Jimmy Kimmel had Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian as a guest. They ended up browsing some random user's reddit history and Jimmy made it look like the user was a pervert.

106  2017-08-02 by AssuredlyAThrowAway


Admin drama trumps snappy.

If you stickied this post they've removed it already.

Time to crack some skulls.

Cool story, bro


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Perverts on Reddit? Why I never...

Be careful, or those perverts will steal all of your precious bodily fluids.

I can replace them by sticking my cock in vaginas and rubbing it inside.

"Sexual fetishes = horrible things they like to do to one and other"

Holy Kinkshaming Batman

Don't feel bad /u/gryff42 chances are anyone not wearing a full suit in bed is a vile pervert to him

reads he used to be with Sarah Silverman

...Ah no wonder he's so sex negative, being with that thing would put anyone off sex for life. Though he could judge others less considering how public his obvious BDSM relationship was with her.

That's what I was thinking his problem was. She sucked all the humor out of the man.

I really wish that guy had been an Incel, just to see Ohanian's reaction.

if only they had picked an /r/drama mod.

"Alex, can you explain to me what bussy is? And what is this talk of mayocide?"

how does the guy feel embarrassed it's an anonymous account. What a pussy lol

it's called being a normie

He's not, homeboy is being a fucking karmawhore and milking this for all he can. Gotta cash in on those internet points homie.

what if he's a plant, and his profile on kimmel was thought up by the writers?

/u/gryff42 still has the moral high ground. Unless there's also a video online of him/her banging Sarah Silverman.

He should totes sue.