Somali immigrant captures the rare North American land whale in its natural habitat

67  2017-07-28 by [deleted]


Have you posted bussy yet?


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From the title, I thought this was going to be about Somali chubby-chaser men finding joy in their new homeland.

Moby Dick


Doing the jobs white Americans won't.


What were you expecting? Safeway?

No, just not depravity.

We're gonna kill all of ya. We're gonna kill every one of ya," the woman is heard saying in the video as she leans into the passenger window

Given the level of gluttony on display I think she's the only person whose life is at risk.

I don't know about that, she already looks like she ate a Somalian before.

"I wanted everyone to see what happens to us every day," Hassan said. "I was so scared."

LOL, I can hear the fear in her voice. American females were a mistake.

more like females were a mistake am i right, my dudes??

this but unironically

Yeah, she sounded absolutely terrified, definitely wasn't recording it for the oppression points.

generally speaking this is the worst you get from white people, you might get the occasional shooter, but white people mostly just run off at the mouth, black/brown folks on the other hand,not so much...

yeah, white people are pussies

Go back to the jungle, Mowgli.

white lives don't matter because white people are pussies

brown folks

Run for your lives, it's Sanjiv the IT guy!

He's ready to do the needful.....TO YOUR FACE

And please revert.

Oh wait it's Tariq the Saudi diplomat who is raping, and beating maids...

Hang on, the light was making his skin look dark. It's actually Keith, the creepy weirdo with the bowl cut and the palid complexion who dresses like he's still in middle school (and might shoot one up some day).


U bad

were both wrong, its actually sadiq, the african muslim from morroco, he's so rapey, it's adorable.

Nah man, it's Alfredo the dark-skinned Sicilian. He's pretty boring.

Saudis are white though

Might get the occasional shooter.. Dylann Roof, Adam Lanza, Anders Breivik, James Holmes, Jared Loughner, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, should I go on? James Huberty?

"Since 1982, there have been at least 70 mass shootings across the country... Forty four of the killers were white males. Only one of them was a woman." So white men have been responsible for about 63 percent of mass shootings in that span, despite comprising a far smaller portion of the total population. And while the motives for mass murder vary from perpetrator to perpetrator, since the Columbine school shooting in 1999, there has been a remarkable consistency—if not uniformity—in the age, gender, and race of the people who carry out these egregious crimes.

Forget generally speaking, you shouldn't be speaking at all you ignorant fuck.

Did you pull that quote from Salon?

Might get the occasional shooter

And the very occasional airline pilot who snaps on the job and takes the entire plane with him.

out of a population of how many tens of millions?

eat shit fuck-nerd.

when you have 7% (the US black male population percent) that out murders everybody else, the other 93% of the country.

I'll sit here, and polish my shotgun while you stick your neck in the sand.

*can't tell if trolling or retard*

Definitely both.

Maybe you should be more polite to us then

63% is much lower than I expected. I assume that will correct itself when this generation of reclusive right wing incels get to the point where they can no longer believe that shitposting will bring a fascist revolution and they'll take the rightfully spot they were denied on the top 9f high SMP value white male pyramid.

What's the hell. The hooks not even baited.

She needs a gofundme I'd donate the fuck out of it.


You can't donate prescription meds, and you personally wouldn't want to, sorry bro.

she still won't fuck you, you know?

No intention, in fact I find her appearance repulsive.

But on this one issue I agree with her 110%

Deport all immigrants tbh.

Americans for Americans. Real Americans. You know the ones that have been here since before white people discovered America.

I just wish that the whole video could be shown. And the things that were stated before she starts taping. She had parked way too close to my car and I couldn't get in, when I asked her to move she refused, I asked her again and she swore at me calling me a fat b-tch.

Christ, if there's one thing worse than a Somali terrorist, it's a Somali FPHer.

This right here proves that /r/fatpeoplehate belongs on reddit.

TBH I intend this as an agendapost.

I oppose obesity - so its a free for all against fat folk here.

I'm just here to be a condescending globalist prick.

God I miss that sub.

every day.

The day they banned FPH is the day reddit died.

AnnArchist out! John Wayne Gacy forever!

You know they would have a lot of overlap with the altright subs. Imagine the infighting this would start over whether to side with the fatty or somali immigrants.

What does her whale status have to do with her racist rant?

i just really like fph

I gotcha, definitely was needed here

since when did they have Golden Coral in Somalia?

I'm pretty sure North American land whales are not rare at all. In fact, they are fairly common.

Somalis are destroying that town. I'd also be fucking furious.

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot)

"We're gonna kill all of ya. We're gonna kill every one of ya," the woman is heard saying in the video as she leans into the passenger window to confront 21-year-old Sarah Hassan, who was recording.

They called police around 5:30 p.m. and showed officers the video and the woman's license plate number as they filed a report.

The women shared their concerns and the video with Hukun Dabar, executive director of Afro American Development Association, a Moorhead nonprofit.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: video#1 calls#2 Dabar#3 Hassan#4 woman#5

"What makes me sad is you don't see any leaders from Fargo confronting this issue and saying it's not acceptable in our community," he said. "They need to speak about this issue and have it be at the forefront."

The irony of that statement. True but still ironic.

That's funny BC she's not start buffet

I can't, the human race needs me.