The Mooch listed as dead in new Harvard Law alumni directory.

8  2017-08-01 by shitpost953


Did you know that the bathtub was first marketed in north america as a horse trough and dog scalder?


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Scaramuccia (literally "little skirmisher"), also known as Scaramouche or Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell'arte (comic theatrical arts). The role combined characteristics of the zanni (servant) and the Capitano (masked henchman). Usually attired in black Spanish dress and burlesquing a don, he was often beaten by Harlequin for his boasting and cowardice.

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Prolapse literally means "to fall out of place", from the Latin prolabi meaning "to fall out". In medicine, prolapse is a condition where organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place. It is used for organs protruding through the vagina or the rectum or for the misalignment of the valves of the heart. A spinal disc herniation is also sometimes called "disc prolapse".

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Tragic mistake, totally unintentional. It wasn't some nerdy undergrad trying to make some lolz.