Mediocre romance author throws shit-fits across internet

99  2017-07-31 by snallygaster

"Chancery Stone" is a woman who wrote some books about straight men having gay sex or some shit. Naturally, given the subject matter, the book attracted a small number of fujoshi fans despite being published through a vanity press. However, the author was unable to tolerate even light criticism from fans, causing hilarity to ensue. Some links (sadly not from her blog, as she excluded it from wayback machine like an asshole):


Cool story, bro


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. the LJ fangroup -,*,

  3. The author's first appearance on Fa... -,*,

  4. Chancery gets pissed -,*,

  5. with a lawsuit -,*,

  6. on Amazon's romance forum -,*,

  7. learns about the author's meltdown -,*,

  8. quick dismissal -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Got em.

stickying your own posts again, snally? this is the most pathetic one yet, too.

I didn't!!!

/u/AnnArchist spill the modlogs to settle the debate once and for all.

6 hours ago justcool393 stickied link "A creepy Canuck has been offering late-night rides..." by PussMonster_

6 hours ago justcool393 stickied link "SNAPPY'S BACK! THE MODS HAVE CAPITULATED" by shitpost953

end your pathetic existence

This meme is dank.

Please everyone do yourselves a solid and read her Goodreads bio. She says she ran a "child sex club" as a kid and that's literally the least batshit part of it.

The Dirty Club had a simple remit: sex, sex and more sex. Limited as it was by her age and ignorance, this chiefly involved urolagnia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, humiliation, bondage, homosexuality, frottage, fingering, nudism, paedophilia, ritualistic power games, domination, bullying, more humiliation and more urolagnia. In fact, altogether too much urolagnia.

She was outed several times – by children to other children, and by adults who really didn’t like that sort of thing. Driven underground at the age of twelve she became a sad academic recluse and took up reading savage and horrific literature and absolutely anything with sex in it.

I don't know what urolagnia means and I intend to keep it that way.

I shoulda taken your advice.

Its just a golden shower? You've never pissed on a Russian hooker? Even our prez has done it.

It is times like these I wish I never learned ancient Greek/Latin

pee pee enjoyment


Oh my god, the review she wrote for "Butterbabe" is a freakin' essay. It's honestly astounding how quickly people like this build up their infamy.

She has a particular fondness for heroes (of either sex) who don’t let anyone fuck with them. This does not involve kick-boxing, vampirism, government agencies or a sociopathic knowledge of firearms. 

Sure, sounds reasonable.

a sociopathic knowledge of firearms.

I... what? What makes firearm knowledge "sociopathic?" Is it when you don't consider the feelings of your gun before describing how it works?

I think it would be once you start giving your guns names (treating them like people) but then go further and stop treating them like people?

That's disgusting.

I call mine "Widow's Wail".

This is just sad. Basically she's saying, "Yes, I am this way because I got molested as a child." Hopefully at some point in her life she can find a better way to deal with it than writing about guys raping each other or whatever and then getting pissed off at her fans.

Is she schizophrenic and hallucinated this shit? Does she have a personality disorder and she's making up retarded lies for attention? Was she raped a whole lot as a child and this is her weird attempt to romanticize that?

The people deserve answers.



basically just girls who like yaoi

It means "fat teenage girls who are so insecure they can't even handle a fictional girl getting more sex than them." Japanese is such a beautiful language.

wow, this is a perfect definition.

That can be it too, but I think because most yaoi are nicely drawn and actually has a solid point instead of the usual highschool girl falls for highschool boy, proceeds to spend 50 + chapters lusting over him and nothing ever happens. This genre is called shojo manga.

Hentai is way catered to male readers and over the top (and usually ugly af), so horny girls basically read yaoi for the sex and shonen ai for the romance version of shojo manga (little to no sex).

Snally is correct, but it's a little more nuanced than that. Fujoshi (lit: rotten girl) are woman who love the idea of nearly any 2 men loving each other. In anime, they are often portrayed as girls who come up with homosexual scenarios between all the boys around them.

So basically the tldr of this is "weeaboo shit", am I right?


Thought this was going to be about JJ Rowling


I loved fandom wank before it turned to shit

Why did it turn to shit?

The proto SJWs

Awesome stuff Snally.

I think she saw this video and took it at face value.

I mean, she is right about one thing. The vagina is an internal organ, and trannies don't have them.

I'm worried that clicking any of those links will put me on a watchlist so no thank you.