Creator of wildly popular podcast Sword and Scale gets banned from his own sub and reddit at large for being a massive dick.

84  2017-07-28 by snallygaster


Cool story, bro


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He has asked women on his social media fan pages for topless pics, etc. For example one lady had posted a pic of her wearing a S&S tee shirt with a mermaid tail, very sweet pic, and MB posted a comment saying he'd like it better without the shirt.

A while back MB played a 911 tape of a minor child who had i think discovered the body of one of his parents - bad enough, on top of it there was info in the audio which basically doxxed the kid. The kid's family contacted MB to get him to remove the audio, last i heard it was still up.

The constant fear mongering and whipping up unjustified fear about the mentally ill is ongoing thru all the episodes. On top of all that, he doesn't dig up anything which isn't available on the web if one goes scrounging around a bit.

YMMV, but i stopped listening within the first couple of months.

The constant fear mongering and whipping up unjustified fear about the mentally ill is ongoing thru all the episodes.

In all fairness a lot of crime is committed by the mentally ill. A perfectly sane person isn't going lock 3 coworkers in a grocery store, shoot them, and then shoot themselves.

S&S focuses on some pretty heinous crimes, not stuff that a sane person would even think to do.

On top of all that, he doesn't dig up anything which isn't available on the web if one goes scrounging around a bit.

I think he does a decent amount of research beyond what is on the web. Although, I do think he relies way too heavily on just playing 911 calls and court transcripts on his podcast. There needs to be a bit more analysis.

A while back MB played a 911 tape of a minor child who had i think discovered the body of one of his parents - bad enough, on top of it there was info in the audio which basically doxxed the kid. The kid's family contacted MB to get him to remove the audio, last i heard it was still up.

If the 911 call was a matter of public record it's not really doxxing, is it?

On Reddit? Depends how much the admins like you. But most PI is a no go, in general. Personal address is right out, even if easily searchable.

On Reddit?

I think the incident in question was on his podcast

It was on his podcast. If it was reposted on reddit, was it by Mike or a fan?

If the 911 call was a matter of public record it's not really doxxing, is it?

Still makes him a fucking asshole though

I like that one of his sins is insulting the MFM ladies. It's the most unlistenable podcast ever, and they're more blase about not knowing anything about what they're talking about than Dave Anthony.

It's the most unlistenable podcast ever, and they're more blase about not knowing anything about what they're talking about

That seems to be true of most true crime podcasts, lol

They went on a 5 minute tangent because they couldn't think of the word "evidence" one time. I like them, but in about 10-minute highly focused doses.

LPOTL is superior in every way

My niggah lpotl is truly the best

Explain these letters

Last podcast on the left

Lpotl has been getting some solid recs lately. Will be checking it out thank you fam

if only I knew what the fuck MFM was then maybe I could have opinion on this

My favorite murder fam. Mediocre/borderline annoying/occasionally funny true crime podcast on spree, serial, or particularly gruesome killers.

a podcast talking about killers actually sounds pretty dope, too bad it sounds like the hosts are insufferable

Check out last podcast on the left! It's funny and they do really good series on serial killers

I'm surprised there aren't more manipulative weirdos doing stuff like this in the 'true crime' sector of the internet.

I like me a mystery, but if you check out any of those subs/forums it becomes clear really fast that a huge section of these people are 30-40 yar old single women with personality or other issues, some of whom seem to literally get off to the stuff. Even the name of that FB group 'My Favorite Murder'?

Something about those communities really creeps me out.

My encounters with the true crime bloggers is that they are rife with drama. I think unsolved murders/disappearances are fascinating on their own, but a lot of the people that are drawn to it are so boring in their day-to-day lives they seek out attention and drama. I know from personal experience.

