Black girls reeeee about people liking white bussy over black gussy

62  2017-08-03 by Randydandy69


This is why we need mayocide.


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Lmao it is!

I'm kidding. No. I wish though πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

But why can't you just accept that white women are the most aesthetic women around? They are God's cruelest creation.

I mean, I'm half white woman so maybe that explains why I'm so aesthetically pleasing πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

It'd explain why you're so vain

True πŸ€”

Half white you say? Time for the old King Solomon solution.

Hmm, but which half




I mean, I'm half white woman

There's your problem

Just rebrand yourself as "best of both" and the mayo and chocolate Americans will confess their love and dote after you.

Or become a furry, our motto is, "There's always room in the furpile for one more."

Nahh. Even white guys prefer Persian/Middle-Eastern and Hispanic chicks source: they reply more to those ethnic groups and rate them higher on dating sites.

That's Sherry Palmer.

It's Will Smith.

liking white busy over black gussy

I must confess, I'm guilty.

Black women are the least desired by every race

haha keep saying that white boy u wish u had a nubian goddess like me πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ


amen brother, alt righters don't know the heavenly feel of fucking a black chick while she calls you massa

As a virginal neckbeard neither do i, but i like to imagine it's pleasant


Reversing white genocide with your penis? Godspeed.

Per angusta ad augusta!

Southern 1800 plantation role play is the best BDSM role play for threesomes with two black girls. One of them is the house hand and the other is a field hand. They both get abused, in different ways, and abuse each other. The house hand gets to whip the field hand, but the field chokes the house in her sleep. You rape them both.

A new one for the bucket list, thanks.

Jesus, this is so fucked up but hot

Remember the days when you could be happy with just a bare bottom spanking?

The field hand dominates the house hand because she's tougher, but he dominates the field more than the house because she's more oppressed; naturally, the field wants to abuse the house even more, and in turn house asks the massa nicely to punish the field.

Something like that, I dunno

Lmfao. You got me at the neckbard part.

I don't like black chicks and I'm no alt righter. I just find them unattractive, kind of how some people like pugs and other do not. They cannot control their black, and I cannot control the fact I dislike their generally wide an overly voluptuous features, rigid hair and really, really dark skin.

Going to the extremes to describe somebody sounds pretty idiotic. Do you think East Africans are white?

Do you think Colombians are tan?

I never mentioned nationality. Just the black look. Did I hit a nerve or are you just sensitive to the blunt description? This is the generalized feature set of the mean black person. There are always outliers.

I only described it in detail to give context to why I dislike it, as a feature specific thing rather than "because they are black".

sounds like u dont like a particular type of black girl. they're not all curvy, thick hair, really dark skin lol

I just said I don't like the mean. There's more features that I don't like.

Its mostly the face + hair that kills me. I cant deal with the big lips wide nose look

overly voluptuous feature

If you aren't attracted they aren't "voluptuous".

A fat white bitch is a black mans kryptonite.

I don't think you know what kryptinote means, dude-o

So are bills.

And fatherhood

i actually find black women waaay more attractive physically. but their gussy smell puts me off. like too metal-ly

I cannot identify or choose to be anything other than what I am

Tell Michael Jackson that

Another thought on the cotton ceiling: I've never heard of another oppressed group talk about how their oppression hinges on people not sleeping with them.

Don't we have a "It's racist to have dating preferences" post about every month?

There's also fat activists doing similar shit, from what I recall.



the cotton ceiling

Has to be satire

Ah my sweet summer child

As an Australian I face the spoidah ceiling every day.

'cotton ceiling' sounds pretty fucking racist to me too. Progressives never cease to surprise me.


Still believing you can be racist against mayos

Keep Yourself Safe

Lol I saw a post calling for the mayocide and couldn't stop laughing.

I wish.

What does it even mean?

Trans women are upset that lesbians are big into trans rights, but don't want to go sleep with them. Trans women are upset that heterosexual men don't want to sleep with them either, but heterosexual men don't read queer theory magazines, so they don't flog themselves over their sexual preferences.

It creates some of the finest drama you can find. This post from /r/actuallesbians has some great reading material as lesbians shame each other into liking dick.

TFW I come out as lesbian and my parents are OK with it only to have a bunch of men in dresses screeching that I should have to fuck them anyway.


You have been made a mod of /r/GenderCritical.

> black person

> whether they are brunette or blonde


Well, Melanesians could be used as an example of black people with blonde hair.

My parents are both black and my little sister has dark brown hair instead of black hair, although it may have something to do with my grandmother being mixed.

She's likely referring to mixed race people though. I've noticed a lot of redditors would consider bi-racial people black even if they're like three quarter white, which is odd to me, but I don't know if it's an american thing.

Reddit is so weird about race....

