Can a competent female employee post cutesy stuff on Twitter? KiA's opinion will shock you.

14  2017-07-29 by TinyJibble


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another one of those "woman did a thing on social media" posts on kia

most be a day ending in "y"

I think they are slowly winning, which in turn fucks them over. If they have nothing to moan about, they end up trying to find any little tidbit of info and extrapolate some massive "SJW ALERT" out of it. It makes them seem petty, and has the reverse effect of what was intended.

The KIA Faustian victory, finally ethics in journalism, but depression quest is the only remaining computer game left to play.

That's a female? I call for a karyotype. Check if there's a Y in there. And how many 21s.

nah, it's a dude:

'We have a beautiful six-page profile in Japanese that is entirely about our creative work, and then right at the end drops in that I am transgender. Very cool.'

Apparently they were hired pre-M2F, which is a bit awkward for the narrative that the Gators want to sell.

"People turn into women in geek communities to play the game in easy mode and enjoy petty power" is pretty redpill compatible, let alone KIA compliant.

No that's terf.

terfs believe trans women transition to appropriate the difficulties of being a woman actually

I thought it was they want the benefits without any of the negatives

my understanding is that trans women are deep cover operatives sent to disrupt women only spces

Well that explains the stupid-ass name.


That Tommy Wiseau face is enough evidence.

Definitely not. They're posting enough trans related content it's only one step away from putting LGBT in her bio. Technically it wasn't said, but the implication is anything but subtle.

"It's a language system. Contemplate a lexicon where there is no way to represent yourself. It's frustrating."

Something tells me most of the people she works with can't stand her.

Something tells me most of the people she works with can't stand her.


Something tells me most of the people she works with can't stand her.


Sounds better your way.

Lexicons of biscuits. Sounds like she'd be a great person to smoke weed with and talk about existential bullshit, but not actually someone you would be friends with while sober.

Emojis in unicode were a mistake. Baudot would have shut this shit down if he were still alive.

That's the longest neck I've ever seen fam

Shoulda seen me neck ur dad

Is anyone ever surprised to find out someone is a tranny? I don't think that happens. They're like vegans, they can't wait to tell you.

Unless they want sex. In that case they know how to go "stealth".

they just tape the balls right?

That's a tranny, nothing female about it.

I will never understand why nerds on reddit REEEEEEEE so hard about emojis. Like wtf did emojis ever do to you

😘😘😘 Thanks 🅱

Well there is that abortion of a movie

That movie is dumb but it doesn't account for the hate since its so new.

I've been seeing autistic screeching about emojis on this site for years, it makes no sense.

Emoji are fine, but they don't belong in Unicode: they're not a writing system.

Have you ever seen /u/BasicallyADoctor? That's reason enough to hate them.

Lack of evidence.


Of course KiA isn't a "feelz over realz" space though.

This is the defination of foisting

impose an unwelcome or unnecessary person or thing on.

No one is forcing you to use it if it's there and emojis themselves don't impose on you.

For fuck sake you bunch triggered fucking snowflakes.

user reports:
1: OP's agenda is really dumb
1: Circlebroke

Now THIS is shitposting.