Zoophiles badmouth /r/Drama (between two mouthfuls of dog penis).

48  2017-08-04 by IAintThatGuy


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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And that's how they end up fucking dogs! Snappy has them figured.

How on earth does anyone find r/subredditdrama itself remotely entertaining. It serves no purpose at all beyond stealing the thought labor of the bootlickers who document the drama that occurs on this "site"

I laugh my butt off at /r/subredditdrama all the time since my hubby showed me

Someone who substitutes "butt" for "ass" and also uses "hubby". I think we all know the type.

I wonder if /u/throwwwawaygurl says hubby when she really means her dog? Yeah, I browsed through /r/zoophilia.

sensible chuckle

/u/thelongestusernameee, which post was it?

/u/ThrowwwayGurl, you claim to have a hubby, if that's the case why do you fantasize about being fucked by animals? Does your hubby not do it for you?

look ma, im on tv

...do you only get off to thoughts of your so?

I think that one might be weirder.

Well...no, but I don't get off on thoughts of animals either.


You understand this isn't a situation where you are forced into having to do one or the other though, right?


You understand that zoophilia is abnormal though, right?


Nothing I said should have implied to you I think otherwise. This is what I'm talking about.

Nah, it's definitely not weirder. I have a female friend who was like that - pathologically faithful, I call it - but no it's much less weird than fucking animals, or fantasizing about that.

This just in: Zoophiles prefer SRD over drama. Now you know what kind of sick fucks browse there.

Deep down I always knew it, but now we have proof.

If they're into animals it's not really a stretch that they'd be into SRDines.

Scalies are kinda gross, tbh.

This is the real bigotry of the furries.

Scales are just as good if not better than furs.

You gonna hate on shark tits next?

Yeah, it's 'Animal Farm' all over again - "Two legs good. Four legs bad."

Please take notes /r/zoophilia.

Why must people hate on Lamias and Sharkgirls? Scaly girls deserve love too!

The difference between a zoophile and the typical SRD poster is zoophiles get laid.

Well that was boring...and now /r/zoophilia is in my browsing history. Dick.

It wasn't already? Are you some kind of sex negative freak?

When it comes to dog fucking? 100%

But what if it's a 900yo demon woman in the body of a dog?

Well see, that's different.

/u/ThrowwwayGurl :

"/drama is a cancerous pile of fetid sewage"

Bitch, look at your fucking post history. You're a "gender questioning" World of Warcraft-addicted shut in who's literally fucked her dog and finds dogs sexy. Your whole life is a cancerous pile of fetid sewage. The fact that a man would actually marry you is the best argument for misandry I've ever heard. Fucking kill yourself. The puppers of the world would be better off you dog rapist.

Second tranny zoophile in like 2 days.

I love some tasty drama as much as any other autist, but Jesus fucking Christ, it's hard for even a sperg like me to laugh at someone who molests their dog.

Trannies are always the worst advertisement for trannies

Yeah every time you say something negative about trannies, they always have like 4 famous examples who pass, and are articulate. Then the rest are basically Chris Chan but think they're Laverne Cox.

You do realise that there are cis men on that sub too, right? Why are you okay with cis men molesting animals but not trans women?

When boys and girls won't touch ya, they force themselves on their pets. Absolutely disgusting

It was the natural extension of cutting off a dogs balls and forcing it to hang out with you when no one else will, we just had to reach the loneliness threshold for these dog fackers to get to work.

couldn't have said it any better. keep yourself safe

I prefer intense BDSM sex with goats, so that way they stay still so I can mount them

username checks out

/u/ThrowwwayGurl would be a fucking tranny wouldn't it.

I hope you get your feminine penis ripped off by one of the dogs you rape.

I just want to know what breed u/ThrowwwayGurl's husband is....we talking husky? Doberman? Pitbull?

I only support zoophilia if it's with healthy and awake tigers. I think a tiger would let the potential rapis....sexual partner know if they were not happy with the sex. Same with bears, sex with bears is ok because the bear can kill them if it's not down for that kind of sick fuckery.

Exactly. That's my point for trannies who want to lie about who they are : try it on a full grown man with a temper, tell me how smart you feel after.

Do crocodiles counts? Unbound of course.

If there is one thing I will never regret in life, it's not caring what a person who let's animals fuck them thinks of me.

I'm not in to Kink Shaming, Having said that.

u/ThrowwwayGurl Please stop having sex with dogs you sick fuck.

Didn't know this Sub even existed and now I'm more triggered than a white knight in a sex ed class.

Is being disgusted by humans raping nonconsenting animals kink shaming? I don't think so.

but r/drama is just teenage boys whining about social justice and making fun of people different than themselves

Actually I'll have you know I'm only 12

I like this comment

You are just making shit up it's so obvious you have never actually taken more than a cursory glance at the subreddit. The entire point of the subreddit is it's anti both sides. Every post about something in the donald calls them trumptards and donnie fanboys. Every post about SJWs talks about legbeard hamplanets. There is literally no agenda on /r/Drama. Spend more than 3 seconds actually reading the titles and you will realize half of them insult a group of people while actually satirizing the group of people that make fun of that group. Overuse of (((echoes))) to mock people who use them etc.

you fell for a classic pasta u/--kaiser you fucking dumbass

you fell for a classic pasta u/---kaiser you fucking dumbass

Yea I'm a dumbass I admit it. I didn't realize the first part was also a pasta, thought it was the drama.

He managed to be the dumbest person in a sub full of dog fuckers.

We might suck but at least we don't suck dog dick

/u/SCP_2547 1 point 2 minutes ago You mean a doggie fondler?

Sounds a lot like kiddie diddler