The most r/Conspiracy-esque r/Conspiracy comment ever made.

31  2017-07-28 by mohkohnsepicgun


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Oh no! They've gotten to snappy!

He was too woke for them.

Hillary died 9-10-16. The Hillary on 9-11-16 was a malfunctioning clone. That is why she passed out.

Well, duh!

I wish that my reality could be even half as exciting and richly-textured as that guy's. Until that happens, I'm gonna act all jealous and call him tinfoil hat-wearing larper.

Hillary died 9-10-16. The Hillary on 9-11-16 was a malfunctioning clone. That is why she passed out.

So they are advanced enough to be able to make a clone for an unexpected death in one day but bad enough to let if malfunction?

That's the weak link here?

Well I can conform the The Russian Fertilizer Industry part.


This dude is too crazy for both Art Bell and George Noory combined.

I don't know why, but I believe him yo.

Now that's some Top Mind shit right there.

Statistically one of these things is bound to be true so all in all a smashing success

This is the Alex Jones Shotgun Method of Conspiracy Trolling. In between random shouts about gay frogs and pizza porn, you toss in something outrageous, yet true (or true enough). Then in weeks to come when one of them is found to be true-ish, you get to say "See guys! I was right!" and you get to sell more dick cream.

When society was busying laughing and stigmatising mental illness, Alex was courting them as a userbase who would buy into his nonsense.

I sometimes wonder if he wakes up and thinks "I wonder how far I can push them this time, they will surely see I am full of shit if I say space goblins who are also vampires are eating children, its a hoot!"

Kinda wish this shit was tru would make life more exciting tbh

Pfft aliens living among us? No way my fellow human, us humans are the only sentient beings in this quadrant


Don't let the mice hear you talking smack.