Drama about dog fucking in r/Shoplifting

71  2017-08-04 by the_black_panther_


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Stealing a dog from an "abusive situation", to very probably rape it afterwards. Poor animal.

Out of the fryer, into the sex dungeon.

I wouldn't want to make anyone choose, which is why my sex dungeon has a fryer.

I'm glad there are some pragmatic serial rapists out there.

You are a person of forethought. I wish I had that because my sex dungeon only has a microwave and 3 packets of top ramen with their flavor packets removed.


Fuck if I know. I threw my dick around all over the place, could be.

You're not getting any money from me.

Stealing cats is a big no-no over there, though.

Gotta have rules, I guess.

Heh, yeah. I actually got banned over there for that.

rape it afterwards.

It sounds like the dog was fucking them, not sure I consider that rape.

I know we get into the "animals can't consent" argument when talking about a guy fucking his horse or w/e, but if the animal is performing the action of licking some balls or doing the fucking, isn't that a form of consent?

user reports:
1: Hey the girl who got in those fights with Jewdank is back, Whitney?

Pretty sure Whitney Wisconsin is going to prison, fam.

I have to pretend I don't know anything about that.

That rule is just for the people who go onto the sub and try preach to the shoplifters, no?

Thanks for screenshotting so we don't get something truly degenerate like /r/Shoplifting in our internet histories.

I enjoy doggy dick. Get over it.


user reports:
1: If this isn't made into a bot quote, I'm bussycotting the mods.

Umm. Good?

No one will believe me, but I did not send that report. I could never partake in a "bussycott." I love bussy too much.

With that being said, this should be a bot quote.

Seriously is it puppy rape day on Reddit?

/u/motherfuckingjesusfu Real talk how does the dogfucking work exactly? Do you put your dong in the dog's ass or does he put it in your bussy? I'm usually enraged by animal rape but now I'm becoming more #woke about man-pooch love


The hell is with all of this animal fucking all of a sudden today?

Two instances of Animal Fucking on /Drama in one day. What in the hell.

Pretty average Friday tbqfhmf

Apparently when the guy who posts socialist BS leaves this is what left.

Not worse.

I can start posting socialist bs if you like

Pls no.

I'm guessing humans and animals have fucked for a very long time. At least as long as humans started to domesticate animals.

I think what's changing is the stigma is decreasing, and the internet lets people talk about stuff anonymously they wouldn't otherwise. So it looks like an increase, but it's just more noticeable than it was before, probably.

It's a really sobering thought man, humans have just been doing tons of fucking weird shit for thousands of years man what the fuck.

The hell is with all of this animal fucking all of a sudden today?

Gay Marriage + Tranny Acceptance = Dog fucking becoming normal.

I didn't believe Rick Santorum either. In my eyes, dude went from hilarious lunatic to tragic prophet over the last few years.

moderates /r/Justfuckmyshitup along with /u/PM_ME_YIFF_PICS and /u/lupusfur

i think it's safe to say all mods on jfmsu are dogfuckers.

can confirm

lawwwwwd have mercy.

i do enjoy a bit of zoo porn now and again so won't judge.

i don't have interest in rl animals i'm just super gay for drawn animals jerking off

if animals irl could talk and give consent yeah i'd probably fuck one

you need some sort of pill for your thoughts

Preferably cyanide.

yeah prob


you know it

Dogfucking is so in right now.

Hitler was right.

Shitty people complaining about other shitty people? Welcome to Reddit (or at least r/drama).


so the fact that you were calling the other user an "ASPCA shill" is extremely odd

Has to be satire.

If a dog wants to fuck someone,

Da fuq.