TV show introduces a queer muslim feminist character, religion of peace celebrates in the replies

364  2017-07-30 by throwingtoucans


Now with added cancer!


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What is a snapshill?

So much cringe in 15 secs.

DAE all men are evil and women suffer everything.

DAE love tokenism taken to extremes.

DAE Gay people are just people need to be some stereotype/trope/token/symbol.

Can't say I'm surprised by the Religion of peace reaction, that show needs to be burnt down and salt the ground the idea came from.




Ticks all the boxes lads

Depends if Queer is just lesbian or Trans and Lesbian. If it's just lesbian then thats so mainstream man, can't celebrate shows about majorities of minorities.

White lesbians are still hanging on to the edge of the oppression cliff, it's white gay men who were officially punted off sometime within the last couple years.

Lesbian muslims are probably still somewhat safe, aside from the fact that leftists are actually closet islamists and will throw any ally under the bus to defend their pet subhumans.

Not just off a cliff, they are helping muslims push us off rooves.

Hilarious watching lesbian whine about their "oppression" now, because as we all know lesbians have always had it so hard and are uniquely target by homophobia. I know one IRL who actual thinks being objectified as a lesbian is worse then being beaten as a gay man

Lesbian muslims are probably still somewhat safe

Sure, just not in actual Muslim countries.

Rare that lesbians in muslim countries face the same consequences as gay men. You don't hear much about vigilante gangs dragging lesbians out in the street to murder them, or getting push off rooves, or even being hanged. The laws aren't the same, since they can't even apply the all anal sex is rape law to them.

Tbf it's hard to go secretly scissor your girlfriend when you can leave the house without an escort of someone who might toss you off a roof.

Not to mention once you get out of the house, your girlfriend looks like a black sheet like everyone else.

"What shade of ghost costume are you wearing today bby?"

"...I'd dump you if I was allowed to have Tindr. Or a phone."

I thought queer meant straight but still wanting to be taken seriously by other lefties.

And also about to get deported too

I don't see a wheelchair.

I mean, that's all fine and well but... are traps gay?

Victims of sulfuric acid look pretty creepy tbh, not sure this will play well with the family demo in season two.

I'll bet a white person made this character

(((white tv producer)))

Are Jews white now, btw? How do you expect my friends on Stormfront to handle this news?

Yes, Jews are obviously white. The only ones who disagree are the far left and the far right.

> literally one guy

I challenge you to do 13 if it is so common

Jews operate as a hivemind.

Jews can be all different races.

What, even the felashas?

What about Sammy Davis Jewnior?

Was he rich and successful? Probably a closet mayo, hiding his privilege.

Jews can shift between white, jewish and middle-eastern

Alex Jones warned us they were shape shifters!

ecks dee

We jews can only change into things we absorb first. We can also survive in cryogenic stasis, frozen under the ice of Antarctica for thousands of years.

The more you know...

Nice try, but I already know that antarctica is a hoax made up by the flat earthers to hide the Real Truth that there is no wall and our oceans are just falling away into space.

That's Finland, dumbass.

We can also survive in cryogenic stasis, frozen under the ice of Antarctica for thousands of years.

And yet you can't survive a Xyklon B shower. Sheesh.

Those jews were weakened by exposure to the color yellow and a lack of decent Christian baby-blood in their diet.

Generally a jew can survive without breathing for several hours.

Those jews were weakened by exposure to the color yellow

Great, now the goyim know who's really behind the (((Green Lantern Corps))).

Hal Jordan was never going to be anything but a cover for Halil Jordberg, was it?

The Guardians of the Universe are full kosher.

Why would you go to Antarctica? Did somebody drop a nickel there?

Your spaceship crashed there

It's where we crashed our starship when we arrived thousands of years ago from the planet of the space vampires in order to suck the blood from every Christian baby on the planet

err, no reason...

Jews can be Polaks, Czecks, slavs and other types of third-tier Europeans also.

I'm Jewish and my ancestors were German.

Oh so you caused WWII?

Pretty much. The guilt of what my evil ancestors did to the innocent Germans weighs on my broken Jew soul every day. /s

It's okay. (((We))) run Germany again.

That's what we jews want you to think. Keep thinking you're in charge, it's better for our bottom line. ~returns to counting massive piles of money~ /s


I know the goyim are awful at recognizing sarcasm, but you don't have to lower yourself to explaining it to them.

