👴🏾Daniel👴🏾Cormier👴🏾 👊🏾vs.🤞🏾 🍺Jon🙏🏾Jones🍻

10  2017-07-29 by snallygaster

who are u rooting for?


War DC.

Team Popeyes represent!

Well. I think that went about how most people expected.

Man DC's face broke my heart :(

Jon Jones is still the Champ to me.

He's gonna wreck DC so bad

I mean, DC is a wrestler who couldn't even score a takedown against JJ last time. They aren't on the same level.

Yeah, plus DC's 38 now and past his prime. It's surprising that he even agreed to the fight, he must know that his chances are slim. He seems to be banking on the chance that Jones didn't get his shit together and stop partying long enough to focus on training for the fight.

You think DC's gonna sit there and let Jon wreck him?

No but he'll get reckt anyway

Jon Jones is from my town. If he fails here, then literally nothing cool has come out of Ithaca in ages

this rivalry's made Jones look like such a piece of shit, it's almost a shame that he's gonna win.

"You think I am going to let you kill me?" is such a great qoute.

it really is



Honestly, why did DC even agree to the fight, it's gonna be way too one sided

since Jones is a notorious partier, Cormier seems to have been banking on Jones not being able to focus on training while he gave it his all.

I'd like Cormier to win, but I really just want it to be a good fight.

I'd love it if Cormier attempted to soccer kick Jones when he does that crawling thing to start every fight.

I hope whoever is the ref deducts a point for the inevitable Jones' eyepoke the first time he rakes DC's eyes.

I want Maia to win, but I think he's going to get blasted into the shadow realm inevitably :(

I would be impressed with Maia if he managed to take Woodly and keep him there. The dude has one of the highest TDD on the division.

I want DC to win because I think Jones is a dirty fighter and a cheater. I'm not sure he can win though... Because even if you put all that aside, Jones is constantly in DC's head.

Jon Jones because I want to see r/mma's hissy fit after.

/r/mmastreams for all those cheep recluses who are too poor too buy the PPV and/or unsociable to go to a bar

Jon Jones is a phenom, his issues outside the octagon have hampered what should have been the most dominant career since Silva. He is going to destroy DC.

jon jones is a gigantic piece of shit and i'd love to see him get his ass beat but unfortunately he is a gigantic piece of shit who is really good at fighting. better at fighting than the other guy. rip

I want DC to win but I think Jones will win. My dream scenario would be DC wins and then retires and becomes a commentator. It would be the perfect way to wrap up the rivalry and his career, but also set up the division for some good fights.

When/if DC retires/loses or both we will probably see fights like Jones vs Gustafsson for the belt, or Jones vs Johnson (if he comes out of retirement).



Bruce Lee duh