Look at this retard

2  2017-07-27 by JumbledFun


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/u/trump_loving_rancher how is this level of retardation possible while still being able to use the internet

his delusions about being a billionaire are pretty funny

Implying you're not being taken for the most transparent of ruse cruises.

/u/trump_loving_rancher is a troll for sure

America has an inequality problem - not enough inequality.

That's why I call for replacing current taxes with a "poverty tax" - a high sales tax that applies only to low cost items like cheap baloney.

There are two reason's why you're poor - laziness and stupidity. If you didn't inherit money, it means that your ancestors were stupid, and you inherited their stupidity.

Why should the so-called poor revel in climate controlled dwellings with TV sets and refrigerators?

An empty hut with a dirt floor, no indoor plumbing, no electricity, one pair of used shorts, and long days of hard labor in the hot sun are good enough for the poor in plenty of countries. Why should I pay taxes or pay my staff a "minimum wage"?

This is some obvious and hilarious bait

Definitely a troll.