sedentary women - I need about 1000 to lose weight, and I'm at the high end of a normal MBI, but yeah, for his height and gender it's not a good idea.

to be fair, he has at least a year and a half of food energy stored in his body. He could probably live off vitamins and water for a very long time

6' 185 here, 1500 isn't hard for me at all, but you gotta plan it well.

VERY high protein, adequate fats, carbs only for the remainder, skip breakfast to help with appetite control, moderate lunch, bigger dinner. I used a few protein shakes to get enough protein over all cause you can only choke down so much chicken (drum roll).

Yeah I did small breakfasts and small lunches with big dinners when I was doing 1500. It was the only way I Could stay sane.

1500 isn't hard for me at all

Seriously, I was """bulking""" a few years ago without much to show for it, so I started logging calories. I was shocked how few calories it takes to fill you up if you don't eat like shit. I was aiming for 2500+ calories and it turned out I was barely reaching 2000. My breakfast was 3 eggs/2 pieces of toast/1 serving of greek yogurt with fruit; pretty sure it was <600cal and I could barely finish it most days.

I had an ex-gf who was pretty SJW, and while she wasn't fat herself the fat-logic she'd promote was absurd (she had this retarded mantra "you can't tell someones health from their weight"). Worst part is that people are only getting that fat because of (((capitalism))) and the shitty food that large food corporations promote. Tried explaining that to her many times but it fell on deaf ears.

I care but thats cause I post in r/fatlogic.

I gotta watch what I eat. I could do 3.5 k a day without trying.

Maybe doctor told him to do a crash diet to lose as much as possible before surgery. Either to reduce risks, or just make the surgeon's job easier (the surgeon has to physically reach through the fat and get to the stomach and intestines, and still be able to operate).

If he went for a smaller deficit, he might actually have a chance of sticking to it, especially in the long term.

If he could stick to even a 3000 cal diet he wouldn't be 500 pounds. It's mental illness, not just a bad diet. Just forcing him to not be physically able to eat (e.g. getting the operation to cut his stomach down) is the best shot he has.

Maybe doctor told him to do a crash diet to lose as much as possible before surgery. Either to reduce risks, or just make the surgeon's job easier

Ah okay that makes more sense.

Yeah, it's obviously mental illness, but that doesn't mean he can't improve his diet. It's a common mistake with people trying to lose weight to go straight to an extreme diet and then complain when they can't stick to it, or when they put the weight back on when they go back to their old ways. It's not all or nothing with weight loss, small cuts can make a big difference.

I think he could manage a 3000 cal diet, and the weight loss he'd achieve might give him motivation to keep losing.

You can gain over 5 pounds by drinking a gallon of water and not peeing until after you weigh yourself.

I don't do that

Water is bad



That's insane, I don't think I've been 5 lbs away from my current weight since high school

I'm smaller than I was in high school. I had no concept of calories. I wasn't fat, just bigger. I don't understand how these people get that way.

Gonna guess there's a lot of fluid retention

Boogie is such a joke, but not even a funny one.

How the fuck do you even get that fat?

Most morbidly obese people have come kind of psychological trauma and turn to food as a response to their emotions.

The same way an alcoholic drinks his bad days away and celebrates good days with a bottle of rum, obese people eat.


He talked about it in an older video, how he got fat because of some issues, then the only way to get over his depression about being fat was eating.

It's an addiction just like a drug, games etc.

Eating was the only thing which made him feel less shit, but it also contributed to him feeling shit due to the weight gain.

he still knows what he's doing kiddo. :^)

Sugar is a hell of a drug.

Lack of self responsibility. It's why so many socialist tend to be fat as fuck

Never miss an opportunity to agendapost.

Your critique of agendapost is an agendapost

Agendaposting is ok when I do it.

I'm pretty skinny, checkmate capitalists!

Depression anxiety for half my life, 2 surgeries from muscle wastage and quitting smoking didn't even put me at half of his weight. And I don't eat healthy, even now I still don't but just living life I dropped the majority of what was put on.

