Gallowboob's karma whoring goes too far in a post to pics about de-segregating schools let that sink in

21  2017-08-03 by WeWuzKANG5


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Where's the drama?

OP is causing drama himself by being a troll. Look at his post history.

Look at his post history.


Surely there's no drama in the link I provided, lmao.

Let that sink in.

Follow the red t's

There's actually a massive amount of drama in that thread.

It's a shame that there was absolutely no way the OP could have lead us directly to it. Oh well.

Literally sorted by controversial, have you tried reading....

Ahh yes, the half-hearted hand job of drama posting

You'll have to pardon my lack of effort posting, I don't want to mod here.

That I can respect

Do you consider hipsters trying to out-progressive one another in an infinite cycle to be drama? Because if so there's plenty to go around.

Imagine being as retardred as OP.

Imagine being as retardred as OP.

My sides

She looks young as hell tho, like mid 30s. Black people age well damn.

she looks 18 damn i'd nut in that if u know what i mean

she looks 18 damn i'd nut in that if u know what i mean

R.Kelly slash /u/gallowboob , plz go and stay go tyvm

guess u don't know what i mean

Black don't crack

Black people and Asians have the best skin genes.

The titanic hit an iceberg. Let that sink in.

user reports:
1: more reddit than a reddit sucking it's own dick

You sunk his Titanic.

I am become autism, harvester of user reports.

So bringing up a fact is considered race baiting? So we are not to talk about the elephant in the room? So if I point out that the moon landing only happened 48 years ago what is that baiting. Realizing how an event from our past wasn't as far back as it seemed only helps us realize how far we have come in a short period of time. Maybe those that see it as race baiting feel some type of way about the lack of accomplishments in our society on this topic. In my opinion race baiting would be trying to either make a simple topic into a racial controversy (like many are doing here) or taking a fact that brings a particular race into light and skewing it to mean something bad (also something comments are doing).

There are stories that are relevant to our history and past, the same as the history or America or your family. Unfortunately not all are pleasant and pretty. It doesn't directly me but hell neither does all the shit we learn in school about all the white heroes of the world. However, it all teaches us about our culture and life in the past so that we can hopefully learn and grow.

"segregation didn't end as long ago as I wish it had" is not an elephant in any room

A question based on a discussion in my biology class

You must be new here

Hahahaha 😂 yes. Please enlighten me (no sarcasm intended). Short time lurker and even shorter posting. I have not had OC but have responded to post a handful of time and have gotten blasted so much I give up for another 3-4 months.

How about a safe space for white snowflakes who have a hard time coming to terms the fact that slavery existed? No minorities allowed as it might intimidate the snowflake. You good with that?

They're called fraternities.



ok but does no one see the penis nose? no one???!

Can we mod /r/gallowboob already?

You understand there's a difference between having some very limited social spaces for minorities and the centuries long systematic oppression of black people in this country.

/u/onelasttimeoh you understand there's a difference between having someone working for you as a slave and calling someone a nigger? The second one really so light and totally not harming for anyone.

I'm sorry, I'll say Basketball American from now own.

gallowboob sucks and so does this submission
