Remember that fat lady and the mildly handsome Arab fella that got married in 90 days, and then quit fucking almost immediately because of her smell? Welp, my man got caught culturally enriching non mayo golem and is getting the boot back to Mos Eisley after his failed green card attempt.

71  2017-07-31 by [deleted]


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He should have gone for alimony, then went back to Tunisia. Even a small pension would be a great help over there.

You typically have to be married for a certain amount of time before alimony is possible.

He should have found himself a fat european then. A lot of countries here heavily favor anyone who divorces. In France, if you house someone for free, you can't kick them out. And if you do, they can sue you for some kind of alimony.

You can't kick out tenants in America either, but they have to have an established residency of 30/60/whatever days the state decides to become a tenant. If you're trying to get rid of a tenant, you have to follow the eviction process as well.

France is the most cucked country. Their laws are retarded

Yes. Family law is awful. You don't need to be married to pay alimony, until recently you almost couldn't contest a paternity...

Gun laws are pretty tame compared to the rest of Europe though (can't carry, as almost everywhere else, but buying long guns is easy).

My conclusion : if you get somebody pregnant, shoot her.

Also, y'know, a woman

If one spouse is stay-at-home the whole relationship they're pretty likely to get alimony regardless of gender.

Yeah, it would, but the downside is you're in Tunisia.

It's unstable now, but it's usually a great country. They have modern cities, good medical care... They make all their money from tourism, so in terms of quality of life they're on par with Europe.

The issue is, because of that their economy isn't super solid and the country is super corrupt, so they have lots of poor people who don't benefit from it. Because of that natives have a hard time getting visas abroad (probably why that dude had to marry a landwhale).

But if you're middle class or above, living a big city : it's first world living but cheaper.

Lots of european retirees choose to go live in Tunisia and Morocco because of all that.

Legal immigration drama is weirdly entertaining. I wish I had Snally's chronicling powers, immigration forums are drama gold.

When I was in the application process for my green card, I joined Visa Journey, ostensibly a support forum where people could share their experiences and advise people on how to navigate the process smoothly. What types of documentation were acceptable, interview etiquette, how to appeal if the petition was denied, etc. It was also meant to be a support forum for American relatives/spouses waiting for family members to be granted a visa to come to the US, some of whom waited for years. And that's where things get popcorny.

Cliques in immigrant circles are a thing, and you learn very early on that applying for a visa is all you have in common with some of those people:

  • You have the mainstreamers: People who are coming from western Europe, Australia, Japan, or the wealthier and more peaceful Latin American countries. These are usually educated people who speak English at a near-native level. They're coming to the US with a plan, funds, and their passage through the forum is quick. Since they're often already familiar with the US (have vacationed here before, etc.), they're one of easiest groups of people to talk to, and their American relatives/friends pitch in, too. They're usually happy to help. I try to interact in this spirit when I pay the forum a visit. They helped me a lot when I was trying to figure things out.

  • Then there's the actual relationships forum: Couples, usually young, who met during a trip and developed a long-distance relationship. They tend to be legit, but face lots of scrutiny depending on the country they're from. Decent place to hang out, except for the obvious fraudsters.

  • Then you have the African sub-forum: These are mostly African immigrants trying to get their fiancees or spouses approved to come, and can often spend years dealing with requests for extra evidence or outright rejections. African countries are under stronger suspicion than any others outside the Middle East, and their forum is full of depressing posts about denied petitions an interviews bordering on criminal interrogations.

  • There's the Middle Eastern forum, which is the one this post made me think of in the first place: Mostly populated by middle-aged-and-older single women trying to bring their hunky 20-something ME fiances over. Most of them fail, as embassy officials more often than not detect fraud and deny the petition. But these women don't see it, and keep trying to petition their representatives for help, because "we are for real even though we've never ever met".

  • A close relation of the ME forum, though they'll never admit it, it's the Eastern Europe/Russia mail-order bride forum: White, middle-aged over the hill guys who think they're still players and it's American society that's let them down. Lots of talk about modern American women not knowing how to be women anymore, how submissiveness is a value, they're basically TRP's dad. They tend to be openly contemptuous of the non-white immigrant cliques, and react aggressively to anyone questioning their own lifestyle. Fucking insufferable for the most part, though the gold diggers they usually end up with are their own punishment.