Fat people are very often mentally ill. Here we go - https://bmcpsychiatry.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-244X-13-1

Of the 841 patients, 42% had at least one psychiatric disorder. Mood disorders, anxiety disorders and eating disorders were the most prevalent categories of psychiatric disorders. Females had more mood disorders and eating disorders than males. The surgical group had more binge-eating disorder, adjustment disorder, and sleep disorders than the non-surgical group.

Note, there were 841 patients who took the psychiatric interview (so they're in the results), and 868 who refused it. It's hard to say how many of the patients who refused the psych eval were also mentally ill.

Being a mega-greedy gobble guts, who spends all day, every day, shovelling snacks, sweets and yummy, nummy treats down their fat, bloated gullets. All while performing little to no physical activity, and building up a long list of excuses in their mind for why their weight isn't in any way their fault or something they can control.

if you think about it, he's more fat than human at that weight. actually probably twice as much

You've probably seen this already, but if not you're in for a treat.

Wtf? Can you explain what I'm looking at exactly. The other guys comment is gone.

Hahaha. I don't know why he deleted it, it wasn't particularly noteworthy.

He said something about how this guy in the OP is more than half fat. The pic I posted is a cross section of a normal weight adult (left) and an obese adult (right). Dead people who have been cut in half, in other words. As you see, "half fat" is no exaggeration... and Boogie is much fatter than this.

The pic is pretty high-res, so if you zoom in there's some labels pointing out various bits.

Obesity is disgusting.

How the fuck do you let yourself get that fat?

I mean, seriously. How much do you have to hate yourself? That kind of fat isn't 'Oh, I can't help myself, I have to get seconds!' fat. That's 'I have to spend 80% of my waking hours consuming calories' fat.

497 fucking pounds. Fuck, the fucking mother fuckity fuck fucker. Fuck.

The dude could not eat for a year, and just live off his fat reserves. He doesn't need stomach surgery they just need to sow his mouth shut. Just leave space for a straw so he could drink water. Although not sure how well it would work as this is a guy who blended mt dew with doritos.

Although not sure how well it would work as this is a guy who blended mt dew with doritos.

That was 'Francis', his character where he acts like a morbidly obese neckbeard video gamer.

Hes just pretending guys

The funny thing a guy did an AMA here one time and he did just that.

You should watch my 600 lb life. It doesn't always give a clear answer to why they gain so much (other than boohoo mommy didn't love me bullshit) but the how is amazing. Never seen someone put food away like that. One guy ate like 2 large pizzas everyday and a litreacola.

did you see the pair of brothers on that show? en route to the clinic I think they pulled over every 2 hrs to get the immobile one food

Yep. Newborns are the only people who need to eat that often.

if youre seriously wondering you ought to watch his draw my life thing on youtube

its pretty interesting hearing how an eating disorder like that can develop

Note: This isn't me defending boogie's lifestyle, rather me explaining his explanations as to how he got to where he is today. Sources will be linked after explanation. I'm not really taking a side here.

How boogie explains where he got himself and why I think he's right: Boogie had a really abusive childhood and has said multiple times that he used food as a coping mechanism. The guy got addicted to food, it's a real and pretty sad addiction, and had a ton of anxiety and trauma. He talks about it all the time and it has hugely crippled his self-esteem. It's a cycle pretty much. He explained it in multiple videos if you take the time to actually listen to the guy. He's aware of his problem and has tried to fix it a lot of times and failed. Addictions aren't easy to overcome and withdrawals are intense. As someone who knows former addicts, I can tell you boogie isn't trying to seem like a big (no pun intended) victim, rather he's suffering from a ton of mental illnesses rooted in the abuse he suffered as a child. He describes himself as a survivor and has fought for the better part of a decade to overcome his conditions. Props to him for trying to change his life.

I'm just providing some insight as someone who has watched boogie for a while. As someone who doesn't have boogie's condition, I can relate to your shock, but still the guy's been through hell. I don't know if he's 100% telling the truth but his videos have been consistently genuine.