Canadians are basically Arctic Jews

I got sick of getting Reddit jumped by fucktards who had broken sarcasm radars. The infestation is bad.

If they don't get it, they're the lolcows. And that's their problem. And our entertainment.

Why did they leave, did they not like the bratwurst?

Czechs and Poles are top tier Europeans now. Germans and Scots are garbage-tier.

I think you will find Albanians at the bottom of every list of Europeans except the alphabetical one.

Well, yeah, too much Islam came through that region for anyone's health.

The only good thing about Albanians is that they're too busy killing each other r to bother decent people. Thank God for blood grudges.

And lizard, don't forget the lizard.

They are when they pull shit like this

at first i was like oh this is ironic antisemitism. and maybe this comment is. but this thread.... it gets less difficult to distinguish as it goes along.

oy vey

I'm unironically antisemite. I hope their race gets exterminated.

This but ironically

Even if that happened, you still wouldn't get a home loan, goy.

Semitic people are shit and alone are responsible for the lion's share of all the world's suffering.

alone are responsible for a lion's share of all the world's suffering.

Goyim are always jealous of (((our))) success.


Ya think?

"I choose to wear a hijab"

isn't wearing a hijab

Muslim feminist is an oxymoron

White females making a comeback in the oppression Olympics

Giving trannies a run for their money in the race to be the most mentally ill.

"I converted to Islam in November 2001, two months after 9/11."

Bless your controversy-seeking heart.

I decided to take the plunge.

Lol she sounds like she's going scuba diving or some shit.

This is definition of white people nonsesnse.

Taking the plunger would be more exciting

"The acquisition of knowledge is compulsory for every Muslim, whether male or female."

...and for girls, even when the school is on fire.

I converted to Islam in November 2001, two months after 9/11.



Muhammad was a mayo himself famalam


He's described as pale-skinned, with brown eyes and a red beard.

There's neckbeards found in every culture.

Mohammed was a Mick?

Oh no

Christ was an Arab, and Muhammad was white. Checkmate liberals.

I'm truly shocked that she's a fat white woman, truly.

/r/AskSocialScience actually had an AMA with an "expert" on Islamic Feminism. He literally said that Islamic Feminism is different than other forms of feminism because it seeks to empower women through separate but complimentary roles in society, as dictated by the Qu'ran, and that it's in no way less equal than regular feminism.

Separate but equal is ok as long as brown people are doing the separating. I would link the thread but im pretty sure the mods deleted it after it got linked to a million meta subs, for obvious reasons.

My point is that your idea of "equality" is based in western enlightenment ideas. They come with their own biases, much like Islamic ones do. The fact that you agree with your idea of equality doesn't make yours automatically correct or superior to another idea. Rather, each idea has at its core a different understanding, and that has to be respected.

This is your brain on cultural relativism.

islam is cancer and a nuclear bomb is the chemo. Insha'Allah

Progressive Islam seems to piss conservative Muslims off far far more than right wing extremism.

Progressive islam

I think you mean white liberals idealists

Same thing?

Muslims in the US are moving further and further to the left on average, so in a few years time 'progressive Islam' may be the dominant form here. Same thing's probably happening in Canada too, if it hasn't already.

This opinion is hilariously ill-informed

same phenomenon with spics back in the day iirc, even Cubans have started to shift left as the anti-Castro crowd dies out

Cubans have shifted left because of culture war bs

Cubans have shifted left because of culture war bs from the right

Can't say I'm surprised. The only reason I find "minorities" voting for D instead of R in majority is because the D pretends they love us, and the R doesn't even bother with that.

maybe ya'll should start your own country.

wait, I think that already happened.

It's called Liberia, and it's a complete, and utter fucking shithole, like every other next you fuckers inhabit.

^triggered mayo

I'm not Black you dum dum. I'm an honorary Aryan.

What he said is objectively untrue, though.

Well, this is certainly welcoming. It's a shame that the big time Muslims we see on TV do not represent this data as much as they should.

It wouldn't make good TV if American Muslims were just regular people.

No, I mean the prominent Muslims we see on TV. Someone like Linda Sarsour, who got quite popular recently due to her stance as a progressive, and also happens to be a Muslim.