  • The poor relation of the above two: The SE Asia mail-order bride forum. Of course it's not called that, but it's what it is based on the membership: Older retirees with just enough money to afford trips to the Philippines or Thailand, where they get hooked by a pretty young thing who's totally not gonna leave them for younger guy when they get to the US, while simultaneously having him send money to her family every month. Most guys wise up after the first time, but last time I was there there was a guy on his third fiancee visa petition, because this one was really gonna work out, y'all. A subset of this forum is guys specifically looking for Chinese wives. They tend to be wealthier and look down on non-Chinese Asian women. They get along great with the Russian dudes.

Trolling is actually pretty minimal, fights break out when the forums cross-post and people start defending their own little corner and lording it over all the others, but outright trolls are rare, except for this one specific girl, a pretty, blond, 20-something Australian who came over to study and married a classmate. She constantly targets the "actual relationships" forum looking for non-white girls being brought over by white fiancees, and passive-aggressively tells them to find someone "they have more in common with instead of an educated man". But the cattiness between forums is high school-worthy.

Eastern Europe/Russia mail-order bride forum

I've never met an attractive eastern European or Russian woman who wasn't a high maintenance diva type. I think its a side effect of the commie system where the women had to push harder or some shit on the men, but thats just a guess.

I was in the application process for my green card,


You have to get out.

I got out of your mom's ass at about 5:46am.

^ Exhibit A on why retards like this one shouldn't have been let in on technicalities.

It's pointing to your own username


Damn right

respectfully bows accepting defeat while walking away

That sounds fun af.

There was a lot of great US emigration drama on /r/iwantout after Trump was elected. "I'm on disability for my anxiety and my wife has a half-finished communications degree and works at Kroger, neither of us have any savings or speak any languages other than English, want to immigrate Sweden, Germany, or any other First World majority white country with a welfare state we can take advantage of."

A close relation of the ME forum, though they'll never admit it, it's the Eastern Europe/Russia mail-order bride forum: White, middle-aged over the hill guys who think they're still players and it's American society that's let them down. Lots of talk about modern American women not knowing how to be women anymore, how submissiveness is a value, they're basically TRP's dad. They tend to be openly contemptuous of the non-white immigrant cliques, and react aggressively to anyone questioning their own lifestyle. Fucking insufferable for the most part, though the gold diggers they usually end up with are their own punishment.

I used to think this until a couple dudes I know through work got mail orders, and now they literally come home to hot food, a clean house, and get to watch TV or play video games and drink beer all night with a blowjob before bed, and their wives are well looked after and safe compared to where they were coming from

it may not be the most enlightened lifestyle but they seem very happy

I imagine the success of these relationships depends on how palatable the guy is to begin with. There are probably plenty of dudes out there who went the mail order route because American women hate them and they think Russian women won't.

Had a co-worker and a cousin both do this and end up with similar results. Neither was bad looking, just couldn't find anyone and didn't feel like dating. Cousin even got a Russian with an accounting degree - I didn't think professionals were a mail order option. Although she must've had plastic surgery or something because their child is ugly as sin.

You stay the fuck out of my private life

Remember that fat lady and the mildly handsome Arab fella that got married in 90 days

No. Was this a tv show?

90 Day Fiance or something like that.

She knew this was gonna happen, right? I mean did she really think he loved her for her? I mean we all know it was gonna happen since anyone from Africa is incapable of keeping their dick in their pants.

Not to mention she looks like Jabba the Hutt's little sister.

OK, I don't care which country we are talking about here, citizenship is NOT worth this!

The guys face omg

The despair in his eyes in palpable

maybe my plastic bussy would help him i mean a few applications of makeup and i could pass for a chick maybe if i could be arsed not to wear jockstraps.

I should have just joined ISIS

The sex would probably be better

canonical example of the Thousand Pound Stare

Why do fat chicks smell so bad? Its like the universe was not satisfied just inflicting their appearance on the world.

Sweaty skin mixed with heat from friction and sweat. Their bodies are like mushroom farms.

What happened to the truck stop server?

Puss runs that baby.

You have to assume that is what tran bussy smells like, too. Just a festering, sweaty wound.

They sweat and the sweat stays in the rolls.

I take issue with the "Mildly" part

no homo but that's a good looking dude yo

His voice is really annoying -2

No joke, I am kinda nauseous from reading this.

Wow, fuck this website. If you have an adblocker, it pretends like the website had an error and "suggests" that you turn off your adblocker.

i'll take him

lol I have an in law who's a chubby pasty white redhead who married a much younger Egyptian dude who wanted a green card to Canada just like these two

What the fuck is wrong with this stupid sick fucking culture?