People think banning plastic child sex dolls is stupid? "ALL LIBERTARIANS ARE PEDOPHILES! THIS IS DANGEROUS!"

59  2017-08-01 by FindMeTheTruth


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Doesn't help that the dude they caught with the doll (that forced courts to have to rule on it) also had a CP stash and worked in a school.

Doesn't help

I think it helps a great deal to paint an accurate picture of the type of person who would purchase and use a child sex doll.

I think so too. But if there are "moderates" in that community, they probably didn't want that guy being their poster child.

didn't want that guy being their poster child.

No, he's way too old for that.

Imagine their next meeting : "Who's going to be our poster child?".

Then nobody volunteers because they know they're going to get raped by everybody else in the room.

Then sell in to anyone with id.

Wow, who could have possibly foreseen that it's not just a harmless fantasy with zero real-world consequences?

Look at it that way : the dude is old, probably can't get hard very often, and probably doesn't have much stamina when he does. If he tires himself on that doll, he won't have the energy to fuck real children.

Now a younger pedophile might be another issue.

Why did libertarians get stuck with the pedophile meme? Do anarchists not like child bussy?

/u/prince_kropotkin is rumored to be an anarchist pedophile, so it's not like the libertarians have a monopoly on kiddie diddling

Because when reduced to ad absurdum libertarianism does away with the age on consent. It's the same as memeing that progressivism leads to an end to free speech, most of each group stops before the absurd but they can easily be ridiculed as hypocrites.

Pretty sure progressives are the ones trying to soften the image of pedos

I've seen a couple "academics" write pro-pedophelia "papers" so I'd say, judging how quickly trannies became a thing, that it'll be about 10 years until we start normalising the term pedophobia

And they'll teach our kids how to fuck dogs in school :(

And then you wake up one day to discover that your wife is getting fucked by another male and western civilization has collapsed! :(

But the removal of limitations on ability to consent(not limited to sexual) is far more central to libertarian ideology than tolerance of all sexual deviancy is to progressivism. You could argue a way into saying progressives should or shouldn't defend pedophiles,l without cognitive dissonance, you really can't say the same of libertarians.

That's not to say libertarians are a lost cause, you can't name an ideology that when reduced to it's base elements doesn't justify some vile stuff. Progressivism tends toward a totalitarian government. Conservatism tends towards repression and stifled innovation ECT.

But the removal of limitations on ability to consent(not limited to sexual) is far more central to libertarian ideology than tolerance of all sexual deviancy is to progressivism.

Prostitution, yeah. Self-imposed intoxication, also yeah. Freely negotiated contracts, yeah. Ability of adults to consent.

I've never actually heard a libertarian seriously argue against the age of consent, just authoritarians saying "You want to legalize prostitution? That just means you want a 3-year-old sex slave to call your own!"

I'm sure, if pressed, there are plenty of ancaps who would admit that they'd rather do away with it, because it's a law, and they dislike laws in general. But it's not "central".

I've never actually heard a libertarian seriously argue against the age of consent

Probably because in a public setting he would look like a retarded child molester who wandered into the only group who would accept him looking for validation for his beliefs.

I think more core to libertarianism is the idea that "if you consent to it, you can do it," rather than expanding or contracting what "consent" means. It's super simple and consistent for a libertarian to be againt pedophilia---the kid can't consent. Libertarians can argue about what it means to consent and still be "core" libertarians IMO.

That said, most libertarians you meet on the internet are minors so of course they think a minor can consent lol.

But what if the child consents tho

Because when reduced to ad absurdum libertarianism does away with the age on consent.

Only if you are an anarcho-capitalist. While libertarians may argue for the drinking age to be lowered for consistency sake, I do not think most libertarians are going to support completely abolishing SOME age of consent.

Consent after all is central to the libertarian ideology and at some point everyone recognizes a child does not have the mental faculties to consent to such activities.

I suppose to my thinking ancaps are the reductu absurdum on libertarians.

It's more an ancap meme

AnCap and Libertarian are pretty fucking similar.

It's more that there are a lot of AnCaps who call themselves Libertarians to seem less extreme.

pretty fucking similar

hmmm. one group believes government is a necessary evil and should be kept as minimal as possible, but is needed to provide essential public safety and infrastructure that the private sector cannot provide. Laws are kept to a minimum to allow for the greatest degree of personal freedom consistent with protecting other people's lives and property.

The other group believes in no government/laws at all

Real similar.

So one believes in having as little government as possible, the other believes in no government. I totally see how diverse and different these two groups are now.

One does not believe in the legitimacy of government institutions, the other does. That IS a very significant distinction.

SJW sex predators projecting onto them, in an effort to discredit the libertarian ideology

horseshoe theory or something idgi

Nah, the pedos seem to be more in love with the far left. Look at r/gamerghazi.