West always wins baby. Cant stop the western memes. USA USA USA USA.

I am reliably informed that black Americans are incapable of having ID, and Democrats are very helpful and sensitive to this fact.

lol I think I'll stick to the approval of suicide bombers from Pew

Also judging how Muslims can adapt when American Muslims are overwhelmingly super rich, well educated, metropolitan, etc is fucking stupid

feels over reals

Hey, dumb nigger, come back and respond to the several replies that refute you.

If you're going to be a condescending shitskin, put more effort. Dishonesty is lazy.

He won't because he knows he's wrong but is getting upvote validation from people who want to believe that American Muslims can't assimilate to Western values regardless of what the evidence actually says.

Yes. It's a bankrupt argument that's been

/u/PM_ME_FREE_FOOD get your fat virgin ass in here and explain condescendingly again as a Australian all of your shite insight to the Americas identity politics and religious problems.


  1. I'm rich and white

  2. I see one reply lmfao im at work dumb cunt settle the fuck down

Still no actual response?

Also working for twelve hrs straight tells me your a poor.

I'm rich

Sure you are hunny. That's rich.

What even are time zones?

So, our vehement rejection of Islam is working.

Well, working and working against you in that they'll become another demographic that's firmly progressive democrat. Plus the analysts seem to suggest that the shift is the result of self-policing.

Excellent. Americanism is stronger than Islamism!

Telling your neighbor what religion they're allowed to follow is literally the least American thing you can possibly do.

No, chopping your own balls off and flooding the West with Islam is, like, even less American.

87D chess

I always thought that republicans would sweep elections if they weren't all autistic. Blacks, hispanics, asians, arabs, indians, natives, they all have a more conservative culture than the average white liberal. But the GOP insistence on soft racism has pushed all this groups to the Democrats and assimilated them. The GOP in essence has given themselves the worlds slowest cucking session.

Do you have anything to back up this claim?

I posted the link twice in this thread.


That's what he said

It seems to be doing a good job of triggering white conservatives too judging by this thread. I would like to see more of it.

Can you please reread the comment you just replied to, then fuck off to r/politics?

How upset would you say you are right now?

Enough to type a 15 word response of the first thing that comes to mind?

The "moderate" religion that leftie cuckolds vigorously defend is shown to be overwhelmingly homophobic and violent

"T....t...triggered c-conservatives haha"

I don't see anyone defending Islam in here. But I do see a lot of people who are super upset by the existence of a sassy independent Muslim woc who don't need no man.

“God is very straightforward about this — not we Muslims, not subjective, the Sharia is very clear about it, the punishment for homosexuality, bestiality or anything like that is death,” Muslim cleric Sheikh Khalid Yasin said in a YouTube video posted online. “We don’t make any excuses about that, it’s not our law — it’s the Koran.”

So really, and the overwhelming majority1 of Muslims would agree, many of these comments actually are defending Islam. Perhaps this show displays the struggle of having to choose between your religion and your desires, but I seriously doubt it is anything but you-go-girl hedonism, which is antithetical to Sharia.

For instance, it is ok to be homosexual and Catholic, but someone living in sin by practicing homosexuality could not be called a Catholic. You have to set the goalposts somewhere. For Catholics that's the Catechism, for Jews it's the Oral Torah, and for Muslims it's Sharia.

Obviously it's more complicated than that, but the the Qur’an (4:16) is pretty clear and demands unspecified punishment for men2 guilty of lewdness together unless they repent.

I think this character is as good a representation of a Muslim as Krusty is a of a Jew.

1 - Muslims overwhelmingly say that homosexual behavior is morally wrong, including three-quarters or more in 33 of the 36 countries where the question was asked.

2 - It is interesting to note how Sharia may differ in some countries based on the interpretation of this passage. Homosexual relations between females are legal in Kuwait, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but homosexual acts between males are illegal.

Most muslims would rather be genocided by Hitler than missed by a Liberal.

>implying Hitler doesn't love them.

The far right and Islam often go hand in hand.

May Allah break the backs of those who support these disease-ridden rodents.

New snapshill quote?

nah, it feels like a troll co-opting the Iron Sheik.


The account is pretty recent, but appears to be legit.

It's such a fantastic curse if you aren't talking about gay people.

