Youtuber/Gaming critic Totalbiscuit creates new reddit account to Correct the Record on the recent controversy he was involved in. Pretends it is not him and is instead run by "anonymous mods"

213  2017-07-28 by Basically_Trash

I will refer you to this thread posted here last weekend for reference of the original controversy.

tl;dr someone at CoxCon asked during a Q&A panel "Are traps gay?". In true virtue signaling fashion, Totalbiscuit and the rest of the CoxCon staff lose their minds and trip over themselves to ban the person and protect their safe space from the evil of dangerous Transphobia™

Now, Totalbiscuit has created a new reddit account, /u/Cynbritmodteam in an attempt to defend himself on his official subreddit and do some damage control. You can go through his relatively short post history and see him arguing with people, but I'll highlight some good bits.

His first post explaining that the Alt Right (GASP, anyone but them!) are engaging in a sustained raid on his precious subreddit:

Here is pretending that the new account isn't him and is instead controlled by his "mod team" and is anonymous to protect from those darn harassers:

TB arguing with a user who suggests maybe someone that paid to be there and made a bad joke shouldn't be immediately kicked out:

That same user is apparently B& directly after this exchange took place:

TB explaining that the unofficial subreddit, r/CynicalBrit, is a hive of scum and villainy:

Continuing to talk about himself in 3rd person like an insane person. Also some bonus ego stroking in that comment:

TB making sure that everyone knows that if they did not personally attend the Cooptional Ego Stroking Extravaganza Con, they do not matter:

Doubling down that the meme question "are traps gay?" is a transphobic slur:

They apparently used as a source to prove that "trap" is a transphobic slur. The same place where you get a gem like referring to the Bathroom Bill as the Bathroom Bill is defamatory and will incite fear and panic in trans people:


Traps are not Gay.

Up for debate tbh

It's a Nigger in the woodpile imo.

There's a lot of things "up for debate" in the US.

/u/Cynbritmodteam, do you agree?

Traps are superior to women and gay men do not like traps

ergo; It's actually gay to dislike traps

I'm convinced

You're just now convinced? Smdh these bandwagoners.

I consider the evidence before I commit to a position. The fact that you don't shows why there's so much abusive moderation here.

It's not that I didn't weigh the evidence, it's just that I didn't need to. Do you always "weigh the evidence" when making naturally ethical decisions?

Do you always rely on gut feelings for your decisions, and then come up with post hoc rationalizations for them?

Delete your account and then neck yourself, fam.

je refuse


ugh alright

Wait, now you're my favorite mod.


This bussy meme is getting out of hand.

It's not a meme, it's a lifestyle

Fucking traps isn't gay; being fucked by traps is hella gay. Sorry to break it to you like that.

Fucking a trap is gay as well. There's no loop hole. If they have any man parts, it's gay. If you want to define it as another term separate then gay fine, but it's definitely not straight.

It seems his butthurt is terminal after all, lmao


I mean the man said he's for censorship multiple times, and that the UK laws are a model for the world...

Did he? Link? Not doubting you, just curious to see it from the horse's arse.

I remember when his anal cancer was announced and someone said "he's so butthurt it's killing him. I cringe laughed pretty hard. But it was true though, I remember how much TB used to fly off the handle and rage so much and how many times he would quit reddit in a rage.

I remember when his anal cancer was announced and someone said "He's so butthurt it's killing him.". I cringe-laughed pretty hard, but it was true though. I remember how much TB used to fly off the handle and rage so much and how many times he would quit reddit in a rage.


Reminder that this happened on the same day TB announced that he was going back to therapy. Now why could he need that?


We don't allow links to that website.

my bad, ill reupload it

k it's approved

what website was it tho

kiwi farms

kiwi farms

oic. dox.


Because it's sitewide filtered and we're too lazy to manually approve it. Also because pretty much every single page has doxx on it.

Wait, Twitter? I'm confused.

He changed the link

Original was an image link I found on kiwifarms. I guess you can't post anything from there cause they doxx.

I generally find that any time, TB's cancer comes back, he becomes an asshole. When his cancer starts to recede, he's pretty cool as shit.

This isn't surprising considering a lot of Cancer patients tend to have these averse behavioral impacts based on their cancer's danger level. Patients with mid-to-high level tend to be very aggressive and angry, whereas those with mid-to-low tendency tend to be aggressive, but much more collected.

He needs to stay in therapy. If you have relapses like this, it's a sign you need to just keep going consistently.

