Stop linking to entire threads and point my autistic ass to the drama you useless fucks.

637  2017-07-27 by deere442

Sick and tired of this bullshit. Where are the mods, hello?? I thought we cleaned house of all the garbage so good mods could stay on top of this stuff.

I demand 5 bussycoin as recompense.




good mods

Your entire post makes me feel like you think you belong here without understanding where you are.

Your entire post makes Shania Twain feel like a woman.

I feel strangely good about myself now.

I'm getting really Fed up with your back-handed insults!

You made this?

I made this.

no u

I demand 5 bussycoin as recompense.

Bend over home slice.

Bussycoin's maybe the best idea I've heard coming from /r/drama. Someone, make it happen.

embrace the cockchain

mining for bussycoin

Pretty sure I saw this vid on xtube

I never knew how much bussycoin I needed until just now. Although some cocksmuggler will steal it all like dogecoins founder.

We need some kind of flair counter. You get a bussycoin whenever the autistic mods deem you worthy. It'll bring on a new golden age of effort posting and shit flinging. Then, the bussycoin war.

Bussy coins are a scam bussycash is the really bussy based crypto.

Bussycoin Cash you fucking mong

BCC is a bullshit coins that only exists because of Chinese miner propaganda.

I was correcting you from "Bussycash" to "Bussycoin Cash", since that would be the proper equivelent, I'm not retarded man, I support segwit

I was still talking about bussy cash. Bussy cash is the real coin bussy coin cash is a Chinese propaganda coin

I think you'll find bussycoin is in fact the real coin

It's a terrible ICO with no product and it's white paper is brown.

I mean, it's not as if anyone reads the linked threads anyway.

You don't need to read a thread to make a nonsensical reference to bussy.

post something good

This is why SRD won the election.

Just the electoral votes

If you want fancy context pointers so bad, go use SRD.

Post Bussy or GTFO

But what if the whole thread is a shitshow? Or the premise of the thread is just really fucking retarded? What am I supposed to do then?

At least link by controversial, for the bare minimum.

Itt dramabois eating each other alive

Go to srd if you want your drama spoonfed to you with a seriouspost enema you fucking pleb.

Look at my new post baby :)

Reminder that linking to a comment section sorted by controversial doesn't work on most mobile clients. Make a self post and pick a thread or two. Otherwise you look like an idiot to every single mobile user.

fuck phoneposters lol

It's the SRDines.

Blame /u/annarchist. She's the one who caused this mess.

lol i didnt change any rules.

No its the actual mods r/drama getting butthurt that's most users supported u/annarchist rather then the mods that did all the work. Which fine I gave my opinion on the matter and am not going to repeat it.

Of course people supported Annarchist when the other mods threw a tantrum. We're in /r/drama after all, /r/drama is what we want.

Pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité pissé shité

Also, use the context option.

Take the linked comment and add ?context=x where 'x' is how deep backward you have to go to show the original comment.

or don't. fuck you.

Just sort by controversial and the drama floats at the top

Seriously tho I'm hiding more posts than I am upvoting the quality here has never been lower.

Go back to fucking mod drama if that's what it takes or ban me. Either way I want good drama.