A gentleman of the name MurtWitnessOne I encountered was very much batshit insane. My cohorts and I hadn't done much of anything to fuck with him but he would go through theatrics live on stream. When he pretended to overdose on stream one day (how he ever thought this is a good idea idk)the 50-something stay at home wives watching had police called to his house. It was the stupidest fucking conversation I ever heard between him and the responding officers offscreen. That poor policeman couldn't have fucking cared any less about trolls named 'KFCFan1' or the other dumb shit related to streaming Murt was sputtering on about.

Yeah, the true crime 'fandom' is pretty much composed of middle-aged housewives with way too much time on their hands who want to solve a puzzle, teen girls and edgelords who are into serial killers, and the people who make money off of them all.

edgelords who are into serial killers

/u/Mircy - snally's talking shit about you again!

You wound me

Last podcast on the left > all else

I have to agree. It's one thing to have interest in criminology and unsolved crimes. It's another to essentially be a serial killer "groupie" who, like you said, seems to get off on the stuff.

So that's why snally found it

Podcast drama is always great

This is fantastic drama, but I'm mostly confused about how it occurred in the first place. How did Mike's podcast get so popular if he's supposedly such a repugnant character? Did that not come through at all in the show, and was a massive surprise later?

I'd never heard of it before now, but I would guess his edginess (if it was there) came off as dark humor? Such is the beast of truecrime podcasts, listeners probably gave him the benefit of the doubt if he said off-color things.

Pure speculation on my part tho. I would like to hear from a listener

He has his pluses. I like hearing the 911 calls and the court transcripts, rather than just people jawing about their views on some well known case (True Crime Garage excepted, because they've become like family).

I like his voice, he enunciates well. I like the bumper music, because it sets a mood for the crazy crap that is involved in the cases he chooses. I don't like the meta podcasts (where he asks about the death penalty or the best method of execution or how 911 dispatchers are trained).

That dispatcher show was sooo boring. Lots of fans say Mike has gotten more boring as the seasons go by.

I guess his douchiness didn't come out until later and is only known by people who follow his social media stuff, and not many people who listen to the podcast know enough about mental illness to know how wrong he gets it.

I've listened to his podcast and the only good thing he does is to bother to get actual court & interview audio other than that he sounds like a fucking bafoon and talks all slow and other podcasts do the job much, much better


Try and spell correctly when insulting other people's intelligence.


I proofread that message several times, just FYI.


Only thing worse than misspelling an insult is misspelling something during a spelling correction post.

Like Total Biscuit


If you meet your heroes on the road, kill them.

is this podcast any good? anyone have a true crime podcast to recommend?

My favourite is Thinking sideways, however i've seen lots of people disliking them, so they're probably not for everyone. They are also not purely True Crime, since they focus on unsolved mysteries. True Crime Garage is decent too, if you can stand "The Captain", which is the co-host of the show. He can be kind of annoying, but he's grown on me over time.

Our favorite is True Crime Garage, but everyone has different taste in their podcast "friends." This is followed closely by Casefiles. Casefiles may actually be #1 in our household right now...dry Aussie presentation, amazing cases (their most recent episode was mind-boggling, about cops and robbers around Melbourne in 1988).

Generation Why is good. The Vanished is good.

Unresolved is good. For a more paranormal/ serial killer flair check out "Last podcast on the left" it's comedy education basically. Uhhh... oh yeah there's one called "Casefile true crime" done by this Australian guy that's pretty good

Criminal is pretty good. It explores instances of both regular crimes and stuff that's potentially justifiable but still on the wrong side of the law.

I like Casefile, it seems to be one of the more 'respectful' ones when it comes to the genre. Plus it's much less focused on American crime than most others.

Casefile is "just the facts" with no opinion. Very refreshing.

Read title as "banned for having a massive dick"

disappointed now.

Is Mike /ourguy/?

u/snallygaster waiting for your Internet Police podcast. True stories of internet crimes and consequences.

Last Podcast on the Left is far superior to Sword and Scale and the hosts are actually super chill and awesome if you ever meet them.

What's wrong with trying to convert fame into nudez