Artist genderbends Dream daddy - characters, shitshow ensues.

102  2017-07-27 by Retarded_irl


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Twitter message by the game creators led me to believe that this fanartist posts bussy often.

Twitter message by the game creators led me to believe that this fanartist posts bussy often.

This was way too near the bottom, the original tweet linked is private.

If I understood this bullshit correctly the author of this fanart is also transexual. So transphobic tranny? Yeah, that's reaching....

with talent like that one could get hired by marvel


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"this should not be viewed as a compliment"

jesus christ

I will never forgive them for what they did to Squirrel Girl.

That style is an unholy combination of manga and calarts

one chick on tumblr already tried suicide

what a dork

To be fair, the epic pile-on of a teenaged girl who likes a children's cartoon was a sight to behold even by /r/Drama standards. It was like three dozen knife-wielding hopped-up drag queens decides to take down a toddler.

and we're sitting here like one dozen knife-wielding hopped-up drag queens like a bunch of homos.

I seemed to have missed this and am very interested in knowing more. She tried to off herself over Steven Universe recolors? Is there a link, please?

No, I think she made some of the Steven Universe characters skinnier or changed their races, IIRC. When she got dogpiled by half the internet (it was huge!) she made an attempt on her own life.

changed their races,

So literally recolors like I asked?

Given it's cartoons, there's a difference between a green Batman and a chocolate-brown.

Yes, a difference in color.

Yeah I mean we totally shouldn't feel bad for someone wanting to end themselves over fanart.

Some of you have no bussy AND no compassion.

one chick on tumblr already tried suicide

what a dork

to be fair I think they doxxed her and threatened her family

They made gamergatte seem like the Sunday School choir.

It's really demeaning for you to dismiss GamerGate like that and downplay the fact that they are still raping defenseless women and children by the thousands.

Hopefully the UN will intervene soon and censor the internet.

Hopefully the UN will intervene soon and censor the internet.

Human rights were a mistake.


So salty that Ganergate 'personalities' only get to talk on conspiritard radio and youtube shows?

You seem upset about gamergate.

It's just more justification for the coming mayocide.

I don't see the issue with a group of people who hate the media and """journalist""" nu-males who are paid to spread propaganda.

Well its good that youre seeing gamergate for the fauxroots nu-male white nationalist funded fake journalism propaganda it is.

If you dont hate gamergate mockers why did you get so confrontational?

It doesn't work when you both "pretend" to be retarded.

No obviously that person's drawings are meant to depict the only true and absolute representations of women and those characters ever, period. And it's obviously implied everything else is horribly wrong.

It seems like this sort of dumb outrage can only come from a deeply narcissistic person who apparently takes everything they say/create as the only truth and assume that from others

why is it always a fucking tranny

Do you have a link to the suicide info?

The Mike "Thunderstruck" Pence re-education camps can't come soon enough.

"Don't genderbend OUR thing" - Both sides of the conflict.

Flair it "retarded"



Now this looks like a VN I'd play. You know one where you play a guy fucking chicks.

Why did Gaymechumps want to make a faggot vn? What was the logic behind that one?

It's YouTuber bait. Just like Goat Simulator was. It'll be completely forgotten in a few months.

vn? dreamdaddy?

Can we get a translator who speaks autist in here?

Visual novel, aka dating sim.

DreamDaddy is just a gay dating sim where you customise your character ("Dadsona") and try and balance being a single parent with finding love. It's an alright game as far as these things go, but predictably people are freaking out at game grumps because they're homophobic of ethics in video game journalism, or because of some dumb drama about how the Evangelical WASP is in a sham marriage and won't ever leave his wife for you and also in a hidden ending is revealed to be sacrificing all the women to a blood god or something

Not all Visual Novels are dating sims though. Steins;Gate for example doesn't focus on romance at all.

No i want dream mommy trust me, what i dont want is transphobic genderbends of the dream daddies

Is one of the Gay Dads Trans then?

Oh yeah, spooky goth daddy makes an off-hand remark about picking out a "period appropriate" binder to go with his Victorian clothes.

Goth 'males' do in fact use binders and corsets, though

According to the creators he is indeed trans. When you're making your dadsona you can make them trans by choosing the bodies with binders on. Presumably in the Dream Daddy universe surgery doesn't exist.