Tru tbh

so diverse lol

this shit is so stale

we need something big to happen to save us like a trump assassination or some new flavor of doritos or maybe a riot in Chicago or maybe an assassination of donald trump or a new brand of jeans or a third war in the middle east or someone kill trump I dont even know what I'm saying I just be confused

Trump being killed would be very bad, because in death people get forgiven.

Removed as President and arrested would be the best for drama. The shops of him being marched away in cuffs would be endless, the hysteria would be beyond the pale.

I come to bury Trump, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones; So let it be with Trump. Β 

If a white person doesn't want to date black people, I can't think of anything more objectifying than dating a black person to make them your tool on your journey for self-improvement.

This is going to get a lot of mileage.

Cotton ceiling? What the actual fuck, it's like the verbal oppression Olympics, oh wait it's just gender critical.

ive heard about blacks and velcro cealings, but cotton is a new one

"cotton ceiling" is the term trans people have given to lesbians refusing to fuck them because they're men.

refers to "cotton" in tampons which trannies can't use because they're fucking men, for god's sake

I think the "cotton" is about the lesbian panties (which are a barrier the trannies aren't allowed to pass).

i think it's about cotton picking, the blacks are going back to their roots

It is.

The lady (if you wish to call her that) that coined the term was a porn star and she is post-op so there's actually less of a stigma with her.

He still looks like a man.

Holy shit, I thought it meant black women were still trapped proverbially cotton picking on the plantation.

/u/Shotgunshine__ I unironically agree.

I don't do bussy but I don't have jungle fever either. I think those are good preferences to have.

/u/shotgunsunshine_ post this somewhere that will start drama. Like why even post to gender critical? Boring as fuck.

Cotton ceiling

Hahahaha what the fuck

Did you know that, for every scissoring a real lesbian earns, trans only merit 72 feet of rope?

Right on the money. Another thought on the cotton ceiling: I've never heard of another oppressed group talk about how their oppression hinges on people not sleeping with them.

Took me less than 15 seconds

I have a preference for red eyes, white dick, and black bussy. It's why I'm a virgin, I never meet someone who meets my preferences.

and black bussy.

You mean you have a preference for AIDs and HIV. No one in their right mind is gona fuck you after that.

In some inbred african populations, black albinos are quite frequent.

Hold my AIDS cocktail, I'm going to Africa.

I feel like I'm seeing a lot (statistically) of black albinos in France. But then again, in some countries they kill them for their organs (they litteraly believe they're magic) so makes sense they'd move to Europe.

Persecution of people with albinism

Persecution of people with albinism (sometimes abbreviated PWA) is based on the belief that certain body parts of albinistic people can transmit magical powers. Such superstition is present especially in some parts of the African Great Lakes region, it has been promulgated and exploited by witch doctors and others who use such body parts as ingredients in rituals, concoctions and potions with the claim that their magic will bring prosperity to the user (muti or medicine murder)

As a result, people with albinism have been persecuted, killed and dismembered, and graves of albinos dug up and desecrated. At the same time, people with albinism have also been ostracised and even killed for exactly the opposite reason, because they are presumed to be cursed and bring bad luck. The persecutions of people with albinism take place mostly in Sub-Saharan African communities, especially among East Africans.

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That sub reminds me of incels

When has gender critical ever been wrong tho?

this but unironically.

I wasn't being ironic

Nor is he claiming that

Black girls are gross.



no do it

I've won the genetic lottery no way I'm gonna throw it all away. What if I died and was reincarnated as a negro I'd have to kill myself twice.

There is literally no way you won the genetic lottery and are posting on drama

Get your story straight honcho

There is literally no way you won the genetic lottery and are posting on drama

What about me tho?

Your genes are just light years superior* to most drama posters and I don't even need to look at you my darling. <3

*for a Irish

Ty Stacy

Btw what kind of Amerifat are you? Dago, chocolate face, latinx, generic mayo?

I should probably know since you are my future wife and all.

I'm a pretty generic mayo (ugh gross I know). I did an ancestry tracker thingy to please my mom and I'm apparently mainly ethnically British, irish, and Scandinavian with a lot of other shit mixed in. Are we enemies now because I'm a Brit? 😈

I like to tell people im 1/8 Comanche tho as is tradition among my people

Ofc not honey buns, tho we may have to discuss some reparations πŸ˜™

Oh my 😢😘

Yes. But does that make them less fuckable?

could've tried

For those of you who don't want to read all of u/shotgunshine__'s post, I can summarize it:


That is all.

Thank God for this sub, honestly. There are very few people in my life that understand and/or agree with me on this subject.

Oh honey, there might be a reason for that

Is it mainstream to compare dating a WoC to dating someone that is transgendered? She makes it seem like it's a daily issue for her.