I found a room for rent. Agendaposters welcome!

53  2017-08-03 by pepperouchau




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this bot is funnier than half of the posters here and that's fucking depressing

How can it be an /r/drama comment if it wasn't whining about brown, trans, and/or female people 🤔🤔🤔

t. SRDine

Gotta get them victim points




Ooh, sorry, I meant "femoids." Nice catch.



Hell, I'm a jew and I hate them. /s

(((Second.))) /U/lokichilde you want in on this?

Do people still rent rooms? I thought that was a depression era thing. And kids.

I don't think you can rent kids anymore


Fucking statists ruining my fun

That's why we need Ancapistan.

It's definitely still a thing. And most of the people that rent them are, I imagine, depressed. Not really. People pay far more for far less in places like New York and San Francisco.

I'm not an agendaposter, but can i rent it anyway? For a friend, ofcourse.

It seats two. Y'all can be roomies!

Thank God, i can't wait to finally die


Is that on a ship? A pirate ship? I'd be willing to live in that shithole if I could be a cool Somalian pirate.

Looks like a gas chamber to me

you can hear Glenn almost laugh at 0:42

It's a gas chamber for executions, but it was made from a WWI submarine

is a post about agendaposters an agendapost?

Silly question, but why are there two chairs?


Saving the gas bill.

Kind of cool and creepy, but I can't really tell what it is.

Prison? Torture chamber? Where we keep the r/drama mods hidden away?

It's where /u/AnnArchist was meant to be stored after the coup but when it failed, it was repurposed into the /r/drama mod summer house.

Posting from my lakehouse

You need to redo your bathroom famalam. That shit is nasty.

Can I have the one with the headrest?

I could probably get that for £700pcm in London.