Counterpoint: lesbian weeaboo actually belongs here because she starts drama

35  2017-08-03 by lifesbrink


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Oi. I'll have you know I started fuck all drama.

the existence of women starts drama

source: helen of troy

That's very misogynistic.

honestly if anything it's misandric, it wasn't helen's fault all the men around her were idiots

what can i say men are fuckin DUMB

t. man

Why is it lesbians claim everything is misogyny? Have you been spending too much time at r/gendercritical again?

It was a joke made because of what started the other thread mate. Calm down, don't take everything too seriously.

The first rule of /r/drama is to make everything as dramatic as possible, sugar tits.

My tits are sandy thanks.

Mmmmmmm...pecan sandies.

You can go back even further to Eris.

Eve started all drama by eating that fucking apple.

tbf it all could have been easily avoided if God forbade them to eat the snake instead.

Snake was likely tastier, at that.

i like u

Why is this drama so stale? I can't fap to this.

try harder

Because it's the same shit you've already seen for years.

Reasonable Person: "Hey I'd like to see some more [something non-white male] in [something]"


The drama is boring as fuck and Smite is a bad game with bad devs.

This, but unTribesRonically

Old drama for anyone who wants a bit of context, there was an /r/Games thread somewhere where they explain the significance of everything.

That company has some issues.

I used to play Smite, but the endless server death was a pain in the arse. Was funny seeing their "esports" international cup final crash and need a server restart, and Incon blinking himself into a coma.

a weeb that likes fighting games, gook mmos, and plays a moba that is neither lol nor dota? good news guys, theres a 99% chance shes a girl (male), gl with the bussyhunt

Haha /u/BlaineLokihr "the voices I want are cool and logical, the voices you want are quota bullshit"

How delusional are you?

what are you talking about?

You really are that clueless?

Why is it ok that you want certain voices, but other people can't?

i had reasons as to why it would be cool.. the argument of "cause women" is not a good one.

And your reasons are valid and hers aren't because...? Oh right, because they're your reasons so of course you think they're good.

A+ drama starting

You gotta butter them up a bit, sadly this guy realized he was fucking retarded and ran away.

Who the fuck wants a male announcer anyway? Female voice is clearly superior in every way, both men and women prefer hearing a female voice over male, that's a fact.

More importantly, do lesbians weaboo watch Yuri anime (made for men) or yaoi anime (made for women)?

Lesbians don't like guys dude, that's the entire point.


But Yuri anime are for men and they're misogynistic/sessists/bigots!