Slices fly in minuscule tiny local subreddit /R/IOWA when one Iowan dares to argue that gas station pizza isn't the best pizza in the world.

10  2017-08-04 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


This, but unironically.


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What in the fuck is Gas Station Pizza?

You buy pizza at a Gas Station? Where is this third world country?


Makes Sense.

Low life meth heads do, yeah. Civilized Iowans go to a pizza parlor like Happy JoesTM

Try the JoGert it's so creamy!


Keep Yourself Safe

This isn't the /r/iowa hugbox you're used to.

Relax, you're from Iowa aswell. You can't be much better than him.

I assure you, I've blasted many woodland creatures in the face with buckshot while hunting. I'm just fine and signfiicantly better human being than /u/SfGiantsPanda

Wow is this how you always spend your time?

When I'm not slaying cucks in /r/shitriowasays or laying out facts in /r/the_iowa yes

"Slaying cucks"

Do you also frequent T_D?

Yep I'm a mod there on my other account.

You may have heard of it in the lore of /r/iowa ?

Ian Patrick?

never heard of Ian Patrick or your second Reddit account


That's far from my 2nd account. Like 400th

Do you do anything besides this? Just wondering.

Yes, this is just what I do while I'm being paid by the hour

Ok you're arguing with yourself, I'm convinced you two are the same person.

No, I firmly believe when trolling never to go full retard. So I couldn't impersonate /u/SfGiantsPanda

Post Bussy and Move along.

My bussy brings all the boys to the yard

Better in the same way that Trump is Better than Clinton.

You're Still both trash.

At least Iowa went Red for Trump

Ya, So did Kansas.

Yeah but they just Carry on like a wayward Son. Iowa went for Barrack and now Trump.

I find Hy-Vee pizza exceeds expectations

Tolerable and better than Casey's ... Not saying much IMO

Don't knock it till you try it.

Honestly at this point they are a pizza parlor with a gas station attached, not the other way around.

That extra flavor is the urinal cake, the guy who made the dough forgot to wash his hands after he cleaned up the bathroom

Man that's all based on fact I bet.

My kids worked at Casey's when they were in their teens (little else to do in rural Iowa) and I assure you it's more accurate than you could ever imagine

It's basically Somalia to be honest. Never go there.

It may however be the best pizza in Iowa.

Nope not by a long shot. Iowa isn't huge but it's not Nebraska either. We have decent sized towns with pizza places that have been open for decades and know how to make a decent pie.

A gas station counter is not one of them

Your state is nothing compared to Nebraska. Worst state in the damn union, every time I cross into Iowa I feel like I've crossed into West Virginia.

We should build a wall to keep Iowans out of our glorious state.

Also our corn is better.

Nebraska is a fucking shitehole

Hunt's brothers pizza is really fkn good

My dad joke was to always call that Cunt Brothers Pizza.

What gives you the right

You be quiet back there or I'll give you a right -----

--- and a few lefts too!

Ok that was pretty good tbh

breakfast pizza

Amerifats were a mistake