This thread was more fun when I thought dreamdaddy was a euphemism for Trump.

Trump dating VN when?

Evangelical WASP is in a sham marriage and won't ever leave his wife for you and also in a hidden ending is revealed to be sacrificing all the women to a blood god

Stop making me want to buy this

predictably people are freaking out at game grumps because they're homophobic of ethics in video game journalism, or because of some dumb drama about how the Evangelical WASP is in a sham marriage and won't ever leave his wife for you and also in a hidden ending is revealed to be sacrificing all the women to a blood god or something

First I've heard of this, and it's in a thread about SJW tranny drama, no less. :thinkingemoji:

Probably because you haven't been in any forums discussing the game. I point towards the top level comment:

Why did Gaymechumps want to make a faggot vn?

Anyway, post bussy.

Bunch of feminists got jelly of the bussy in Coming out on Top

so decided to make a poor straight womans clone of it.

Coming Out on Top was made by a straight woman

I know. But this epidemic of gay men with babies is more of a straight womans fantasy then anything in CooT.

To be honest I when I saw DD and saw the character designs I didn't even associate it with being gay, I literally thought it was another VN aimed at straight women (though I wasn't far off), because in the context of the gay community Daddies tends to mean something other then people who fucked women to have a baby. Even down to the "dadbod" designs, its nothing but this fantasy for feminists to finger themselves over about how they love objectifying us. See: Feminist Frequency streaming this.

You're right, that's basically what the game is. It's clear it was targeted at mainstream audiences, with the dads all being formerly (and one currently) married to women, the ethnically diverse cast, the lack of nudity or any mention of sexual orientation, trying to be as family-friendly as possible.

That's not to say there isn't anything worth liking about it though. I still find it quite playable.

Because it's funny.

HoneyPop, mother fucker

Yeah, beat it when it launched even showed up to the threads where the VA's were doing lines for people.

The V-day patch confirmed Audrey as best girl.

It's HuniePop , normie

Probably trying to earn brownie point with SJWs after their ex partner came out as full nazi, which they are obviously guilty for and need to repent.

Dream Daddy's devs have tweeted asking people to stop sending death threats and to be civil with disagreements about these sorts of things.

The response: "Death threats are bad but they still deserve to die reeeeeeee"

"Civil?Never, only I can make shitty genderbent fanart of Fury Road, write pathetic crap in AO3 and name myself genderfluid, nonbinary canofpepsi - kin. NORMIES KYS REEEEEEEEEEEE "chokes on fried chicken" EEEEEEEE"



Wow you sure know a lot about fandom trash kys

This is a copypasta from TiA, except the canofpepsi - kin and NORMIES KYS.

AO3 still has the best search engine's is so god damn bad it makes reddits search look god tier in comparison.

It was barely even that. They hated the fan art (Vernon seems to hate women), but couldnt say it directly. Evidently the artist got hate from the devs too

Gay man hates woman? Color me surprised.

If trans people were offended by it, they get to decide whether it's transphobic or not. Their views are more important than her feelings

Literally excusing the threats.

If there's one good thing Cheeto Benito will leave us with, it'll be emboldening people to push back against fauxrage merchants who think calling something "problematic" is enough to silence someone.

What the fuck is this and why should I care?

If you don't care then wtfq is this comment doing here?

I didn't say I didn't care I said why should I care you fucking retard. It's a slow day at work and i want to be interested in something.

Okay then, I'm sorry. You should care about this, because....hell, I don't know, some random fanartist might try suicide.

Here's to hoping that they live stream it


An artist swapped the gender of characters in a videogame.


Only thing that annoys me is the genderbent characters look like they're only MILFs in the porn sense, i.e. over 21. Brianna looks like she could be Brian's daughter, for fuck's sake.

The word MILF is thrown around with abandon these days. Sure, a 25 year old woman can be a mother that I would like to plow but that really isn't in the the spirit of the term MILF. Anyway, Brianna's got some fine thickness to her, god damn.

Honestly the biggest takeaway here is that "nigga" is a bad word apparently.

The day I can't walk the streets and openly call my black friend a lil' bitch ass pussy ass nigga is the day I'll finally off myself.

