Chris Cornell's death wasn't a suicide. He was MURDERED for trying to pull the curtain back on pizzagate. Miley Cyrus, Father John Misty and Wayne Coyne from The Flaming Lips are somehow involved too.

77  2017-07-26 by SethRichOrDieTryin


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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huh, turns out voat is an even worse cessopol of stupidity that i realized.

I was just about to say this. Fuck that place.

It was alright at first. After the invasions it became the right-wing hugbox it is today.

it's essentially become pol 2.0, what did you expect?

The unfunny version of /pol/

What are you smoking if you think /pol/ is funny and can I have some?

I think it might be mild autism, not sure tho

This isn't even stupidity, this is something deeper and darker than that. This shit right here makes tranny Chris-Chan seem like a reasonable person in comparison.

I always wondered why I'd have the urge to rape a small child in a satanic ritual while listening to the Fleet Foxes' first album. Now I know.

There are people that believe this

Wayne Coyne is a furry legend, he would never.

On the plus side, swordfish actually posted something. I figured it'd be crickets for a while.

Shit, they've broken this wide open. SANTA IS A PEDO TOO!!!


[X] Makes children sit on his lap

[X] Known to appear in pizza places

[X] Watches children and puts them on lists

[X] Breaks into homes with children once a year

[X] Wants to spread 'Christmas Cheer' which is code

[X] Surrounds himself with child-like elves

He checks all the boxes

At least he only comes once a year.

Imagine being this retarded.


The same retards that bitch about fake news, are they sane ones that spread it

they sane ones you okay buddy?

linkin park singer is john podestas son and got molested by him

hows that for an inflammatory statement

Somebody just needs to turn the keys.....

title seems accurate

Where is the drama? All I'm seeing are facts.

It all makes sense now.