I think as long as they're rigged to explode when used, they should be legal.

A True Centrist.

south park neutral

What's centrist about letting pedos get the explosive end they desire?

Explosives = far right Islam, Pedophilia = far left Westerners

Far right + far left = Centrist.

Letting pedos get their explosive Climax literally = liberal lefty scrum, omg so triggered you'd even try pass it off as moderate.

Lol what? I'm all for killing pedos tbh.

I feel like you missed the inneuendo, climax/explosive end = orgasm.

Yeah, that completely flew past my head. :P

/u/PM_ME_FREE_FOOD I just wanted to warn you your new child doll may try to mayocide you



Razor blades hidden in every orifice, in slits in the latex/silicone. This way they're not visible, but when you penetrate the blades slice into whatever you stick in.

No, you want them embedded facing onwards, so insertion is normal but pulling out flays the organ.

Good plan. As long as they don't appear until you put pressure inside the orifices, it'll be fun.

I think my dick became an innie after reading that.

Anyone who wants a sex doll is a sick degenerate and anyone who wants a child sex doll is a double sick degenerate but I also think the government shouldn't ban people from being sick or double sick degenerates unless it can affirmatively show that their sick degeneracy harms other people.

That's uh progressive of you lol

This but unironically

This but ironically.

absolutely south park neutral

Government should get us gfs

t. sick degenerate

Never understood how people have a problem with fictional things or objects like hentai or dolls.

They claim pedophiles will be more likely to rape real kids because of them but then they go on play counter strike, to kill each other with guns and say it won't make them more likely to kill each other

Pick one. I personally think fiction is relief for most people and makes them less likely to do the bad thing.

Try to get them to describe how to fairly treat a non-offending pedophile. It's like telling the Liar Paradox to a robot.

how to fairly treat a non-offending pedophile

The current method works okay, but they're given too much leniency in prison imo. Like how gangs are "overlooked" in prison, pedos should be given a fair trial and let loose in prison after letting it known to inmates who they are to let them take care. You don't want to read a "pedo got death sentence for purchasing child porn" and similar sympathetic headlines. "Violent criminals kill pedos in prison. Investigation to follow" would be better.

pedos should be given a fair trial

So you agree they shouldn't be punished. But what about the aftermath? What about public backlash, the need to provide psychological treatment without judgement?

Oh no. They should be "punished" for whatever they do, like "provide assistance" to a known child molester by not reporting them or buy child sex dolls or download cp. The investigation and trial should be "fair", to prevent public backlash against an obviously brutal sentence, but after they should be left to fend for themselves in the prison system after letting everyone know what they're and sort it out from there. If it were upto me, I'd even promote a campaign conflating pedos with violent gun owners, while careful not to do the reverse, just for them getting gunned down during raids. Like how nobody gives a fuck about black criminals in prisons, but on a larger scale.

How did you become such a masochist?

People are stupid irrational creatures.

I used to think that as society progressed, people were getting smarter, more tolerant and better able to define their morality based on logical laws and principles, rather than emotion and instinct.

But nah, they just replaced "burn the witch" with "jail the pedo".

So if people were shooting a picture of your face at a shooting range and winning prizes for killshots, is that still fictional and a non issue?

The anglo-saxons are the originators of the pedophile witch hunt so this comes as no surprise.

There's not much Anglo-Saxon left in this country, immigration took care of that

it doesnt matter if they've been pushed out by other races, the other races adopted the same mindset as the anglo-saxons.

send a child-molester to prison, the krauts, micks, spics, and nogs are doing the same witch hunting.

They came for the child sex dolls, but I said nothing, because I wasn't into plastic children.

They came for the sex dolls, but I said nothing, because I wasn't that pathetic.

They came for the Flesh Lights, but I said nothing, because ewww.

Fuck, NM, this is going to take way to long before we get up to my type of degeneracy.

The nazis came for the gays fairly quickly my friend

Keep yourself safe

I feel like I became dumber the longer I read that convo.

Any doll is a sex-doll if you modify it right.

I'm not saying you should go to jail for owning a child sex doll but you should definitely go on a watch list of some kind and like not allowed into schools

If a pedo cuts out his own tongue and lops off his own hands, the government should supply him with a harem of 20 child sex dolls. Actually, maybe that'll just make him a fuckmonster, training himself on the dolls before he preys upon real children with his stumps. Iun think this is a good idea, nvm.

I think you should be able to buy a child sex doll on the condition that you go in a public registry, similar to convicted sex offenders.

Some people put cheddar cheese on apple pie, but you don't see me saying it should be illegal. /u/ClockworkAeroplane

Pedo logic at its finest!

Child sex dolls are ersatz rape, and tofurkey is ersatz murder.

old whores are just mad because men are finally realizing that women peak physically at 16 and mentally at 11