First catgirls are haram, now rule 63. There's no end to SJW stupidity.

I hope they ban bussy next, or at least futa on male, it's extra-patriarchal.


Anyone else loving the irony of KiA pretending to care about this after years of "I hate games where it focuses on the characters sexuality"

For a bunch of straight people they sure seem so quick to hear about gay media and games and even the tiniest reference to gay culture in their games....hmmm

Anyone else loving the irony of KiA

NO. This is a red herring. Most of KIA doesn't care about the actual political content of the game. They care about the metapolitics in the gaming industry.

Some games check some blogger's check marks for "wokeness" and are instantly signal boosted.

It's 2017 and you shouldn't care about gamergate but can you at least not get it completely wrong?

P.S. kys

autism intensifies

For someone telling me to not care about that thing I'm mocking, you sure seem to be sperging out hard seriously over that thing.

Also you might want to pop over and look at all the "OMG POLITICS IN MY GAMES (which I don't play and don't intend to pay for) HOW FUCKING DARE THEY! POLITICAL MESSAGES HAVE NEVER EXISTED IN MEDIA EVER ( and we all know art is never used to rebel against current states or represent things )" And "OMG Theres 7 colors in my irrelevant videa gaem, sure it doesn't mention gay people fuck that doesn't matter fucking gays are ruining my gaems!" post and so many more directly attacking the "politics in games" and not the "meta politics outside of them". So please kys for getting your call out so horridly wrong you whingey kiaer defending that garbage that are as bad as the SJeWs they whinge about.

"politics in my games" vs "This game's politics are woke so it's 10/10"

...vs. Both those guys are same brand fucking retards because politics exist in all media and it some tacky tokenism doesn't make something woke, so they should all just kts.


Keep beating that strawman, faggot.

you whingey kiaer defending that garbage that are as bad as the SJeWs they whinge about.

How do you do, fellow non-SJWs?

I'm a Nazi SJW, get over it all ready person complaining about a straw man while making me a strawman.

Though it's amazing what blind people can do on computers these days, good job little man.

Tell me again it's a strawman babe

and this isn't a bunch of snowflake faggots crying over a fucking emoticon possibly maybe probably not existing within the next 2 years, as if the existence of that thing oppresses them.

God damn too many SRDines in here. Did you all get attracted from the mods fucking each others bussies?

Mocks a thing

Someone spergs out over mocking of that thing

takes piss out of how retarded his claims are


Sure....Let's take the piss out of everyone....just not dickless KiAers that get triggered by rainbows.

sperging Look at your walls of text whining about dumb shit. This is some deep level projection.

now crying over the possibility of an emoji existing, though probably not and not for at least 2 years. Some red herring right. Sure this is the hill you want to kys on? Just look at them, even down the the over dramatized titled "Foisting it on us!". And While they try pass it off as the metapolitics the majority of the comments are just attacking the content and hating the idea it might exist. So yeah big fucking irony form a bunch of faggots who a couple a days ago was defending a queer game because it was under attack from SJWs because it suited their own narrative at the time. So fuck your own false narrative, sorry to trigger you babe and make you feel so uncomfortable in your safe space with something small like reality of the garbage there.

and even the tiniest reference to gay culture in their games....hmmmand even the tiniest reference to gay culture in their games....hmmm

Haha Yea people sure hate gay culture in their iconic video game series like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Birdo, Final Fight, EarthBound.

There's been gay culture in video games for literally 40 years now what a dumb fucking hill to die on.

Who is gay in Metal Gear?


Rose, though. Raiden is just a metrosexual.

Did you ever play Snake Eater? Do you remember putting on the Riaden mask? Do you remember when Volgin "tested" Snake to see if he was the Raiden clone / Major? 🐍 🐍 🐍

Tbh that was an inspired bit of meta-trolling by the devs

Hahah, I forgot about that. You're right.

Who isn't gay in Metal Gear?


Vamp was at least bi and flirts with you if I remember (it's been 20 years mind you) in MGS 2.

That in your face stereotype that flirts with the player regardless of sexuality outside of the players control, created by the guy who's a regular topic there, though I guess it's okay in this case because you get to kill him.