Only super unripe avocados at the grocery? Allah break the backs of those who stock these disease-ridden rodents. Schmuck cuts you off in traffic? Merciful Allah eat the spines of those who drive such disease-ridden rodents. Burger King can't seem to make a hamburger with three toppings correctly? ALLAH AND HIS PROPHET MUHAMMAD (PBUH) CRUSH EVERY VERTEBRAE IN THOSE WHO COOK THESE DISEASE-RIDDEN RODENTS.

mods pls

Absolutely, anyone saying otherwise is just self-conscious about their status as disease-ridden rodents.


Can one be a sodomite if one has a gussy?

Technically, yes. But its kinda like being a female transman: nobody cares if a girl is a sodomite.

It's actually kind of hot.

Well, not when they look like that chick or your average Subaru-driving, flannel and Birkenstock-wearing lesbian, but when it's actually two attractive women. That's when its hot. Otherwise it's just a sad boner and you feel bad about beating it later.

I love middle east-style insults. They're so flowery it's hard to take them seriously.

Queer muslim feminist

Ticks all the boxes lads

I may not agree with Muslims but I can respect them for not wanting to tarnish and destroy their history and culture.

At the moment their culture is shit though.

At the moment


I'd give them another six hundred years maybe they will evolve into some nice shit after all.

I may not agree with white supremacists but I can respect them for not wanting to tarnish and destroy their history and culture.

Implying this is a bad thing

Welcome, kiddo.

Every time I come across an unapologetic racist on Reddit, I glance over at my mixed race son and feel proud that I did my part to dilute my once pure European ancestry. Hopefully your children will marry the darkest, swarthyest immigrants they can find to fill your holidays with seething impotent rage.

Post child bussy pics?


I fixed it?

Nice try. I already archived it and sent it to for soliciting child pornography online.

I'm from afghanistan though

Tactical MOAB incoming

You should run to another fob to report leadership failures

pure European

burger, please. This just means you are already a mixture of different European nationalities. If you can't trace your lineage back to at least 1000 AD, to a maximum of 8 people living in a particular village in a European country, you are an untermensch and should keep yourself safe.

burger, please

I hope you autocorrect yourself into a bridge abutment.

Self-hating whites should commit suicide.

You first, faggot.

Who said anything about being self hating? Presumptive cunts should be the first against the wall.

implying you don't hate your own race


whites should commit suicide.

Mayocide when

This one's great because it's out there but has just enough to be believable.

Hillary 2018

I glance over at my wife's mixed race son


I glance over at my wife and her bull's mixed race son

I glance over at my mixed race son

alert the /r/hapas

I have some bad news for you, most diverse dna is asian, then european, then everything else.

What you did is created more pure human with less neanderthal dna.

Neanderthal DNA is why we are smarter. No /s


Two independent facts/theroies that I've heard independently from one another:

-Homos who left Africa bred with Neanderthals and so white people have some Neanderthal dna

-Neanderthals are thought to have been less aggressive than homo, in contrast to popular jokes etc. - not sure about intelligence

I think the former is less confirmed though, a hypothesis at most.

Who's the baby daddy?

Them too, yeah. I don't agree with everything TERFs have to say but they have some good points and I see where they're coming from.

team TERF tbh


The white racist scene

Anyone got that Mia Khalifa meme?

There's a Mia khalifa meme?

Her whole life is a meme.

They are not Muslim if they are sodomites. May Allah break the backs of those who support these disease-ridden rodents.

Poe's law 10/10

It's no poe's law, it's sharia law.

Is the story/fable/dire warning of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Quran?

I'd go through the usual "ask a Muslim" channels, but my spidey (or is it "al-Ankabut") sense is telling me that's an IED better left buried.

Lot in Islam

Lut ibn Haran (Arabic: لوط‎, translit. Lūṭ‎), known as Lot in the Old Testament, is a prophet of God in the Quran. He also appears in the Bible, but the biblical stories of Lot are not entirely accepted within Islam. According to Islamic tradition, Lot lived in Ur and was the son of Haran and nephew of Abraham.

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Anyone find white liberals fascination with Islam to be kinda racist? It's like every muslim is a POC in distress that needs to be saved by the glorious white allies. I'm pretty sure if they were seen as real people they could just treat Islam like any other religion instead of holding it up as some great thing. Allah forbid they treat it like they do other serious topics like vidya. Woman in revealing clothing in film or games? Literally patriarchy. Woman wearing coverings to hide their bodies in the name of a religion that treats women as property of men? That's just culture bro.