Some of us are just wired in a way where we need regular mental health treatment. There's no shame in that. Especially in TB's case, where he has a job that puts him in the spotlight and he also has cancer. Remaining mentally healthy without regular treatment would be a miracle.

Total Brisket, I thought better of you.

that was your mistake

I think all that smegma is making him go insane.

Actually what adults do is pick and choose who they interact with and listen to. In this case, that's people they chose to follow on twitter, not people they didn't.

/u/cynbritmodteam, you're half right. well-adjusted adults pick and choose who they interact with but well-INFORMED adults should always listen to all sides of a discussion.

the saying is "don't feed the trolls" not "don't listen to the trolls". but, I assume, as a stunted 20 something who posts videos on YT and rarely leaves the house, you really get worked up over words on a screen.

He has a wife and kid tho brah

That kid isn't his iirc








Source? I believe you, but I want to cement my beliefs good sir.

Might be referring to this

You think I know literally anything about anyone who makes YT videos?

he has a wife and a wife's son


Is it wrong to object to gloating over John McCain being given a death sentence from cancer over far more serious matters of mass death and warfare, but gloat happily over TB dying hopefully soon for being a petty twat over stupid nonsense?

if wishing death on people for incredibly petty reasons while morally grandstanding when people wish death on others for bigger, more complex reasons is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Unironically kys btw

Shut up, manlet.

Manlet, the greatest Shakespearean tragedy.

Just because someone's an asshole doesn't mean you should be one too.

it's fun tho

but posting in /r/drama does tho


why do you care about john mccain though

I just think it's in bad taste to celebrate someone's death.

What about Osama Bin Laden, I laughed my ass of when the SEALs totally fucked his shit right up.

You disgust me tbqhwyf

Nothing turns me on faster than complete disgust

Dude wtf are you on drama for if you wanted such a critical operation to go almost seamlessly.

Well I was hoping they'd chop off his head and use it like a football, or freedom ball as I call it. But no, they just dumped his ass off the side of a boat or some shit.

Indifference is the best option.

Fucking YouGoobers and the losers who pay attention to them. Smh.

I'd rather my kid watch dorky ass youtube vids than post in /r/drama.

>when you're such a woke trans ally that you erase the existence of crossdressers by banning words that refer to them just because you think its offensive to an entirely different, unrelated group of people


This, but unironically.

Crossdressing singoffs are hugely popular, an entire police branch does it, if I remember right.

Crossdressing singoffs

Isn't it literally the end battle in Ru Paul's? I just got into that show and it's hilarious

the end battle

God you are such a dork it's painful.

I concede the point. What is it called? It's my favorite 3 am drunk show

Lip syncing... for your LIFE!


My highschool had a cross dressing day for end of year 13.

Yeah a day I fucked your best mate in the bum after

Total Biscuit has always been, and continues to be, a whiney petulant man-child. I'm okay with it of course, because drama, but why do people expect better of him?

He does this shit all of the time. It isn't new.

Hes a total loser, here is a forum post from 2007 from him -

Just look at it lol! also I have an IQ of 155 cringe.

User was put on probation for this post


What a copypasta.

I wonder where he gets that IQ figure. A 10 minute online test you think?

Oh jesus. I'm not going to bother reading that bullshit, but anyone who writes something like that is fucked in the head.

Is that something awful? What kind of shit forum has comic sans font?


I tried reading it but that green text on green background is painful.

Certain subforums on SA have shitty themes and layouts on purpose. It's been like that for a long time. SA in general hasn't really learned what has stopped being funny and what hasn't.

That's the SA gas chamber!

so he woulda been what, 10


Didn't he claim to be done with Reddit at one point?

I'm pretty sure he's been "done" with Reddit several times.

He's been done with a lot of shit. I wish he would be done with living.

"I don't give a fuck what you think"

"Fuck my viewers are turning away, COME BACK MONEY"

Who could have seen these people are sellouts.

the endless supply of $1,000,000,000,000 a month sjw patreons makes me think his innacurate defense of trans people is the real way to sell out

Finally, people are born babies: they are not "born a man" or "born a woman."

That site gave me cancer

Remember when they started an uproar over calling the baby of the english monarchy a boy or something and that we should not assume its gender and refer to it with no pronouns?

People wouldn't hate trannies so much if they didn't try and rewrite biology.

Aristocracy isn't human anyway. It would rightfully be called "it".

They are truly the master race

Do lizards have genders?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Gender Dysphoria Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Look Away From Your Genitals Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

Fucking kekkkk.

All people are born babies. Some never progress beyond that stage

I was born a boy.