These things don't happen in their media...except when it does and they approve/ignore it.

Ah yeah, I forgot about Vamp. Iirc he was dating that one chick with the rail gun and her dad who was some kind of officer in the military.

Also, according to rumors, Vamp was the former lover of Marine Commandant Scott Dolph.[1] He later shared a "very close" relationship with Dolph's daughter, fellow Dead Cell member Fortune.

In wiki above. Though I'm not sure if that Rumours as in Theory Rumours of Gamers or Rumors as in, in world character rumours. But I think it's pretty widely accepted he was Bi, as I said I'm fairly sure I remember being surprised when he flirts with you (think it's raidan who fought him but either way both characters you control are male) during his fight. The absurd tears I've seen over there over similar things like Anders in Dragon Age or Kaidan in Mass Effect is just hilarious to be honest, one of those characters as far as I know the majority of people didn't have in their game, you had to create the situation where he flirts with you, so fuck any pretense then care about politics outside game and not are a bunch of snowflakes triggered by politics in games, just look at the reaction I'm getting here for them for mocking them when they deserve to be mocked, literally acting as you'd expect a Ghazier to act, it's fucking hilarious to me and I'm loving it, every response its just more fuel for the drama pile.

Iirc is was rumors in the game.

You forgot Streets of Rage, that game was gay as hell, this video seems accurate.

Pretty sure when (((KIA))) say that they mean in the context of games that aren't gay dating sims you fucking idiot.

So it's bad, except when the entire of the game revolves around that single character feature. You so smart.

You're just using this as an excuse to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about kia. Go to ghazi with the rest of the retarded spergs.

that's just the most ridiculous thing I've seen this week.

so she turned all the men into women, but she also turned the trans man into a woman? are trans men not men now?

That Crobert person is unforgivably and incorrigibly retarded.

Someone make a drama twitter to ping dummies please ty

Best idea ever

I hate trannies.

i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

god I hate all the bitching around this so fucking much ive had to see it since the release. also the 'genderbends are transphobic' stupidity is basically "if you don't draw trans women as hairy and muscular with short hair you're committing a crime of some sort." i hate this and i hate that you made me look at this

/r/rantgrumps thread

/r/gamegrumps thread

no crazy drama in these yet but i wouldn't be surprised to see it pop up

Okay, a quick rundown for all those who's confused as all hell. It's all about Damien. Since he's transgender (according to creator), getting drawn genderbent is making people get offended over it as they claim it's "reminding them of their dysphoria".

I think a fair compromise would be for the fan artist to have to apologize to the fictional trans dracula for doing them wrong.

Fags should be shoahed


There is none.

i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

I did gather that took a girl named "River" and renamed him "Rover" though. Which is pretty retarded

River Phoenix

River Jude Phoenix (born River Jude Bottom; August 23, 1970 – October 31, 1993) was an American actor, musician, and activist. He was the older brother of Rain Phoenix, Joaquin Phoenix, Liberty Phoenix, and Summer Phoenix.

Phoenix's work encompassed 24 films and television appearances, and his rise to fame led to his status as a "teen idol". He began his acting career at age 10, in television commercials.

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i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

that's my first sentence, don't wear it out

I'm going to wear it out like the lining on your artificial bussy.

Good god lady Joseph is hot

if trans ppl cant handle fanart how can they handle being in the military???

The artist whose the genderbend is trans. I'm pretty sure those who are offended are just self-sighteous cucks.




That's the spirit, little buddy. Come on over to the right side of history.

*says they are trans but probably isn't.

Wait, this isn't about Trump and The_Donald posters.

i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

These fucking vultures I swear.

l m a o

This is the stupidest god damn bullshit I've seen all week.

SJWs: not even once

This is too much autism for a normie to comprehend.

Shit like this would never happen if Jon "First place in the Aryan race" Jafari was still on the Grumps.

I'd still bang the 3 on the left.

quite possibly the most retarded thing ever

i have no idea what "Dream Daddy" is but I'm assuming it's a Donald Trump dating sim.

A good idea for a new username would be "Gendarf the Gay"

What the hell is 'dream daddy'? A dating sim for girls?

What are the gays mad about? I'm not autistic enough to figure it out.