r/Cuckslib almost achieves self-awareness. Almost.

78  2017-08-02 by lifesbrink


This is a pro-feminist community. What this means: This is a place to discuss men and men's issues, and general feminist concepts are integral to that discussion.

How fucking cucked do you have to be to force feminist bullshit into discussion about male problems?

Welcome to feminism circa 1960s where it started to inject itself into any space it could to maintain its relevance, to even revising the history of other people to claim its right to be there. I've seen feminism claim credit for creating the association between gay people and the pink triangle in the 60s, sorry bitch hitler beat you by 30 years, and he only took the association from others. See also their claim of creating the raised fist as a symbol of rebelling against oppression...I think black people and workers unions circa 1800s would have something to say about that. Feminist are our "ally's"as in they stand in our backs using us so they have a louder voice and we are quieter. It's all about steering conversations not co existing.

At first I was amused by feminism, but if they're going to try to steal credit from Hitler I'm against it now.

How fucking cucked do you have to be to unironically use the word "cuck" when discussing things unrelated to cuckoldry?

no u

This tbh

Don't fight guys, whatever happened to CuckUnity?

This but unironically.


The leftist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a snowflake, pussy, beta, shill, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cuck and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Amazing pasta. Had to look it up and it's Goebbels apparently. My personal ideology be damned, the man was a wordsmith. Good find, imma spread it if I get the opportunity.


if there's any subreddit you could accurately describe to be cuckolds outside /r/cuckold it's definitely /r/MensLib

That's exactly what a cuck would say.

It makes more sense when you realize that subreddit was founded by /r/againstmensrights contributors

It means you can talk about men's issues and be shouted down with BUTWHATABOUTDAWOMENZ.

It sucks because the idea of looking at men's issues through a perspective that isn't self pitying or blaming women is a good idea. But what the hell do you expect, feminists helping with men's issues?

For fun reference, menslib is usually reviled by most feminist subs because they feel that the men there are too harsh on women. Imagine owning a sub where you grovel to women daily and they still are disgusted by you.

The best way to discuss men's issues with feminists is to murder the feminists.

You can leave Islam, but Islam never really leaves you, I see.

Imagine owning a sub where you grovel to women daily and they still are disgusted by you.

That's male feminism.

/r/shitredditsays considers it a "cesspool". /r/GenderCritical not only hates them because they're men, but also because they consider trannies are real women (also because they contradict the geniuses over there on occasion). /r/mensrights consider them pussies, like most normies do to.

/r/gendercritical proving themselves woke as always

Let's be fair, gendercritical hates everybody. Especially themselves. Thought that one is justified

Tonight, I prayed, for real. For the first time since I was in grade school.

What'd u pray for

I was giving genuine thanks before dinner. It just hit me that I was sitting in a cool, clean restaurant with people bringing me food like its no big deal. We are all given so much. I've been in a good place lately, and the world seems to be moving in a positive direction.

Genuine gratitude to Jesus, Odin, Athena and Kek. Per angusta ad augusta.

Did you sacrifice a goat to Jupiter?

No, but that sounds brilliant!

Done right goat can be delicious.


Lol one of the SRD mods is in that thread.

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Mods are busy in that thread...

Gotta grovel to those female overlords...

It looks to me they are trying hard to make it not /r/mensrights

which is probably a lot of work that isn't worth it.

Well, it was founded by /r/againstmensrights contributors

Context matters a lot. Woman here. If a male friend came to me for support and said "Sometimes I get really down about women I don't know feeling unsafe around me just because I'm a man. I hate it when I get out of an elevator at a hotel with a woman and I can tell she's nervous to walk to her room with me still there in the hall.", I'd be empathetic and supportive. We'd be able to examine the dynamics together and discuss the negative impact on both men and women.

But if I'd just said "Man, this last business trip was sort of stressful. I couldn't have a drink at the hotel bar without multiple men hitting on me and one of them even made a point of following me into the elevator and lurking around while I went to my room" and then he came back with that comment? I'd feel he was derailing, discounting my distress, and making a false equivalence.

If you struggle with the impact of gender roles on men, by all means you should reach out to your friends, men and women, for support. But if you're just experiencing "compassion fatigue" for women's issues and think men's issues deserve equal time in every conversation, you're setting up conflict, probably intentionally even if subconsciously, and should sort yourself out.

Unironically derailing a conversation about how women use sexism as an excuse to shit on men by woman-splaining how men are sexist and derail conversations with women. +40 points, I'm impressed.

Context matters

Whenever someone tries to frame something in terms of "context mattering", they are probably grossly biased. This is a general rule of reddit these days.

Context matters. Just the context here is that person is an idiot.

Hold on here, you're taking these comments out of context. Context is important, particularly where the context of the discussion is about derailing from the original context.

It's woman. "How can I make this about me/my kind?" is in their DNA.

/u/theohtertim feminism is contradictory and hypocritical at its core. What you are witnessing is the end-result of feminism, where the hypocricies become so strong that the movement reaches absurdity and collapses in on itself.

You must disassociate from the ideology entirely.

I don't want to open a can of worms so feel free to ignore, but how do you differentiate between problems caused by "patriarchy" and those caused by "society", when our society is a patriarchy?

I learned about this in my Embodiments of Patriarchy Theory class

u/theohtertim you should kill yourself as there's really nothing worse than pathetic "man". The West isn't anything close to a patriarchy unless you define that as women getting preferential treatment from tax dollars to education.


Or that black men are 6x more likely to be incarcerated than white men, 17x more likely than black women, and a whopping 48x more likely than white women.

So what you're telling me (correctly, for the US at least) is that white men are about 2.6x as likely to be incarcerated than black women?

But you'd never actually frame it that way yourself, would you.


(Also, you picked the wrong anchor on the Wikipedia page to highlight the data you're talking about.)


Personally I love listening to privileged straight white women whine about things that are human experiences and treat them like only they go through it, blame everyone else for thier own insecurities and erase minority men in their tone deafness.



I'm having a hard time interpreting this as anything but "women's issues have priority" in the current context of the massive imbalance between the discourse on men's issues and the discourse women's issues; if almost everyone is talking about women's issues, few people are talking about men's issues, and "the right time and place" precludes any time women's issues are being discussed, isn't that tacitly condoning the status quo of women's issues taking priority?

I mean interpret it how you like, but that's kind of an odd interpretation. That interpretation only makes sense if everyone is always talking about women's issues and nothing else, which certainly isn't true.

Holy shit you're delusional.


My problem is, I feel like the prevailing attitude is, everything is set up perfectly for men.

I have never gotten this vibe, even from "militant" spaces like Shakesville. And I feel like I've seen a pretty wide range of feminist spaces.

... How on Earth could you possibly not get that vibe?

Also fucking lol at the concept of blog comment sections being "spaces".

He's a retard?