Ongoing dispute over an island where hundreds of Native Americans were slaughtered. The city wants to give it back, but one of the wealthier citizens wants to buy it. There's been a huge feud via the local news.

14  2017-08-03 by tashibum


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Is "bussy" a typo?

Just leave

lots of pro native sentiment in the comments. can't wait to see all those people return their land to the indians

Well said, the Island belongs to the Wiyot!

Not a very multicultural thing to say. Nationalism leads to RacismTM , which leads to FacismTM .

Is this an antifa slogan?

Has antifa had any antics lately


Show me :)

they said a thing somewhere



Fascism is ok when brown people do it.

I just figured out a great way to make money. Someone should take some sort of lineage to the Indians that used to live on Manhattan. Then request a small piece of tribal land. Start a moral outrage and convince de Blasio it'd be racist not to give you that land. Then start a tax-free tobacco shop, which could sell cigs at less then half the local cost. It's a lucrative market; Eric Garner died doing that.

America should give their land back to the british