Otherkin get fed up with the trolls from alt.fan.karl-malden.nose flooding the newsgroup, try to figure out how they can take legal action.

22  2017-08-01 by snallygaster


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Oh wow 15 years ago.

Makes me wonder what people's reactions will be when this stumble on to /r/drama 50 years from now.

Makes me wonder what people's reactions will be when this stumble on to /r/drama 50 years from now.


Future historians can't read it if we get the sub banned, just saying

shit, you're right.

it'll be interesting to see what happens if reddit is still up 20 years from now and all of the current subs are still existent and active.

I can't imagine the owners will actually keep it active that long. Archive.org will probably grab some of it but the rest will disappear into the trash heap of history

There's probably enough activity here for archive.org to grab most of the posts, plus archive.is records every post thanks to totes. /r/drama will be preserved forever

i suspect they will, actually. twitter has enough capital to keep running at current losses for over 400 years, reddit can probably find the cash to struggle along another 20. if they just decide to shutter it before then some organized archiving team will scrape everything before it actually closes (like geocities) anyway.

the really interesting question is: will all of this seem any more coherent to internet denizens in 20+ years than usenet seems to us now?

Snally is on a tear lately. Keep it up, this is way more interesting than gender wars and mod drama bullshit.

this is way more interesting

Can you give a tldr of this drama and the parts you found interesting?

I'm not a charity. What's in it for me?