Orientalism is a term that is used by art historians, literary and cultural studies scholars for the imitation or depiction of aspects in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian cultures (Eastern cultures). These depictions are usually done by writers, designers and artists from the West. In particular, Orientalist painting, depicting more specifically "the Middle East", was one of the many specialisms of 19th-century Academic art, and the literature of Western countries took a similar interest in Oriental themes.

Since the publication of Edward Said's Orientalism in 1978, much academic discourse has begun to use the term "Orientalism" to refer to a general patronizing Western attitude towards Middle Eastern, Asian and North African societies.

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It's also called the "white man's burden" based off of the Rudyard Kipling poem(yes the same guy who wrote the Jungle Book)

The thought being that these idiot European colonists thought that they could hide the fact that they were colonizing with the thought that it is the Europeans burden to help bring these 'savages' into he modern world.

It's like every muslim is a POC in distress that needs to be saved by the glorious white allies.

For a group of people who enjoy crying about the White Savior thing they certainly do seem to revel in playing White Savior.

The American left understands literally nothing about Islam beyond women wearing hijabs and not being able to eat pork or drink, and you can see it in this character. The thought process probably was "Hmm how can we piss off right wingers the most? Oh I know, cast a brown woman and make her an LGBTQA empowered Muslim feminist who's in danger of getting deported" And all this without realizing that Islam is by all definitions a right wing ideology, so you're pissing off the people you'retrying to suck up to the most.

They all want to 'reform islam' but it's really funny how they approach it with the same methods that aren't even working on their fellow citizens who are conservative, but on a scale with muslims they are 100 more progressive and less radical.

literally nothing about Islam beyond women wearing hijabs

Judging by this trailer, I'm not sure they even understand what a hijab is.

Yeah, she's showing her shoulders in her "hijab". No Muslim will consider that to be hijab. At most you can show your forearms.

Her neck, too.

Hmm, not sure if neck is an important thing. My relatives only cover their hair in needed times. (like visiting the grave)

I'm somewhat sure that longer the cloth is more it is about the climate and not religiousness.

My understanding was it needs to cover the neck, otherwise it's more of a Turban then a Hijab and not acceptable, but what's acceptable probably varies a good bit from area to area.

It depends on the culture. In some places, the coverings women wear typically or commonly show the neck like in Central Asia, West Africa, the Caucuses, and Eastern Europe. But most would say it's not "proper hijab."

But yeah, showing your neck, arms, and chest is way beyond what people would consider acceptable.

My back

It's hilarious how pandering and unintentionally racist that shit is. She's wearing some sort of turban and they're calling it a hijab. This almost feels like satire

Half her "hijabs" show her hair. Pretty sure this is the primary thing you are supposed to hide cuz exposed hair=riding the bonetrain

Wtf does the A mean?

Either ally or asexual, depending on who you ask.

The way progressives use the word ally really shows how's much they are willing to change definitions.

In this case it should mean autist, but generally its ally or asexual.



Ally I think.

Anus (sleeve of wizard)

a moron.

Wow they just keep on sneaking in more letters.

Islam is by all definitions a right wing ideology

I'd probably say 'conservative' instead of 'right wing'. I'm sure there are Muslims who support single-payer healthcare, for example.

Yea maybe that's more accurate, but socially Islam is on the right and economically it recognizes property, money, and doesn't heavily rely on social benefits. So over all as an ideology, it is pretty right wing.

Of course that doesn't mean Muslim individuals can lean left or have other beliefs.

Pretty much this.

Piss off right wingers? You mean amuse? They pandering to the left is what they are doing.

There are Islamic academic papers on the merits of throwing rocks at people. Truly a sophisticated society.

Also any gay Muslim is getting deported via roof to the pavement. It is in their magic book that you throw gays off rooves as a metaphorical representation of them going to hell.

I don't even have to make this up for extra spicy replies, it is actually true.

I know, I grew up Muslim. The part about throwing gays of roofs and (according to some sects) stoning them is meant to simulate the events that take place in the story of Lott.