I got a circumcision and the doctor did a bad job so now I'm a little boy. They tried to make me a girl but it didn't work.

Does your doctor's wallet turn into a coin-purse when you stroke it?

Save up your NEET bux and you can finally become who you were always meant to be.

One of my classic white lib "friends" on FB posted a bunch of cards she made for 'gender neutral baby announcements because forcing gender on babies is gross'. Basically, they are eye searing rainbow backgrounds with fake gender symbols scattered throughout and 'Congratulations its a boy/girl HUMAN PERSON' in papyrus font.

This is a woman who is likely to never get into a situation in which she would ever come into contact with the means to get pregnant but sure. Let's make gender smashing cards for a tiny person whose basic defining characteristics are pretty much only, eat, poop and what gentials they have. I mean, I love my new baby and he's a chill little dude, but him being a boy is like his only trait at this point.

well they don't reproduce, should be fine

Probably not. Despite this, those types tend to find people as repugnant as themselves which has firmly solidified my belief that there is love for everyone out there.

Except incels. Never incels.

Is "baby" a gender now? Can I identify as "baby"?

Just gonna leave this here.

Let's face it - the "are traps gay" dude deserved to get tossed out on his ass for retarded memery alone.

It takes a special level of autism to meme IRL.

nothing is gayer than "Traps are Gay"

i like to say sjws are cancerous but he literally got cancer and turned into an sjw

that talking about himself in the third person though lol

Traps = trans? I wasn't aware of this, I assumed it was simple crossdressing and femininity while maintaining the male gender. From my limited experience, I haven't seen a single trap with the desire to transition to the other gender.

Tits + dick ~ Trap

(Sfw) This is a trap

(Lewd/Nsfw-ish) This is another trap

(Nsfw/Nsfl) This is not a trap

None of those work.

Links don't work.

Fixed, thanks for the heads up

I think he's avoiding the answer because he doesn't know

Never has there been more of a manchild. He literally can't help himself it seems.

Shame about the chemo not working out.

"Are traps gay" is a pretty fucked up thing to say, but I also feel like it was a mountain of a molehill. He could have said "Fuck off," and moved on.

Didn't this guy get ass cancer from too much buttsex?

Also, the number of Anglos who aren't total faggots is rapidly approaching zero. CF was right again.

He probably wishes he was back home in the UK where people could get arrested for criticizing him online and he could get free butt cancer treatments.

I'm pretty thick when it comes to things like this, so help me out here. How do you know this is TB speaking in third person? I would not be surprised if this is true, although it is a new low, but I need something that really proves he is the real TB.

I have no proof whatsoever besides my mind's eye

Imagine being so transphobic you get triggered by someone getting kicked out of a convention.

Or maybe you're being trapphobic? Imagine being so trapphobic that you get triggered by someone asking if traps are gay. Smh you need to apologize to all the beautiful resident traps on /r/drama.

Son, I ain't going to upvote shit if you don't have proof.

You get proof, this gets more juicy if it is really TB, and I upvote. We're all winners here.

OK, give me 3 days and I'll get a link to a large, incomprehensible image of some tweets and clearly doctored emails with big multicolored ms paint arrows pointing at various things circled in red. I'll be back for that upvote!

You're on.

Total cuckold is just trying to get as much money as possible before he dies. So he can leave his "wife" and his wife's retard daughter some money.

TB has cancer and is cancer, thats sort of impressive.

This whole argument is fucking stupid traps are obviously not gay. Gay people don't like traps. You could argue that liking traps isn't 100% straight, but it deff isn't gay and anyone who thinks it is is retarded tbqh

I'm gay and like traps

Then you're an outlier, most gay dudes don't like crossdressing, that's a straight people thing.

that's pretty gay.

I like my buss without pretending it's attached to a girl

Sounds like fairly standard trumptard cowardice

Perhaps totalbiscut took notes from this pathetic weeb shitlord



which is why you dont blurt it out in a room of people some of whom are transgender -

/u/Cynbritmodteam Quit bullshitting. The only reason that man was banned was because Laura Kate Dale fucking bitched about it.

The person who doxed and harassed children, made false claims of crimes that never happened, and who continues to use her influence in Games Journalism to push hedonistic shit and rile up everyone about "Transphobia".

She's a fucking hack, and you and everyone else who defend her stupid actions is more deplorable than that dude's cringey meme joke. The staff at CoxCon didn't do shit about this until LKD raised a shit fit about it, and she's gooey gooey with Biscuit and Cox. You fucking know this, don't try to hide it.