Sources on my claims, from boogie:

His Draw My Life Boogie's abuse story Another story from boogie about abuse

Judging by the sources, the poor guy's been through actual hell. I feel kinda bad for the guy and wish him luck on his surgery. I hope he can inspire others to do the same. I understand your shock, I was shocked too when he explained everything.

Shit man. This is depressing. I hope I provided some context though.

post bussy

๐Ÿ…ฟ๏ธost ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธussy


I'm like 99% certain you've seen mine tho

What surprises me is how some of these people afford the food bill. Not only that you'd pretty much be eating until you couldn't eat anymore and eating immediately again after having that "not full" feeling in your stomach. And I have a feeling these people aren't buying bags of lentils to maintain a low food budget either.

How much do you have to hate yourself?

A lot, judging from what he's said about it. Boogie is mentally ill and admits it.

Very very easily. All animals are driven to consume, you ever see what happens if you give a dog an unlimited supply of food? Humans weren't designed for this era of abundance.

still a deathfat.

That's metal.

Man if you need a forklift to get out of your home....

Kind of serious suggestion: He should commit a felony and go to prison.

He won't have extra food then, he will lose weight and however many years he loses to the system, he'll gain more years in extended lifespan.


But he can't play video games in prison!

The point of this was "no I've lost over 100 lbs, not 6." Not "I'm not actually 500 lbs."

Depending on the thread, even in Drama you can get ripped to shreds for pointing out what a gross lying super fat loser this guy is.

What is with Reddit and this guy?

A lot of people like his content on youtube. A lot of people have sympathy for him because of his past psychological trauma (but hey who isn't fucked up in some way). Reddit is fat as a whole. Example 1 Example 2

The last point in the most likely one.

Those photos gave me PTSD.

What's the second example? I haven't seen that one

Apparently it's from a Lexington Reddit meetup. There are way more pictures of other reddit meetups you can find with a google search

even their dog is fat lol

Notice how the women showing their boobs are the ones no one actually wants to see naked.

the fuck is wrong with the women in the lower left.

Jesus christ.

Christ preserve us.

what the fuck is that last one jesus christ. There's so many genuinely horrendous looking people in that photo what the fuck

That poor dog.

So many tits in first photo and biggest ones are still attached to a guy. Just think about it.

That black kid in the second photo is afraid he's going to get eaten by the one with the massive front butt.

I don't get why people are so upset about him being morbidly fat. It's his own body he's destroying, not yours.

I don't get why you are personally hurt by me finding Boogie a repulsive person. It's my opinion I'm sharing, not yours.

Also, you sound fat.

I don't get why you are personally hurt by me not finding Boogie a repulsive person. It's my opinion I'm sharing, not yours.

Go be fat somewhere else

I can't, your ass is blocking the way.

It's just sad how deluded he is. But then again when someone attacked him for saying "please don't go out into the world being hateful" he made a video saying "you know what, that's fair, I deserve it".

Even with depression/anxiety it's so easy to lose that kind of weight when you are at that stage just by doing anying, not even exercise but walk to the upstairs toilet once a day instead of using a diaper and you'd lose a few pounds. Go out for that cake rather then have the weeks supply delivered to your door by amazon, seriously, you have to be so inactive to lose so little.

To be fair losing 90 pounds is pretty impressive, that's 3 african teenagers.

No idea who this tub of lard is, but even to a disinterested dumbass like me it's pretty obvious he was calling out the "6 pounds" part, ya retard

Yeah and he casually left out the time frame of when he was that 600 lbs. I'm saying he lost very little weight in the past 4 years. According to himself, 4 years ago he hovered around 525.

Bringing up what he lost from his all time high is a tangent meant to distract idiots from the fact he has relatively done jack shit towards losing weight in the past few years.

After years of working on weightloss, I can guarantee you boogie knows more about how his body handles food than some rando.


He was interesting a couple of years ago when he did his Francis thing and people thought he'd actually improve himself.

Watching him recycle the same excuses over and over again is tiresome.