/r/europe discusses the latest cultural enrichment, mods turn comment section into killing fields of [deleted]

47  2017-07-31 by LemonScore


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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/u/greekball Arathian, how did you delete comments in a way that ensures ceddit can't recover them? That's an impressive new censorship tactic but it isn't going to stop the sub hating you and the rest of the leftist mods.

These are exciting times we're living in :)

It won't stop me from laughing, either, as I watch all of the impotent whining about "censorship".

We used new technology from our lizard overlords.

It's the step before world domination.




in a way that ensures ceddit can't recover them

ceddit has not worked for me for the past couple weeks.

A full magazine, 15 rounds was fired


Californian issue, obviously

poor bastard gets his hands on a select-fire rifle and still gets commiefornia mags.

more were found

Holy shit can any of you acoustics read

KYS for phoneposting

I keep myself very safe tyvm

>using the word very twice in a single sentence

Why mince words? Kys verily

reddit: the land of authentic conversations


The guy wanted to kill his stepdad. Not exactly jihad.

More like jidad in this case.


u/pillepallepulle why are you Germans so in love with authoritarian governmental restrictions? You know who else wanted to ban all guns? Hitler, I hope you're happy.


It's true, look it up.

No idea what you are talking about, as far as I remember, Hitler only wanted to disarm the Jews for obvious reasons. Please be so kind and verify your claims yourself, that really is not my job. That was not what I meant with ridiculous though, that was aimed at your whole line of argumentation, which amounts to nothing more than "Hitler did it, so its bad". Hitler also introduced animal rights, so following your logic, we should all torture dogs now, because it is the opposite of what Hitler wanted.

No idea what you are talking about

Not surprise here, authoritarian bootlickers often claim ignorance to the crimes of their state. I'm sure this is what most party members said when asked about the hologram.

...as far as I remember, Hitler only wanted to disarm the Jews for obvious reasons.

He disarmed any possible opponents to his authority, you see authoritarian governments can only exist when the populace is helpless. But that was part of your plan the whole time wasn't it?

that was aimed at your whole line of argumentation, which amounts to nothing more than "Hitler did it, so its bad". Hitler also introduced animal rights, so following your logic, we should all torture dogs now, because it is the opposite of what Hitler wanted.

A German defending Hitler's policies? Color me shocked, you would think that you guys would have given it up by now. THE THIRD REICH IS DEAD, GET OVER IT!

Man, you really need to take a course in trolling, you are pretty bad at it. No go post this reply in r/drama and whore for karma.

Man, you really need to take a course in trolling, you are pretty bad at it.

Ad homeniem, your little dog and pony show isn't fooling anyone Goebbles. First you defend Hitler and then act like I'm trolling the second it's pointed out. Sad!

Now go post this reply in r/drama and whore for karma.

It's already posted in r/drama you moron. Maybe try reading something other than Mein Kampf every once in a while and develop a sense of self awareness.

Man, that wasn't any better.

Your vain attempts at deflecting attention from your support of literal fascism is not going to work.

Ok buddy. I bet all your 3rd grade friends are really impressed with your vocabulary.

You still won't even DENY that you are a nazi. That's pretty telling, just say you don't support the Nazi party in any shape or form.

Yeah, this is getting old. Got anything else or are we done here?

So you won't even disavow the Nazi party? Man I was kind of joking about that stuff before but it seems like I must have really made an accurate assumption about you.

That is literally your whole range, isn't it? Not worth while, sorry.

Yeah my whole range is calling out alt right nazi trolls like you, I don't see how that's an insult.