The American left understands literally nothing about Islam beyond women wearing hijabs and not being able to eat pork or drink, and you can see it in this character. The thought process probably was "Hmm how can we piss off right wingers the most? Oh I know, cast a brown woman and make her an LGBTQA empowered Muslim feminist who's in danger of getting deported" And all this without realizing that Islam is by all definitions a right wing ideology, so you're pissing off the people you'retrying to suck up to the most.

I have no problem with flawed leftist thinking if it leads to voluptuousness shrug - this video is pretty hot.

This is the best thing twitter has ever given me.

Everyone with a twitter account needs to be Zyklon B'd.


  1. She's a terrible actress.

  2. That's not a hijab; it looks more like the turban worn by Sikh men. Except for some reason in the kissing scene where she reverts to something that looks like it might qualify.

  3. I like how excited they get about one of the characters being "a photographer". Okay.

it looks more like the turban worn by Sikh men

idk man doesn't look much like this to me

That's at least +15 MAGIC right there.

I know you're joking, but that is a ceremonial turban worn only by the super orthodox. Regular sikhs don't wear turbans that big

Time for a TV network to make sure their insurance covers firebombs and office shootings.

This is good. How will the left react to this one? I'm guessing the show is at fault for insulting these beautiful ideas.

They won't care! Holywood is run by the left.

Just ignore it mostly. Others will try to preach understanding.


Hey there Randy Pitchford

Completely ignore the tenets of Islam to push an agenda.

Surprised actual Muslims are mad.

the tenets of islam are conquest, genocide, and rape.

I think those should be ignored.

Fair enough. What I was getting at was that someone wanted to shove into everyone's faces how progressive they were by making a controversial character just for the sake of doing so, completely ignoring any of the character's background, and then wonders why people are upset.

That show would probably be worth watching if that character went around doing that.

Isn't that the bisexual stabby-stabby one from Game of Thrones?

The one with the ninja daughters?

The one who killed Dr. Bashir in a wheelchair?

Guess she's going to be deaded in the next episode if she had time to do this shit as well.


You... Haven't been keeping up, have you?

Also, no, that's not her.


She called her daughter a sand nigger snake and you call me a racist?

Just following the sidebar rules.

This chicks at least ten years younger and has a different skin tone

Asian chicks age well, I suppose...

Reminded me more of that wife from 24/8, but nah I think she's a new one.

I just want to point out that Islam should be destroyed.

I just want to point out that this guy is correct and I support him.

So who want's to go for the drama medal and write-up a convincing neutral OP to submit this to /r/Islam ?

I think you just volunteered tbh.

I think you just volunteered tbh.

I think you just volunteered tbh.

Oh my god that trailer gave me intestinal cancer.

It's not for closed minded people. It's pretty straightforward when a religion says, don't act gay. You can't bend the rules like Protestant

ooh snap, shots fired

Who thought that would end well. It's not exactly a religion known for it's tolerance towards people who arent straight.

To be honest, people are missing the point. You're supposed to defend Muslims from discrimination, not because of Islam but because discrimination is bad. Nowadays, though, you either LOVE Islam or wants to deus-vult it out of existence...

discrimination is bad

Discrimination is not always bad. I will happily discriminate against people who think I should be killed for being gay.

Showing aversion and antipathy to people because of bad behavior isn't the same as discrimination. Saying you hate Ahmed Doe and treat him unfairly and badly just because he is Muslim - without even knowing the lad - is discrimination.

Just like saying "liberalism is a mental disease", "all Republicans are rednecks", "Christians are all stupid" or "Muslims are all terrorists", whenever you overgeneralize (and by consequence discriminate), you're doing it wrong.

"liberalism is a mental disease", "all Republicans are rednecks", "Christians are all stupid" or "Muslims are all terrorists"

Those are stereotypes, not discrimination. Discrimination is simply making choices based on your perception of reality. It's a fact that certain ideological positions are not compatible with me, my lifestyle, or simply my continued right to live. And if someone professes a belief in and support for that ideology, I will be very guarded when interacting with them, and will treat them as a potential enemy until they prove otherwise. Being wary around Muslims is no different than being wary around neo-Nazis, KKK members, gang members, or any other group which has a proven record of violence against people like myself. The only difference is that there are a lot more people who follow Islam than those other groups, and they're mostly brown, so people are going to call me racist.

Even I want to shoot myself now.

Gas chambers soon.

can you count?

TIL 8=13