White House Chief of making Trump stop tweeting fired

81  2017-07-28 by respaaaaaj

Preibus down because the mooch thought he leaked his publicly available financial disclosures. Its safe to assume the knives are out and the purge is coming.



Reince rinsed! Night of the Long Tweets incoming!

Good. As head of the GOP Preibus was lukewarm on candidate Trump. He shouldn't have been given the position of Chief of Staff in the first place.

It's about time that President Trump started surrounding himself with people who are 100% loyal.

Have you seen what his new head of communications said about him lol?

Yeah. That was foreshadowing his firing. He shouldn't have had the job in the first place.

No I mean what he said about Trump fam.


Scarmuuchioluigi is about to get fired?

No, his comments about Preibus were foreshadowing.

No, parent comment asked if you saw what Scamarioandluigi said about Trump?

100% Loyal

Oh yeah, those tweets from 2012 are really damning. /s

Are you legitimately retarded?

> Hurr durr my daddy only wants people that love him 1000%. Rinse never loved him enough.

> Here's some tweets of this dude he just hired talking shit on him.

> Oh well that's old so doesn't count.

Tweets from 2012 vs Preibus as head of the RNC actively trying to block President Trump's nomination in 2016...

There's a huge difference there. Sorry you are too stupid to see it.

I'm sorry you're too stupid to know what "100%" means.

In December 2015, Scaramucci attacked Trump's call for a border wall between Mexico and the U.S.

"Walls don't work. Never have never will. The Berlin Wall 1961-1989 don't fall for it," he tweeted, above a picture of the wall.


On a Fox News appearance in August 2015, Scaramucci called Trump a "hack politician" whose rhetoric is "anti-American and very, very divisive." He warned Trump to "cut it out now" and "stop all this crazy rhetoric."


Scaramucci endorsed Scott Walker and then Jeb Bush before joining the Trump Finance Committee in May 2016.

The new comms director tweeted that Bush “will make a great president” in 2015.

There's a huge difference there. Sorry you are too stupid to see it.

And then he joined the Trump team, well before Prebius.

Sorry you are too stupid to realize that Prebius is the exact type of person we elected Trump to deal with.


Why did Trump appoint him then you absolute mongtard

To appease establishment republicans? It's the only reason I can think to appoint the man.

I've never agreed with his appointment. Bannon should have always been Chief of Staff.

And then he joined the Trump team

I hate to break it to you, but Moochie has jumped between more political teams than a DC call girl.

Tweets are from 2011 you fucking retard

Confirmed for not being able to fucking read. That shits mostly from 2015.

Are you legitimately retarded?

Are you new here?

He's trying to make Trump look like he legitimately knows what he is doing. Of course he is retarded.

It's about time that President Trump started surrounding himself with people who are 100% loyal.

Yup. With more lickspittles on staff he can accomplish even less. It's a bold move, Cotton, let's see if it pays off.

fire the one moher fucker that keeps the dipshit in charge from doing stupid shit on our dime....you stupid cunt. just cause you like the thought of mr orange sherbert slopping around your genitals doesnt mean the rest of country wants to ride the retard. your memes are stale and boring, the president provides little more entertainment than a hidden cat turd.

the show is over fuckface, here on out all you are doing is washing soiled bedsheets.

the president provides little more entertainment than a hidden cat turd.

Bullshit; this is ridiculously entertaining. The guy in charge of communications for the President of the United States said a fellow staff member sucks his own cock. To a reporter and everything! And it's not even the most entertaining thing to come out of the White House in the last day!


Suddenly Milo as press secretary doesn't seem so retarded.

Oh, it's extra retarded. I'm just into it.

And the best part is, you know that this isn't some accidental gaffe. This guy sat down, thought really hard, came up with a plan, and then called a reporter and told him that Steve Bannon sucks his own cock.


"You know what a guy with sole access to nuclear weapons really needs? To surround himself with only people who never question him"

Like the Mooch, who was talking major shit about Trump only a few months ago. But now I'm sure he's 100% loyal!

2012, not a few months ago.

2012, 2015, & 2016


2015 too and 2016 ;)

It's about time that President Trump started surrounding himself with people who are 100% loyal.

President Trump or King Trump? I forget.

Just because they rhyme doesn't mean loyalty is reserved for royalty. I thought you were an educated sheep lawyer?

Loyalty is inspired by leadership, not demanded on Twitter. Lol.

4 u

King Trump

In a perfect world.

Fucking lol. You're just hoping he brings back prima noctis so you can dream of him one day making you a real-life cuck.

I'd crown him.

Hail Ceasar Donald..


He rammed him through the convention, but go ahead and do your trumptard thing.

It's about time that President Trump started surrounding himself with people who are 100% loyal.

No, see this all makes sense. He brought in all these cabinet members he would have to fire on purpose, to get himself pumped up for really buckling down and draining the swamp.

This isn't incompetence, it's 65d chess

Trump doesn't know the first thing about loyalty.

It's about time that President Trump started surrounding himself with people who are 100% loyal.

But just yesterday I read this:

At Thursday’s White House press briefing, Huckabee Sanders avoided giving a direct answer when asked whether Trump has confidence in Priebus.

“This is a White House that has a lot of different perspectives, because the president hires the very best people,” she said. “They’re not always going to agree. There are going to be a lot of different ideas. Unlike previous administrations, this isn’t groupthink. We all come and have a chance to voice those ideas, voice those perspectives, and have a lot of healthy competition. And with that competition you usually get the best results.”

Sessions is gonna be kicked out next. I been listening to analyst of NPR, apparently their relationship is not exactly on happy terms right now.

This is where the drama is really at. Jeff left his senate seat for the position, which the senate republicans are now feeling the effects from as more votes don't pass in the senate. If he gets booted it's going to be a absolute fucking mess. Shitstorm.

I can't wait.

Sessions' departure from the senate didn't affect vote totals at all - he's from Alabama, and got replaced with a Republican.

OOTH, he's got a lot of friends in the GOP on the hill, and shitcanning him is not going to go well.

Getting to this late, but better than never.

OOTH, he's got a lot of friends in the GOP on the hill, and shitcanning him is not going to go well.

This is exactly it. Trump is in a very awkward place with congressional republicans. Trumps shotgunwedding with the GOP was supposed to be cemented by his picks of republican insiders( ironically enough) to his cabinet. I know in the middle ages 'strategic marriages' are supposed to be more effective, but it can't be denied that these men were picked to bring Trump closer to the party. Its pretty obvious that hasn't happened, and watching the fallout is pretty fun. It's really unfortunate this dysfunction happens to something so important as this government, what with all the people and things that rely on it. I'd think they deserved better, regardless of who voted for whomever.

I will now assume here that Sessions is not long for his position(>1 yr) ; so that will make it so he's fucked over Reince Priebus, former head of GOP, and finally now Sessions. This is in addition to whatever shitty interactions with other Republicans he's had through out his election , alienating and ostracizing potential partners and allies for little reason at all.

Poor Sessions would've never left the Senate if he knew 100% it would play out like this. I say that begrudgingly, he knew who he was dealing with and he got burned in the end.

yeah, my understanding is he's decided that staying in and following, y'know, basic rule of law stuff like not quashing mueller's investigation is the more respectable course of action, rather than just resigning in the face of daddy's cyberbullying. i don't think there's much love there.

keep in mind sessions was one of trump's oldest and most loyal supporters lol

Someone needs to make trump administration show, Game of Thrones rendition

Game of Drones

I still say it's Tillerson next. If they both go, I wonder how long until Mattis decides to jump ship too

He just came here for the racism; completely removing the facade of rule of law is a bit beyond what he desired.

NPR Is not Fox News therefore fake.

Wait, Bannon is still on board? I though he got replaced by Kushner.

He got put on the back burner, but he's still around. And I think it was McMaster who pushed him out? I dunno. There's too many characters in this soap opera for me to remember all of their relationships with each other.

Seems bannon has stepped up with all the kushner drama

Team Mattis all the way.

Only fucker with some decency in that pathetic excuse of a White House.

Just to be clear, he wasn't fired for that single leak, they suspected he was responsible for several others

That's good because those documents weren't leaked, they were publicly available. The journalist who published them got them by filing a form.

lol that wasn't even a fucking leak. We also know Bannon and Kushner have leaked shit to make the other guy look bad. Pretty sure this is just because the Mooch doesn't like Preibus.

Rince Penis was cock blocking the Mooch, but now that he's finally in there, he's gonna pound that bussy raw.

Man if the Mooch's ex wife starts dating Preibus it would be the most hilarious shit in politics ever.

Ménage à trois with Priebus, Spicer, and ex Mrs. Mooch.

It's funny you think that's why he got rinsed.

Working with the lying press against the president is hazardous to job prospects

Post bussy

Im about to give you a flying press over the goddamn turnbuckles

If they fired people for leaking in the Trump White House it would be empty by now.

Looks like the Reince got princed

Underrated post

Daddy's mad!

Reincy get roastie :^)

Dis gun' be gud

God dammit just give me the wall and no refugees then stop tweeting. Presidency saved.